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Advertisements & Notices

... 'if2 ALLAN bogs rcspectfully to inltimate to her Friends I, ild thTPablic, that shoe wvill givo a CONCERT in the M'j CoUYTV ROOM5S, 0n tlo Evening of TIunSDAY tho 15tlx April, n wtbch ocosionl Mr BAKER, anld Mr LATTER, have kindly ledred their valuable assistance.' p s to be opened at half past 7; Concert to commence at 8~cklct and Programmes to be had of Mr MARR, WOOD & CO., B: le of tlho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHITE AND HUTCHEON R ESPECTFULLY annousee the return of one of the Firm from the Markets, and that they have commenced show- |r ing throughout tho Departmcnts a q Display of New Goods. S In making this announcemoet, AV. & H. would obscrve that they are holders of a very largo Stock, and derive all the bone- fits of buying dircet from the Manufacturers upon the best weholesale terms. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tr-EETING of TURNPIKE TRUSTEES for a A ABr-Dqsll 1 will be held within tisO COUirT- E~qi. j L A~berdoi,01 FltIDAY theo l~thl day of April 110Xt, atl pobSE Aherd0cl, ;dn t2l1n TOLL-DUTIES loviablo at tlio 110cokforellOI',l II CIc p^pXS en the Lincs of RoLd aftermonitioned, are to T resil A Tick by public roup), Al for tile poeiod of One Year, . t4 ni2fl fool of tho.26th of Slay lext. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItiYre TA P A LA CE.- BULLGI OE fe) otepblic LVERY DAY Satrda. n wichda th ?? Shifling vchcl peecn.-~tr W.T. BST illperorma selection of itACEED MUSI onthe RAN ORGN, n SAURIAY NEXT, from 3 till iT S e'loe.-N~3. ridy net, ?? Frday, the kbuildlr~g will I C RYSTAL PALACE. -SUBSCRIPTIONS in %-/AID of the movement now being made to RETAIN the C CRYSTAL PALACE will he received at the London and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HERE IS YOUR REMEDY! 11OLLOWAY'S 0INT.MENT.- A 310ST MI1RACULOUS CURE OF BAD LEGS, AFTEt di3 TEARS' SUFFERING. Extract from a Letter fromt lMr. Williamn Gairpin, of 70, ,Saint Afary's Street, l~eymouth, doted layo 15/z,,18651. To Professor Holloway.-Sir,-At the age of IS my wife (who is now 61) caught a violent; cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since that time they have been more or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. FREEHOLD AND COPYHOLD LAND, AT CASTLE DONINGTON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Meesrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD. (By Orer Of the Mortgagee under Powers of Sale,) At the House of Mr. Henry Ball, the KiNo'S HEAD INN, in Castle Donington aforesaid, On TUESDAY, the 20th day of April instant, at Six o'clock in the Evening, in one or more Lots as may be agreed upon at the time of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I NE Awrt MANUJFACTUZ(E.-HoBssr. IF LKING10tN ocid Ci. rusy~ctfouy Pollolt the attenation of tbaC obitlty, Oewtvy. Ainiatourm, Mirtite, and others interested In the avte'i i IT Ilritioli A Manufaticture~ to thtir irctocosing COILECIOX'lN of ST1A'IttTKIVi VAII*4, &O., 8cc., Pblhiieiwd Lie. clusively bay theorn Iri hit o, rliter-, 141it Ooli, from Ihe antique and beleot works uf modern ortisto, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NV 0 TL I CE. I NTIMATION IS HEREBY GIVEN, thant Ir ALEXANDER XDINGWALI ofR-ONNIESTON, Heir of Enitil in posseosion of tho Lands and Estate of RANPIZ1ESTON and Others, in the Parish an: of Logie-Brielean, and Connty of Abordeen, has presented a Pe- tition to thle Lords of Counncil and Session (First Division, Ir Lindsay, Clock), in terms of the Acts 5th Goo. IV., cap. 87, en- titled 1 An Act ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rinSE Rev. Dr. GANDLI of Edinbur b, will 1 pREACTI in IhePRESBSY IlAN CREtURCH, sroiveinr o i 54Uare (Rev. Mir. Mluuro s), TO- BR~OWY (Thursday) evening, at V seven o'clock. ?? ?? nANH ES TER11 BOTANICAL AND ii-HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY--EASTER WEEK, 1852, The SOCIETY'S GARDENS nfferd, wvill be OPEN tor tbre public, daily, during the /~o of -EASTER WEEKi, from a eleve to cix o clock, at the a ch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A STRtALIAN LINE, OF PACKET SHIPS, for SYDNEY Direct, and Rtegular Traders for VAN DIEMEON'S AND, PORT FHILLIP, SOUTR AUST1IALIA, &a.-Thoesesplan. d14 ships elro all of the first chim have moat elegant accommodations jo, passengers, and enagements will be given for their days of sailing. urihe, . Command ar,.n. To gail. T1L0OIAS LOWIty 900 E. b'letelber.. Tart -Phillip. Mar _1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (Corn Market, 28d of Third Month, 1852). WEBB AND :COMPANY'S T T CELEBRATED EBLANA SHIRT- Cut by Machinery, is a combination of all the recent Improvements in Shirt Cutting, and will be found the best Shape hitherto invented. Our NEW ShIOULDERR AISB is designed to prevent gathering in bf t, t s well adapted to the Shape of the Body. I I Gentlemen wishing to pur UhajPSH 1 ady made or to order, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF TIM1 B ORO U GH 0 F B E LFAST. GENTLEMEN-AT THE INSTANCE OFr an influential body of Independent Electors, I r come forward to solicit your suffrages at the approaeh ing Election, for the high honour of representing you I in the new Parliament. t I feel sensible of the boldness of the step, but I be- lieve I can urge, as claims for support, some qualifican. r tions for ...