Advertisements & Notices

... O OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT- GARDEN\. PRODUCTION OF -1 MATiTI7I. The Directors have the honour to annorn*e thbt on TUESDAY next, Npril 13, will be produced, for phe first time ill tbiA c ulltry, Dirnizetli'sopern, enttled I NIARTIlI (as performed oa the Aca- denlletiyslek, Paris), vith Now Scenery, Co.tumes, Hind Appoint- MiOnts.- Principal characters by Mdme. .Jllienne ~of the Acecemie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1~ LONON~IUTABLZ41 LIFM J. Cpbell Renton, REq. I M.P Richard aline, Req.,- (Q.C Richard Spocait, P.q., James naller Midi'o, Req. J Willain Wilberorce, Esq. TUE POLICIES ARE INDISPtTT To remove On doubt on this mogivB that effeca is inserted in the Deed of the constitution d the Company, duly registered n the terms ofr trem is t f 7 & 8 Vtict., cap. 11.0.- -- Th e fact of sung. the Poacy ue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.I On EASTER MONDAY, 12th April, 1852, will be pro. daced, with New Scenery, Dresses, &e., the celebrated Drama entitled THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. Principal characters by Mr. T. C. King, Mr . Webster, br. Gladstone, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Stinion, l^. Bellair, Mr. j. W. Hurlstone, Mr$. Parker, Miss Jan Marston, Miss Laurltte Humphreys, Miss Kate lDibdin, and Miss J. rBrann. In Act ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTEAM to MADEIRA, RIO DE JANEIRO, and VALI'AllAISO.-Tho PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CunsiY'SA i ItuOy y Sadl raw i{ar SMeaTtt6bip BOGOTA, ALEX. A EtR IIhALL, vomtmandrr, of 1,100 tonri, and 400 boree.power lt ?? Livervontl for the above named Plum 01D tho of A 1ril ciat. The BOGOVtA hae very euperior accommodations for pse. scraerm, atd Will lak1e oil freight ?? und apecie ?? pai. .gagc &c,a ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Voreiqn rknielliqeuce. FRANCE. In Paris the public seem periectly reconciled to the enor- mons dotation tor the civil list of Louis-Napoleon tined by the Senate; C'est baucoup, say some persons, but they minediately that it matters what the amount may be, as they are sure that it will be all spent in the country. Others feel a sort of delight at the vengeance taken upon the late National ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENLARGE-1 ENT ENLARGEMIENT OF THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE. W~e hiave mluch Pleasure ill intimating that the NORTII WALES CHRONICLF will be enlarged onl tthe 16l01 of April, from lwhichl date it will be pub- Jisbed oil Tlh 1rsdaY, it, time for the early posts, instead of on WVednesdlav eveninc g as at present. and will be in the hands of ?? subscribers at a distance on eachl consecutive FPriday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OY A L IT ALI AN O PER A, COVENT CARDEN. PRODUCTION OF I MAIRTYRI. The Directors havo the holnour to anno ince that on Tuesday next, April la, -ill be prtdsicd (for the first time in this country) J5onzizv;i's opera, entitled I A It T Y R I. As perforlid at thle Academie tR yale, Paris. With neA Scenery, Coseumu,, and Appointtments. Prit cipal cliarautors by Mnlle. Julleni;o (of the Academie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OORE'S PATENT MOVEABLE GLASS ] I VENTILATOR FOR WINLOWS, PARTITIONS, ST4BLING, GREENHOUSES &c., and for EXPORTATION. Made to any Size and Form, from ?? upwards. The greatest List of Prices t amount of ventila- may (be obtained tion is obtained by application. without draught;i. and it can be ad-s , r qusntedto ay' N.B.-AWorking I quantity. any - i D Model forwarded i -For removing . by Post. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATCHES AND CLOCKS. MESSRS. ELLIS and SON'S Stock of the M above comprehends every Variety, which are of the best.Workmansbip,.and in the newest style, at prices to, meet every purchaser. Messrs. ELLIS and SON'S MAP, shewing the Time 3 kept by Public Clocks, in various Towns of Great Britain, may he had on application. WEST -OF ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY. t O be SOLD, by Tender, FIVE SHARES r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lust Published, Tbird Edition, Illustrated with Colourec Engravings, on Nervous D bilitv and Generative Diseases. Price ls., or in a sealed Enviope, fe by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH A D TH A BT _ i1L St TiE! SJtAT A ,a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Geo tive System, with a ervahons on the treatfent Of Nervej Debility and Indigestion, whether arising from youthfa abuse, infection, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I GRUlN AND BENNETT to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and ~blic, that M~r. GREEN is NOW IN LONDON, llpING FASHIONS, , , 1 ESCEIhTION OF FANCY GOODS q MAWLS, MANTLES, SILKS, DRESSES, xi ,1e readv for inspection in a few days. 1 xtl, April Rth, 1S)2. --TIIE C I RCUS, QUEEN STREET, r M -S°oN BUILDER, ie., Proprietor of r tix vrejniseS used by Mr. HENGLER for his 't111 other Performances, intends to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE HUMAN HAIR.-ROWLANDS' MA. i CASSAR OIL is justly renowned throughout the world for i remarkable virtues in nourishing, preserving, and beautifying the human hair. Its operation in ca es of baldness is peculiarly active; so that, in numerous instances wherein other remedies have been tried In vain, ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL hasa effeeted a co. plete restoration of beautiful hair. In the growth ...