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Advertisements & Notices

... HE-' '1I AJESTYtS THEATRE. bDaN FiSQUAIAI. ' It ig respeffi netonneed that a -, GRAND- EEXTRA NIGHT Wi'a take place 0 ' Nthursiday next, May 6th, when will be Presented Ifirst time this seaon), Denizetti'cadeibred Opera, I) PA*SqUA.E, Xorina, 5d3AlL Sofe -Craeelhi; Ernesto,, 3gi Calzalarri; Dr 55elatceta, sig. Ferranti; an1d Don Pasqale., hg. Li~bjabe. After 'whicli, the 5ait act oi' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TEAM COMMUNICATION with the BRAZILS ad RIVER PLATE,.-ROYAL MAIL STEAM-PACKET 0029- MAY--Ono of this Conmpany's Steamers will leave Southampton on the 9th of every month, with mepils, passengers, &e., for MADEIRA, Teneriffe, St. Vincent (Cape do Verde , Pernambuco, BahIa and Rio die Janeiro, end froma thence by branche steamer to Mionte WJlOO and Buenos Ayres, returning by the same route to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiONVERSION of the SPANISH DEBT.,-The Converico ~ pen atthe Sanish Financial Ccmtnis.. stoe i Lndo, 1~. Sc Selne~lloe. isopsgate-street within, in Psoi, an ?? Th holers of.Bnds and Coupons are remnde t~~ ho~ wo eallno h~e pesntel hem on or before the Stof June next will have afterwards to convert them in The systemnestasbihbhedtfronmthe beginning will be continued for the 13ivery ofthe New of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ER MAAJESTY'S BIRTHDAY DRAWING- iLA.ROOM, May 13-SEWELL and Co., of Compton Houw *nve raqw ready their magnifieent and costly STOCK, to in-sect which they respectfully invite their numerous patrons. The Silks are ex- tremely beautijul and elegant, pirticularly in moire antiques, and rich go'd and silver embroideries, all oS which are adapted for Court costume, and brilliart evesing assemblie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONSIEUR A. RAGON, Professor of French MI Literature let severcl Public amtnblisbments, will deliver, In VaUiNCi, at Crosby-hall, SIX LECTURLES on the History of the French Largaage and Literature, from its Origin to the PreSsottitme. trhe Lectures vill be given on successive Tuesdays, at 7 o'clockc, be- ginning on the 4th of May ?? foir six lentures, Os.; they may be had at the Library, icn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMPLETION OF LIVES OF THE QUEENS. Now ready, in SvO, witll Portraits, &c. 12s. bound, THE ELGHTH AND CONCLUDIN(G Y OLTIME OF LIVES of the QUEENS of EN i G L A N ?? By AGNES STRICKLAND. New, Revised, and Cheaper Edition, embellished with Portraits of every Qseen. N.B. Purchasers are advised to give early orders for the completion of their sets, to prevent disappointment. Colburn & Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I C1 ONVERSION of the SPANISH DEBT.- Y.JThe CONVERSION continues OPEN at the Spanleh Fi- nancial Commissions-in London, o0, St. Helen's-place, Bishops- *gate-treet Within, in Paris, and in Amsterdam. 'The holders os BonldsandCoupons are rernided that those whosball not have pre- sented them on or before the 30th of June next ,vill have atter- wards to convert. them in Madrid. The system ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MHAT should SUFFERERS from MINrD or Wy NEBVOUS 1EE101NGS DO I-GD or write to Rev. Dr. is the onmy person w experimentlly d I, sity ca°ure, and having care4l thousatnd, ?? CSE b cured ?? either by the ordinary means at their own houses, or by the extra means at the- Loo~er's. Yull partitulare in a PAXPHLEr frankedt to anay address, iffone stamp is rsent to 18, Bloorvsbury.street, Bedfordsqare. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11 ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. ; GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. IC is respectfully announced that a. GaRAND EXTRA NIGHT svill take place THIS EVENING (Thursday), May 6, when will be presented Bestltoven's Opera, FIDBELI. Leoxors, Wdie. Bode CrafvelU; Mar. ce'lina, Mdlle. Feller; glorestano, Big. Calselari; Rocoo, Big. Sasini; Jaitutao, eig. Mercarloli; and Pizarro, Big. Belletti. Aler wlich A NEW GRAND PAS, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p I N E A R T MANUFACTURE.-RMessrs. ?? ELI;INGTON and Co. rc~pectfully solicit the attention of the ubility,Gery, Aruateurs, Artists, and others interested In the advncemeat ef British Alt Manufacture to their Increasing COLLECTION of STATUEITES, VASES, &C., ae., published an. elusively by them in Bror ze, btlver, asd Gold, from the antique and select works of modern artirts. Also, to their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day la published, Part I. or HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT'S DICTURES of the GREAT EXHIBITION .J. by Messrs. NASH, HAGHE, and ROBERTS, R.A., coaital ing TUNIS, the ZOLLVEREIN, the MEDLIEVAL COURT. Price One Guinea; proofs, a Guinea and a Half. Parts II. and IH.will appear on the Ist of June. The publishers beg to announce that they have altered their original intention of reducing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. e The Sale of the marshal Soult's pictures it PaH °t rESSRSi. CHRISTIE and MAN.SO t fully give notice that they have recied edi fr a the CATALOGlfES of the very IMPORTANE SALEof lpe1t1 rof the Marshal SOULT. Copies may be had at their opice li street, St. Janae6's-square, and they will be ferwirded aE receipt of six postage stamps. Pictures of Marsbal 5larmont, Duke of ...