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Advertisements & Notices

... go -. ,. r i be LOT. ?? arp hshotel -psy~~ r to Mr RdE U.poulu neghv*6U P~l ylieitter, addressed H 5, r Mercury-offie. e rV0 br Ll;E 5a 1Pit-1c Brc-odEebo po-W a~ Is tty rt uated iS ~ i- clsote ite-p hant. ?? LET, in ab drt nebolrougbflsre, adjoining Church- r~i s treet a consmodloutlJiOUEandiiSHOP, with good ellar- JL1i ?? by letter, addressed ?i D, Mercury-office. furnits T be kXT or 80LD, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... will nd ?? jad osiotomY aembine~d at MR. !A30 ~~EILIC are 1AJ E S' SA E So( 47,Moorate trcet,.London, 16th January, 1852. t - MILNER v. HARRISON. t p Sa Bia-y My letters from home I find the defendant a thourlhi~t ftto exhibit the following placad ?? Elec thic fsrn.Patent Safes ChiancerygThs fayl ifferp.HMar- eni 1Tn W idgmenrt for Defendant. Tiiumph of IThnn'a Patent I I .ieslS aper aom to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? el 11131 O TH lOET0A(MQEA1 TOF 1 bnSATB 401X113 ISIT?. By tR55RR OF TI'S BY MR. I LIUNqG, on Tnssday, the 13th instant, at One o'clock in the afternoon, at thle Ciiarendon-roclss, South John-street, Livorpool, sub- Ject to thle conditions of sale, and in the following or such other lot or lots as may be agreed upon at the time and place HE LICENSED INN or HOTEL 1known by T the name of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPOND ENTS. wer E. A.-We should thin;k notC but yoa 7nzay tpply at th a Town-haUl. J. G.-A ireswure of latter pretented U6 giving a notid of mt the proceeditnye referred to. ch AI Agent.-We cannot answor the quetton, as put. You Ch h01betr eom.utt an a ttorney. n hM. D. b The /1et stnten& e mnay be correct, but it is inelegant. Sh The second, 'Ido be4otred,' i ineoi'niet ands ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIONCERT-HALL LORD NELSON-STREET. ATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, S WITH LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONS. & To-MORROW (SAtUDAY) EVsNINO, the 10th instant, MR. GALLAHER, (The celebrated eolo-dramatic Ventriloquislt), Will give hie celebrated Entertainment! In the three acts, with all hsis psraphleyilia of Seenery and ?? in which he will dieplay various astonlebing VOCAL AND TRlANSFOIIATIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtnfteW ,ftaI*t~se ?? Mr Th i Tieh Rate of Chi ef Cabin Peeesge bI, these Statemers ba T'hr Tdrtip, Porcrids, Fa~n NOTICE TO SHIPE .-h Baeof Freight by these NWOTICE Vessels-will not exceed £4 per ton during the Winter Win months. Mont PARCELS for different Consignees, collected and made up In Cargo f Single Packages, addressed to one party for delivery in Ane- Husk rica, for the purpose of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *COOD FRIDAY. ' 'This Day being Good Friday, our ?? p ?? be closed at Eleven o'clock in the morning; but the. t .ieirary wvill be on sale, the whole of the day, at.the following places Arnold's, Soutlh John-trect; P igh's, Titbebarn-stroet; ltealrne3's, 413, Dalu-strotet Brets 157, Great lHowaxl- c john Loe~,r.Post-0fi'co, liruns- ste and 33, Oldhall'street.; wick-road ' RehO5s', post-ofilco,' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10 rt rie w as ry of of 311 of id )s- hie Ise wrs it- :a- ?? ds .se ir- ~or 11- of by of fi- ,re ?ry ur tas tat 1Y in on A ,Ss ,rs to- ?d, Ad to ce is it- S)) ad ea Ve 9 of he )n a g- he .m er Ea Id as 18, es ly Vu Id A er ,h It St, a-a W t leI St of id De le re An ed he Ve xt OfI to he ?ed ily vit VD- LIS, DS. trd th- ig, D. Id, rk- W. by, tes ;he rho ers L Of be th- iaw eet M ,hn bt. uld -ht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRODIE ON DEBILITY, THE CAUSES OF PREMATURE -Illustrated withi DaEsCLINE, &C. Cases and numerous Coloured Engravings. 3let Edition, (in an envelope), price is., free hy post is. 6d., ITHE SE CRET COMPANIONa A .eicl Esa cr0se5, bywicteatrbtso nod are subverted ere maturity is attained; with a commentary on the duties and obli gations of matrimorly, and the impediments which disqualify for this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STIVENS:S ORIGINAL GREEN GINGER WINEI PATRONISED BY ROYALTT.-The snnrior~ity ?? STIVENS'S 'ORIGINAL EE aINGERInoesN Emaanedfortin ahost of imitations. ThieiEN kas met tha approval of the faculty, who pronorance it the best British Cordial extant It Is ppared with ingredients in the ' greatest perfection. A Ostio ef cessary to lprevent Observe the name, Stivens vle ~e the ineck of eachA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rNITARIAN IIIAPE',STRANGEWAYS 1) (near the Iron Big.-.rECTURE by the Rev. Dr, K T1 jO.MORROWu EVENZ ~G.--Subjeet: Chriet's teach. ue loger,4apech the is sne or ?? present life.- Service, corn- trr 19'Ero at half-past Six. a ~- ERev' Dr. RAFFLES, of Liverpool, Wivil preach at RICHM0141,CHAPEL, Lower Broughton r TaSelford, on Sunday, Agal~h 1852; in the morning at -1a tenand in the evein tthlf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FI B E LET f'a /l~ id Commodious Js TL SHIPPING WARE cI~ t vry convenience for s ?? BoxM, 46312 edacheater. Vf4 BE LET, the WLo ~art of a Latrge forn I-ighted WAEO~)1ge street, ne arh ed S ?? -Apply to J. L~u~l-J -gestreet, t Peter's. io R% OOMS and POWER TOAE- LET, in the New k. J% Building, the BritanniaWp 90~T~1%, Cwe.The rooms JjN are beautifully, lighted and ?? p to WILLIAM toMUR ahnso h ...