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Advertisements & Notices

... A 's I I1IJAN lHNE 01 1ACK JRT 8Ii16',1 I `i I)41111. I mr'I i 14'livkI ir 'lrivils ?? VAN DI P1 N tii A i, i''J l' ?? vM 1) I Ai'4!4J 4.AlIA,& fild ol ,IIJ i il , rr l' t ~iii I I . I l o'ii ?? 11,1,' 11 4 -1. ?? Ip I iL ?? utirmm, Ail li'r 1,ri4V ?? , M' I iri.t14111i'ilPJlJ VlIrr 11 1P4P'IIfr duaIP UanIlill 'I I i iI liini1mrj li Mayiii i M~ ('1l414'Jii , IIi) '4J. ,Jrr 601P ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Qiraedlnrcb steet. TH1E best TAPS now in use for BEER, Wine, or Vinogar, are the ?? IgrX.WOOt) TAPS, rnanufectured J b~rEDW AbLt ZIIGBE and Co. They are alwawe rweet, ?? talfnt nr lsiquid, r or corrode. lires end mnetal tastp have many btultb, rmdt ir ~e. expeneive. these wood tops have no faultel, taed the pricc hi from w la&eacb uyvwards. Wholesale and retail, 80, Grarecbureh-strset, ic FAME ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Books and Engravings.-By Messrs. CHRISTIE nnd \lAcjNSO. theirsGrsatltoosn, iKing-street, St. Janie's-sqsuare, lut) liltlqy, April Iat One precisely, ' A Small Collection of moderni BOOK;S, arnd tL Books of Prints, aud theatrical enlgraved1 Pvrlraiils c-z prising several rare and interesting speeitelus, tbe ?? Qf an eminent ?? be viewed, and catalo~ulee1s ,L,. Pictures.-By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTh e Aberdeen Lime Company. D D D1V1 BD will be paid to the PARTNERS of the A BuDEN LIME COMPANY on and after this date. By ordor of Coommitteo, MURRAY &M MORISON, Managerss / 2, provost Blaikie's Quay, Aberdeen, 1st April, 1852. 1/ frtIs and Fitmachie. J AM E S B I S S E T is now Selling,, at a Moderate Price & q5Oatity of SWEDISH TURNP SEED, of thoefbme Iity as that which gave such s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTRO-PLATE1 and SOLID ALBATA PLATE.-CHIARLES WATSON, 41 and 42, BarbIcan, Metal- targist'aud. Electto-Piater, continues to send, for elght postage sap, a eample Tea Spoon of hi Albata Plate; or for fourteen his Eleetro- Plated one on ht4Albata-whIch, with his Illustrated Catalogue and Price Current, he sends post free. This render B quotation of prceee here unnecessny, and is a moat simple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTIONS. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF ENNIS. GENTLREININ, PERMI1T me thus early to record the expressions of my heartfelt gratitude for the warm, nay enthu- siastic, reception which I have this day experienced at your hands. Encouraged by Blur kindness, I now venture to SClicit you to confide t me W igh trust of being your Representative in Parli ut. A Tory government has eucceeded to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t-s,11A LI1NE of PACKET SHI-P.- 1,s1oct~ietaliy the 1et IMay.-For SYDNEY direct., Il,,frtclaas river-built lbarque ALERT, 419 tons 1a1' .aidi ?? fastened, 11osE~te MuII LNCutnusander, iLnilDocks.Tishihaexletacn- ~ 5Segr~she is wcell known as one of the fastest ~ tc rsi, wl asjust returned fromt Sydney in 103days. friltaiipatizage, upply to the owner, Alexander Cr ~lc Est IdiaChambetrs ;to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. ADl Communications, and articles of Intelligence, Intended for publication, require to be authonticated by the name and '1 address of the writer. Unless this is attended to, Corres- ii poudents may rest assured that no attention will be paid c to their eommunieations. t Mi We have to thank A, B. for his Letter, with its enclosure. n Of the injury to which he points, we have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FASHIONABLE BONNET, SHAWL, SILK, AND RIBBON ESTABLISHMENT. RVENSON and MERRISRAW, has just received his SPRING STOCK of I' I3L. RCE.andFACY BONNETS, cozprising every variety in Swiss and PARIS CORDS, ~ C O~i~S. nd rs~cA--s, which he is now shewing. with a Choice Selection of RIBBONS and El~.3Ldto hiobhe oul inite the attention of the Ladies of DERRY and its Neighbourhoodl. 24, CORN MARKET- and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Hammermen Incorporation Estate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That, in obedience to a re- ri it from the House of Lords to Lord Modwv-n in Scot- land, and Lord Rutherfurd in Scotland, or in their absence, or I the absence of either of them, to Lord Fullorton in Scotland, and Lord Robertson in Scotland, Lord Medwyn and Lord Rutherfurd have appointed and ordained all patties con- cerned to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ONLY RATIONAL REMEDY Is pARR'S LIFE' PILLS.-It is a fact beyod dispute, that most of the diseaes with which the lea race are afflicted is the result of-a disordered .staeO ~tlh blood To- remedy this, the occasional use Of PAB2R'S LIFE PILLi~ should be had recourse to, and sickness prevented as w~lel Q cured, In their operation'theyoa direct to the diuease. h aulvantgegs derived from taking ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BHE ATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Wednesday), 14th April, 1852, oe prfornmances Will commence with thfr celabrated. DratraI ~~dt THE CORSICAN BROTEIERS. PrhDcipal cbaracters by Mr.- T. C. EKing, Mr. J. Webster, Ill Gladstone, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Stin dd,DIr. Bellair, Mr. J W Hurlstone, Mrs. Parker. Miss Jenny Marston, Miss 1auiette Humphreys, Miss Kate DY din, and Mjsw J. To be followed by ...