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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... S70 b N R STR' 1AYEDI, cha I pul Strcct, Airdriv, upo111 Monlday Elvening, I)'y 3d. ?? ?? IlVII1NI Ich. If Slly je o ?? m l , t0Airdrio, u l e0111 woill 7110 sutalll l 'l 0,:I : ml1 if fsilli~l ill tleo ?? 01rally p000011 later thiio 110 ill1 1w Irscelio0111l. 1F0 U N 1), J\ I.AJi(SE' Ifl1011 and~ Whbitu 1)01 -Apply to Jolln Ifu it caimed witllill eight daya will be 01,1(dto ?? x- W1ANTED: TO) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sm 1.0 Tills ANY. 110:5 IIOI) FT NITFZE, 'MAII0CA NY AND IlOiSEWOtiD CIIF'NIDS i liOSIEWOtitI COWt I(Itl)I*;, 'SttAS AND COUCHE-IS, DRAW ?? a Sl;IT IN ZI:IRA.-IVOD, ?? IlY ACCTItJN. '10 bii 'Sold, ira tiac Aulctionl ltioini of Il'Erat l)sitiN & Co., 9 Royal Exchange P lace, Oil Friday the 21st May, A LAIWIEE \aie'ty of l!(OtSEII OLD F'URN ITI, A . g f N atligacy Lola sitar '[able-s. -Se-ts )a- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISII PANSY SOCIETY. tw'IE EmirIl ANNUAL COMPETITI ON of the SCOTTIS 11PANSY SOCI ETY wvillbeeld in George's Sqqare, GlasGow, onl Wednesday the 9th June first. A. 'TAIT, Secretary. , COMMERITCIAL TRAVELLERS' SCHOOLS FOR MUlI'AN AND NV L NESSITOUS CHILDREN. a N rO TICE I IS 11R13Y GlIVEN, that a SPECIAL IN, l;XItAL CORUR (Oi;of *te thOVeIR NORS of this Institution will be he ld at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 28 th SALE To-DAY. Ca _ ?? i7 SALE, BY AUCTION, OF a PRINTTNG MATERIAL, TYPES, PRESSES, sw TURNING LATHE, TWO VICES, &c. &c. WI ad Cr; n4 M ESSRS. JOHN KEITH & SON will Sell, by Public the l Roup, on the Premises, No. 22 Argyll Street on Friday gr( the 21st current, at 12 o'clock Noon, the Whole STOCK of th PRINTING MA'TEERIAL, TYPES, PRESSES, &c., be- ?? t longing to Mr. Thomas Barclay, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, %I AY ACRE (2OTTAGE,, at Ineh'innari Bridge, adjoinling FIat(,,urn~ished or Unfuirnishiedi,beautfifully Situated .stIle janks of the R Iiver Btlack Cart, consisting of 4 Rooms, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORITI AND) CLYDE C-ANAL. rIli, Rlepairs licing now finished oni the line lietweer lasgiw aiid Granigemoutth, thek iou is agalin openi aol1, Ibedily I onvt'ymitce for Gooeds betweenl GI hisgow and Lei tI IXLlX. L AI 1~ I) & S0ON S, 101 17nionl Strleet, Gflasg.~pV I il V II I SM1 IT'l 1, 2 1 tioeic Gates, Lu~itlh. Wasgiow, 20it AitS y, 1852. th flice inl t asgow ?? lie MItV El) Next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF:C 'fll (II' A1.) AND) SILV'ER NATt Ims, (;t1)1.11 ('HA INS, &c.I I' ?? lta1 tewtil ?? ittilt' possso of ai stispichtid it ?? tlt li-t ( hu , tld itraculets, (iolt D iauniotd ltiigs, A ii- II, I- liltlt' ?? that llt oi. the tmost of thlieel aticies tI. I ii -t-leii withitul a p-reidl( rom ft-i monthsiitlm,e t li the ' I5-U Hil pv lr-tiii' whle hiact List ?? Such ptrropmrty as that a It' i I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO TH~E P'UBLIC. I C 1I EA P S A LE OF BOO K S1 FOR A SHORT TIME, Pnmo~eusnr ALTEtRArION IN PR'nEN~T PREISmES. OHN 1E11`0), Gil Anoly. S-riuEnr, respectfully calls at- el telitioll to' the folllowing exctrentely Lois Prices of tile W~averley Nocycls arnd utier Books : WAYVEiL NOV ELIM.-TI'ho Abbotsford Edition, in 12 Vole., cb th giilt Wrilr, PL'oliAhed at ,irtcuCe)n (;i1eraS,Ino' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAL TA ii xIN DAY, AT 11, OIil IIO0U S E'iIUI) 1 ' )FU ItN I U E, Al~ a t 90 N I't Frudtiic Sini' Groii Fclat .L~eftjr];iw Chail's, iEa'x' I li., StO~, Pemwbroke: old Tell TJalbles, sicelc'tatro 'J'td' I ; f i ir t 'a IIi p ?? I l dI 'tittaiw F, II c'ntl U 'r Iil aiet II la it;'C II c'oI IUtell-il, (halt's, I aS liurs andI llralIclluS, &-c. ?? TI is I I AY , ACv 1,I t 18881' 181. F F i' q o ( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~lt. s DAY, AT Till' GLOIBE HOTEL, OLOILGE SQUARtE, COMmItCING AT 12 O'CLOCK. ThN (4-1iOO.'if PARIIIA)UII, ID CHAMB3ER, anld IITHNFURINITURtE, &c., &c. BAKLY& SE 11RlINU, Auctioneers. PUBICII( SALE (F1 .XtT 'fIENET HOU' IRINI FUNTAURE, I., XV C) U 1UE I. N IC ?? A B 1 E 8 PS-I'l-) A ND TESTERl BIIDSE'EADS, NVALL. MiIRROR~S, &C., &C. .l1i W:1relicitoe, No. fl7 Buichimanai Street, oil Aed- J: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Li111 1O EiY IN ST. GEORG0E'S ROAD, FORl SALE. To ble qfold, 1)3 Public Toiop, within the Rioyal ExChanlge Sale IlI;~sogliWV, on t Wednesday the 2d dlay, ofJ June next, ait 'Iwo'clock Afterunoon, in virtue of' Ioweis contained in a lIne1 and Dispo-sition in Seculrity, Aj dWI I adVIDILE that PIEC E, of G11017 NI), situated in A\ St 1 corge's lintad, contaivning 010 'Thotusatnd Eight dI 1I1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COTTlI~I WIDOW S' FUND AND LIFE S A`I;IRANC'E SOC'lIETri, E.,rIn.isimti) A.l). 1815, UlON rite PRII U FIIE MIt;rumt. AssURAN2c1. 2t I1 l/slt tt~ql 0ted l I jot lat't oqf,'on thte .4een aa onlotion of lriin .0cl zm, _ ,,(1 hi longsgylyewel tis'irely to the .Ve,,toters qfti .S'e ^>ietyj, npswards of TWO MILLIONS FOUR IIUNI)IIIEI AND FIFTY THOUSAND 7 POUNDS. Annual Revenue, about C THIREE ...