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Advertisements & Notices

... T E INDEPENDENT BURGE EICS OF USHEW'S. QUA'! WARD. Ai. COUNCILLOR GAVIN having retired A. from the Curporation, and being urged by many of the 3ectors to offer myself as a C0ndidn5 for the vacancy, I -repectfully addres you as b, an k your support as a ruildtet of the Ward, on p Iles known to you. I ?? you ttus early, via ad that some mem- bars of the Chamber of C in already seeking to defeat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE PRIZE MAEDAL SATIN HAT. 3 CASES, IN APRIL SH.APES, JUST 0O IIAND. nest Quality only Fifteen Shillings. rJOHN 0. M'CEE & Co., 830 SOLe AGENTS. JOHN ARNOLD 7BXESPE7CTFULLY DIRBEcTs TIE ATTEN- TION of G'entlemen to his present Edtelfqe Asi . aent of . W0 OLLENBD R APER Y, especidaly to TIIE Til) iR USERLUG DE1IPARnr.fE ff/hielt 101ill licfotlmd to consist of most of the stiyles whid hale at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF COLERAINE: TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF COLERAINE. g; ENTLEMENT, I HAVE RECEIVED, WITH G feelings of gratitudte and pride, a requisition signed by a majority of the Independent Electors of your ancient and loyal Borough. I thank you most sincerely, for the kind expressions contained therein towards myself. I have no hesitation in at once aceeding- to your re- quest, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A 1001 INAI EN 'I OF1 SAlE I uF MAC1IINERYV JIANIVIAI(I-ml. WIIdi,, ?? YjAI:N'S. t'lIAIT'lS. lDYl-ST'lFFS. ?? N 1.1: A ?? h I.5II ApLril, 1002 lllL~, 11ve2 P()TPi(l 'lN .1) fill it Avill I :-1i1 titd. At tt ?? ail ol, itLflIst, 'N Ladol vetrtv tt1), 51, I2( 01' or 25(o _. Al 0 Ap~~l~v to Aiidw.'Milkr, i Iu, PaanN C N I,2011, X.1211:il~l LII.12t00. Alsoi, sevcril sitiallor S1nlno. li' IVILlI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLINI~rOIS BONDS.-Nrotiee is hereby given, that 9 the DIVIDEND arising out of the Collectionl of the MfilloTax 11 ?? , to ?? STrEtRLlpsINGl CANAL , BONDS, onlt thle following C proportiot1s, viz.:- . r On £100 Bonsds ?? ?? 28s. W. Oil £'0' Bonds ?? 28s. oid. The holders will have to present thle CouPOtts due July, 1840, to ho 0 delivered up as being liquidated by part of' ?? paymntt, tte re-a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE i ELrCTORS OF EDINBU-RGH.i In consequence of the retirement of Sir WIlLIAM I GIBSON-CRAIG, I bare been requested to call a MEETING o1 the FAMTaIAMENTARY ELECTORS of the CITY of EDINBURGH. and thev are accordingly hereby requested to r mee inl QUEEN STREET HALi, On WNXNESDAY, 14th April. , at Two o'Clock, to consider what steps it would be advisable to take in order to secure fit and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CTiii Tlrit 30Th AmImI. 1) E A l 1E S S C U l; E D. .t RS. (;ARI)N ?? Auliis r, from u Lo ndoll aund Paris, con- l to give lier A dvice daily, fronif l) till 4, at her IResidenee, No. 20 Uniom Street, (2d Stair ?? Aergyli Street.) Mrs. G.'s Treatise oi DC:IfiI.SS, With a Map of the IIluian Ear, may be obtaili(il (as usu:al) att hler RcsidencC, as aIbovc. ''hie sacces.s *,f ]ler ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii - n -ILNER'S HOLDFAST SAFES. - The ° 1 STRONGEST SECURITY against FIRE1 and ROBBRBY is lithe world. G o BURGLARY In MOBLEY-STREET, MANCHESTEI R g 76, Mosley.streetMancbAter, October22 1851 B| Sm,-Lastnilghtourpremiewereentered by burglarswhomde1 a desperate attempt upon the Miler's Holdfast Safe we bought from yosome tlme senaee; and although they evidently had recourse to aU the usual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pR ILLIP and SYDNEY.-Regii-- ii U ?? ~ ?? leavo the East India Docks onl I' ~ ,~cessuthon the Ist June, the splendid new sikll~~ttGH CASTLE, Al, ~13 years, 1,155) tons Mesrs.Gren, fllackval), EDWARD~ RIGTiar ~lsp hs vry upeioraccommodation for ?? 5 oteer-ige passengers~~, wlsfull poop 'and ?? silcryanexp erined ?? aly to teC ommne on board, or to F. PASENGRS.ForSYDNEY, 7il~ to hip eingnow n he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALIFORNIA.-NOTICE to SHIPPERS.-.I C BlOTrilii. A ?? tena regstr, DAVID BRID, Coum. cfr r itAN YANCiSbO Dircot, loading Iat the Jetty, London *ofor a few oX ot lsiht OOds, which most be along. ?? and flearer' te.maorowt (Tuesidry), 13tb inst. da~tloU for cabin peecflgers, on moderate terms.8-AoplyIto'AMtB TIIO~r8oN amd o,,, r8,, agents foe the 00Ila~nal Call ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .HIEI{E IS YOUR REMEDY : HOLLOWAY'S 0 LNTMENjT. A MOST MIRACULous CURE OF BAD LEGS ?? FoaTry. runEE YEARS' SUFFEBLNG.-Extract of a. letter from Mr. William Galpin, of 70, Saint Mary's-street, Weymouth, dated May 1)th, 1is1:- X To PROFESSOR HOLroWAY-Sm-At the age of eighteen my wife (who is now sixty-one) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever sinoethat timethey have bee'n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE BY AUCTION. Large and Valuable Estate ill thle county of Argyll, Cor O,1, Whole or in Lots.-Thcre will be exopoe to PULI AL In a farther considerably reduced upset prci ?? ~ and BLACK'S Rooms, No. 45, ceGo~te~ Wednesday, tue 16th day of June nexa w litegt q'5HE very Extensive BARON nETT j JL ISLAY, coumpreliending the whol fte'pratiie of lslay, and adjacent ealisaditsxeti oelerp. ties of ...