Advertisements & Notices

... SALE BY AUCTION. Large and Valuable Estate ill thle county of Argyll, Cor O,1, Whole or in Lots.-Thcre will be exopoe to PULI AL In a farther considerably reduced upset prci ?? ~ and BLACK'S Rooms, No. 45, ceGo~te~ Wednesday, tue 16th day of June nexa w litegt q'5HE very Extensive BARON nETT j JL ISLAY, coumpreliending the whol fte'pratiie of lslay, and adjacent ealisaditsxeti oelerp. ties of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Al ?? I NTI~I 'CI NITA, & ?? ?? 'III I II 1 ?? 'iii' ?? II\ Y 'l'iAN2'i',IN .AN 11 AtY ?? )NVi NGt 111~11W N &- Ml ( IN Ill, Auictioneerls. 1 jjjI55I15U. 1ll(IWN &_ AI.\IINIMIE wii'l Sdl, asabove''i, A'iili Iii t'iIiuiliL' iit' I 12. 'TO S.NJITI15, (1ASITTE'Ii'I, TIINSmi-IS''I,&c I~oi Il~lY ll CHA .IllI LAIE OFF LNO TNAILT, SlIN'.i'IhflrN Esq I , Tri! o IIINU JIUSyotae EsfI.t ?? M(-rs .ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IlSLBY PRII'IATPK BIAIIAIN, k~'t'ANTI ~Pt Il:tIY ini Itotilas Street, A ?? a, grs.s Rlental of' Clil to wchich is l ?? lell'-if AC A NI (4 IUNDI. Pile Izejital T, iii ?? Mr. Simith, r5 Brighitoni (it edor -it 5 Ml mule Terracee, P'iiitit'k. i R( I O; N IAN N UALS ' ~ tI'.at.1)'I'i' ?? alioiiliting, to Cf'5, an .iii'd rl Iill'i'll the I i' i''t E`iid of (Basgow. I. ?? -te *. -ro t ,si I1( IqtLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LER MAJESTY'8 THEATRE, PLE. DVANO0L-yllta: AI'l'EPRA1AI of b IONOR BFuf.Ers since his return from AMeria. lt , respectflly announcod ?? this Theatre will R&.OPZN TO. MORROW RVFNI N0, ArrIl 11 whon will be roved rlossinil' Opere, VITALIANA IN AlGII. Mustapht, signor Lellet:t; Tautio r Ferr t;iHat'ly. Signor Mrrcutall; and L'adoro, Signor Cal. ; Elvira, tills Feller; and sabll, MMle. d'AnPrl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i llIN~IA~\ IIALL ltlli'~rovetl 1%tItit Sti I N11'CF ITTICIT t ?? Li111111Iw1' Ntt i~gilill, Lilkes [ihi T1ll tid It I IqlailiTt- inf h Pub'21) 1111 i lt I~ oit'I iou l'l ' T jITlluI III i ll( t till' ti TI t TI Il IlIll'le o the Irgilal llt~ll : il Pao-ltce l lflr ?? Pavit H da i d M tnl llit I fl'21' Illath . 1 I 'II- il(t i I L(- ii' Ilt 1a ?? lithl 'pw NI~_1VI':N lrs lST tt~l U l1' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1EAITRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On T11S EVENING (MONDAY), 12th A~pr , 1862-' ll be produced, veith Newr Sceneryr, Dresse~s, &c., the eels-j *r ted Drama entitled bi THE COIISICAN BROTH1ERS.| principal characters by Mr. T. C. King, Mr. J. Webiter, I Mr. GlaOstone, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Stin on, Mr. Bellair, ?? Huristone, Mrs. Parker, Miss Jenny Marston, Mists L,.dette Humpbreys, Miss Kate Dibdin, and Miss J' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT-HALL LORD NRLSODWTRlET. S ATURDAY EVtNINQ CONERT£, With LITERARY and SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONS. On SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, the 17th Instant. PERlFORMEtRS: MRS. ALEXANDER NEWTON (From the Exeter-hall Concerts, London), MRS. R. T. BARRAS (Formerly Miss Saunders), M~.HENRY LAWSON,- MR. RYALLSJ AND .- AIt. SORGE. Cocucco ,I)IR. SORGE. ADMtSSION.-Bdy, ., Sido Gaaleries, Wd.; Reserved Seats, ts. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMENT .1 We do not hesitate to pronounce Messrs. Lewis's work on Control of the Passions to be the meet-clever and instructive book that has been isf -romn the press for many years. The subject ated upon are discussed alike with delicacy fnanly perspicuity.-Age. May I he had at the a s residence, 44, Nelson-street, price ls.;by pI s , 6d. [ADVERTISEMENT.] iPILEPSY: EXTRAORDINARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. ?? THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, In post 8vo,, lOs. id, T B WANDERER in SYRIA. T HL By GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS, Author of Nilu Notes. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street. MIADAME PFEIFFER'S TOURNEY TO ICELAND IS NOW READY, And may be had of all boolisellcrsaend at every library. Crown Svo. Price 12°. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street. Immediately, in 3 vole., Svo., with numerous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zff The Rate e taf Caibf(n'ltJOg by these ,Ste-arneres less TirtyPtenrds. Rearl NOTICE TO SHtIPPERS.-T'o Rate of Freight by thes by I, Vessels will 'lot exceedl ~4 per ton. durilig the Winter Livt PARELSfordilbret one~Ue5, ollctd and made up In Singe Pelcges adre',cd o oe prtyfordelivery in Amne -_ with ?? add] BRITISH AND NORTH AINERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM-SHIPS. APPOINTED BY THlE ADnIRALTY TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ta ~ ~*t ~ so (OGNAC BRANDY.-The difficulty f obtainin - tis much esteemed foreign spirit in Its ure state io wel - known, although it to liosltively essential that it should be genue U STEVENS amd SON have long been renowned for the cogpeobrandi sold by them, which for high quality are not to be sa . Fipe quality, ls. per gallon; ditto pale, 24s.; very choice pale brandy ears old, Ss. par ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v LESOFF'S EAST INDIA PALE and other ?? BURTON ALES. The Public are respectfully informo tjX the ALES of this season's brewinga are n RI LEAIWlr DELIVERY, and may be obtained genuintqn casks 18 gallns and upwards, either singly or in anyntity, t their respective stores, as under, where also a 1 of tle bottlers may be] tlrd:-I The Brewery, Burton-on-Tren 61, ng William-street, Sil City, London; ...