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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... HANDSOME BAY MARE FOR SALE. 110 be SOLD,-A very handsome BAY :hIA RE, ftive years old, quiet to rider and drive. Lowest price 251. Apply to AMr. Edward Nabin, the Hornet, Chichesler. f W~7ANTED immediately,-A respectable YOUNG :MAN, in the GROCERY and PRovIsiox r Apply C. B. Post-offics, Chichester. TO PARISH CLERKS, &c. A GOOD BoNus WILL BE GivEN. ?? REGISTER of AlARRIAGE WVY of JOHN or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wills ?? 1lVT N CES | ILL be RUN or Soberon Down (by permnission), V on Thursday, 29th April, 1852. The STEWARDS' STAKES, of Five Sovereigns each, with £20 added. Beats one mile and a half. Three years old, 9st.- fours, 10st. 4ibs.; fives, I st. 21bs * six and aged, list. 8lbs. The Winner to-be sold for 801. by auction, immede ately after the race, and the surplus, if any, to go to the fund. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EULYETT AND DIGANCE'S HAT AND CAP fe WAREHOUSE, Su 129, Quecn-street. Portsea. (if ELLYETT and DIGANCE announce to their On _ 'Friends and the Public their return from the all London and Parisian lilarkets. where they have made pu extensive Ipurchases in BEAVER, FRENCH, and Et VELVET NAPP'D HATS, CAPS, &c. embracing ant ,every novelty in style and shape adapted to the present to season the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOSS OF H. Al. STEAM1 FRIGATE t BIRRENHEAD. T a SPECIAL MEETING of the TOWN COUNCIL of the Borough of Portsmouth, con. vened by the Mayor, in pursuance of a Requisition for that purpose. and held at the Council Chamber, on Sa- eurday, the 10tb day, of April, 1852: * Moved by T. E. Owen, Esq. seconded by Mr. Gait, and resolved unanimously, That this Council having heard with the deepest asrrow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RO0YAL CLARENCE MV(TUALLING YARD, NEA~t tiZISPORT. 6 pi,15.I 11t Ari, ll~2. FA I OTICE is hereby ?? on ThfURSDA'v dow N th~e 229d Inateant, I shall be rwadyi to receive Poti tenderg in wr'iting, sealed uep, and treat for AM 1000 Quarters of W HEAT, to weigh 601 pounds per the bushel, Overweight to be paid for ; half to be Fl delivered it, a fortnight from the day of Contract, Fi and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uin Ido I to NOTICE. of an LL Persons having claims on the ESTATE of Fi .hat 2 L the late Mr. Thomas Ruabridge, of Sidlediam, jDI Siveasset, farmer, deceased, are requested forthwith to urnl send the arnountof their claims, andall persons indebted o ons to the estate, are requested to pay the amount of their P to ?? of Sidlebham, builidr, the iew nld ,xecutor of the deceased Wi late TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by THE ROYAL NAVAL BENEVOLENT has :: SOCIETY (late Charitable.)MI in E next QUARTERLY'JM1EETING of this IL of T SOCIET ,instituted 1739, for afflording relief High. io to. Officers (being Subscribers) of the Royal' Navy, their room, neP Widows and Families, under circumstrances of mirsfor- bledro Sedl tune and consequent distress, 'will be held at the and a Thatched House Tavern, St. James's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Foreign and British Silk and 1Shawl Warehouse. rG EORGE TURNER and SONS have the honour to announce their RETURN from PARIS and l LONDON. 70, Queen.street, .Portsea. CLOTHING AND *OUTFITTING ESTABLISHS'MENT, t HHIGH STREET, PORTSMOUTH. F C. SELJBY, begs-to announce his return from iJ 5 London, with a Large Stock of the Newest and Best GOODS that can be urocured for summer use. r In the Naval ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTUALLING YARD, NA :: o: ?? -61h April, 1858 -TOTICE isheey otTU8A q IN the b2-2nd Instant5 I shka! be ready to receive cd edesinawriting, seated-sip, and treat for, 1001) Quarteys ot oJVifEAT. to, weigh Gi pounds per q bu'5hel, overweight to be paid for halt to be delivered it, a fortnight from the day of' Caotract, r, and the remanthder in n fortnight ?? be p~sid for by' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THE BLECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF t: MPORTSMOUTH. . GENTLEMEN, T has been, my wish to call on every Elector in the fo. course of my Canvass; but in so large a number, th and with so many removals, unintentional omissions moost have occulred. I beg to express my regret for any wi sec acienalmitakes. In ?? mY- gelf of this occasion, to return lo all my rteu tak efor the kind & friendly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e a- + PIANO-FORTES. the W PIANO-FOATES, with latest improve- c s N ments. warranted in every repfct equal to Broad. a wood or Collard, and at half their prices. LUg- Art Elegant and Brilliant-toned COTTAGE, ir, rose- try. wood, 35 guineas; ditto ir Zebra wood. 32 guineas.-' 0 i3 An excellent Piccolo in Rosewood, 15 guineas; several trce others at low prices. per To be seen at Coles' Mfusic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to WOOD GOODS. .er X OW Discharging, exc Thowaldse Minde, a Cargo ofI £NW. E. Beat and Second Red and White Chris. od tiana DEALS, BATTENS, and FIREWOOD., . )l- Daily Expected.-The Cort Sinerlsen Adeler, with d P.and Co.I.Red and White Xarna Deals and Battens, a-sawn to various thicknesses. Also, the Hans Chreinina, from Darntzic, with Tiinber, - us Deals, ?? Latbwood.' he T1I Amati, from ...