Advertisements & Notices

... COMPLETION OF LIVES OF THE QUEENS. Now ready, in SvO, witll Portraits, &c. 12s. bound, THE ELGHTH AND CONCLUDIN(G Y OLTIME OF LIVES of the QUEENS of EN i G L A N ?? By AGNES STRICKLAND. New, Revised, and Cheaper Edition, embellished with Portraits of every Qseen. N.B. Purchasers are advised to give early orders for the completion of their sets, to prevent disappointment. Colburn & Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF CLITHEROE. G ENTLEMEN,-In all probability within three months va dissolution of Parliament will occur: it may happen any day. On that occasion the Free-trade question will be on trial. I came forward ten years ago to advocate and support the claim of the million, to a free importation of corn and provisions ; circumstances subsequently enforced the demand, and Sir Robert ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT 0 I ?? C L It, 5% 4 Grt#ocel~t, ?? Ifrtive'N. DENSIHABiLL AND V ILtABLE FRE E HOlD) PROPEIRTlEMS JAMES CRIS1' Begs to annoitnce to thle Public that lie, is instructed To OFFEL1 fur SALE by AUcTION, At the Kingb's llead Inn, Beecles, o' Nloliday, the 3rd of May, at i o'clock in the Evening, 'I'hc tob lih w r P1roperty, ill 3 Lots: Lot IS LS l that SBilistIantiiilikb)uilt fld i promentl it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS AND NON-ELECTORS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. ( ENTLEMEN,-In consequence of my baving G been nhosnured with a requisi Ion mrost numerously signed both by Electors and Non-Electoro, requesting. me to allow myself to be put in nomination as a Candidate for the Tower lamlets at the ensuing Election, I row come before you to ask for your siffrages and support. I am also induced to take ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON SALE,-SUPERPHOSPRATE of LIME' 0 (manufactured from pure bone), genuine PERUVIAN and PATAGONIAN GUANOS, at the lowest market prices, in quantities to suit ?? to T. Bliss, Witney. DERUVIAN GUANO, SUPERPROSPRATE of L LIME, OIL VITRIOL, and other MANURES, on the best ?? to John Robinson, Docks, Gloucester. -NOTICE.-1852 o Cover Cthis Season, at Diamond Farm, near Oxford, DULCIMER and TRAP, two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lately published, price 9s., 8vo.. cloth boards, with PoTt~fii r THE LIFE OF EDWARD BALINES, T late NI.P. for the Borough of Leeds. BY HEi- SON. EDWARD BAINES. London: LONGMAN & CO. REID Nzwsoboa, Leed. rr0 THE ELECTORS OF THE BORO UGEH TL OP LEEDS. GSNt5rLMSN,-I have had the honour of receiving a Requisition. t8 most respectably and numeronsly signed, calling Upon we to offer t myself as a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day la published, Part I. or HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT'S DICTURES of the GREAT EXHIBITION .J. by Messrs. NASH, HAGHE, and ROBERTS, R.A., coaital ing TUNIS, the ZOLLVEREIN, the MEDLIEVAL COURT. Price One Guinea; proofs, a Guinea and a Half. Parts II. and IH.will appear on the Ist of June. The publishers beg to announce that they have altered their original intention of reducing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HANTS CONSTABULARY. OTIt3E IS HEREBY GlVEN,-The LN SU-ERINTENDENiS ofi the hANTS CONSTABULARY will attend, by virtue oF their appointmrents as Inspectors of M'eights and Measures, ar the undermetutioned places within their respcctive Divisions, on iha first market day after the lst of May, for the purpose of examining, conepiring, and stamping, if found correct, all suco WVeghts and Measuras ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING IONS. SILKS, BAWLS, MANTLES, MILLINERY, FANCY DRESSES, PRINTED MUSLINS, BAREGES, AND CAMBIIICS, PARASOLS, IRIBANDS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE, &c. AS. RADFORD & CO. in announcing their return from the various Markets, with a large and e .pchoice Selection of the above Goods, in all the newest and meat fashionable designs, beg to invite particular attention t to several Novelties in BILK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M BfORNING AND) EVENING CONCERTS. By Pelmissiwm of Uie 1cre)'end the Vice-Ckcznccllor and the 1vorssi,)ful the Mayor. STAiR ASSEMBLY ROOM, OXFORD, MOI DAY EVENINa G and TuESDAY MORNING NEXT the 3rd and 4th of MAY. Under the immediate Patronage of Hler Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, and His Royal Highness Prhice Albert. THE ENGLISH GLEE & MADRIGAL UNION (Os LOSDON,) MhTrs. DENI3:5OHN, Miss M. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0POTTERS.-TOD LET, that Portion of T LEATL6rY-LANE POTTERY, Leeds, suitable for the ,t'9e on cthe salt Ware Business. Apply to Mn umerwoafRIn, CS irrylHan~e. Leeds. LT W t a 5- Cd Per -HALL, the residence of the 1 late oh a Ifaye, negr ar Victoria Bridge, Leeds. Rent ; t bosepH llatnOsN, Kaye-street, near the pre- tul~52 o s eone TA 31SJ Springfield Mount, Leeds. s o'r'l'M OF WODHOUSELA NE.-TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T RY GEORGE rAC ?? COMPANY'S J 0]1 1'Superfine Wool-dye OIHAOATS, at TWENTY T W 81HILLINGS EACH; thE ?? ever offered to the extenaivi pscblio.-23. Oxford-street, Sait, ?? CONSIG. utnmanuf PATENT COW MILKER.-This article is the We will. P invention of an eminent surgeon; It operates on soientifido ene ,d neiples,aend haqbeen well tasted by practioal milkers. Itcorln.SMT es the following ...