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London, England


London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ONSIEUR A. RAGON, Professor of French MI Literature let severcl Public amtnblisbments, will deliver, In VaUiNCi, at Crosby-hall, SIX LECTURLES on the History of the French Largaage and Literature, from its Origin to the PreSsottitme. trhe Lectures vill be given on successive Tuesdays, at 7 o'clockc, be- ginning on the 4th of May ?? foir six lentures, Os.; they may be had at the Library, icn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMPLETION OF LIVES OF THE QUEENS. Now ready, in SvO, witll Portraits, &c. 12s. bound, THE ELGHTH AND CONCLUDIN(G Y OLTIME OF LIVES of the QUEENS of EN i G L A N ?? By AGNES STRICKLAND. New, Revised, and Cheaper Edition, embellished with Portraits of every Qseen. N.B. Purchasers are advised to give early orders for the completion of their sets, to prevent disappointment. Colburn & Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ASTERN COUNTIES RAILWWAY._ E FAMILY TfCKETS (for not less than four persons, for which number of First Class Possengers the Compartment of a Carriage ma. y e secured) will be issued at the following REDUTCED FARES, from Leaden to Leowestof;, or Yarnosuth and back; thus aftording Famsilies n opportunity of visiting : thesce Watering Places, wilth the option of returing by any Train ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE-' '1I AJESTYtS THEATRE. bDaN FiSQUAIAI. ' It ig respeffi netonneed that a -, GRAND- EEXTRA NIGHT Wi'a take place 0 ' Nthursiday next, May 6th, when will be Presented Ifirst time this seaon), Denizetti'cadeibred Opera, I) PA*SqUA.E, Xorina, 5d3AlL Sofe -Craeelhi; Ernesto,, 3gi Calzalarri; Dr 55elatceta, sig. Ferranti; an1d Don Pasqale., hg. Li~bjabe. After 'whicli, the 5ait act oi' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AL NEW LONDON WEEKLY NEWSPAPER of LIBERAL POLITICS, price 4d., will be published on it Saturday, the 15th of May. A beautiful print, the Origin of the IC Stocking-Loom, painted by Alfred Elmore, ?? and engraved on steel by Francis Holl (published at One Guinea), will be pre- it sented gratis, to subscribers, with the thirteenth number. The ir LONDON WEEKLY PAPER, and Organ of the Middle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M U R RAY'S CONTINENTAL HAND- BOOK.-Advertisementq intended for insertion in the Present Year's Issue of 'Murray's Handbooks for Travellers on the Continent,' must be forwarded to the Publisher before the 25th f May, 50 Albemarle street, Lojldon, April 1852. Now readY, post Soo, los. (;d OTES on PUBLIC SUBJECTS, made N during a Tour in the United States and Canada. By lf rn SEruotE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERSI B PATENT.-The LADIES' CARRIAGE-STEP, which was so urltanivelly adlmired at the Great Exhibition for its novelty, simplictyi of actloo, end u tility, having all the advantalgese f the inside det',1 beilig free fromI dirt. lbis step ran be arplied to any earriage alre.,dy I built, DAy~ID D.AVIES and SON have severai f0seionablc o5wriegesl 'dtted up wvith the above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t OR SHIANGHAI Dircot (to follow the Aber- yeldie, and sail ptactoally the 20th M ay), the Aberdeen clipper ANA, 317 tans registcr, A l twclve years, 1). REID, commander, lendlug in the London Docks. Has* twso-thirds or her cargo cn. g~ged, arnd osy room for ahoat ISO1 tons light and measureable ?? freight or passage apply to W. 0. YOUNG, Bm~ca Corchill. A USTRALIAN GOLD DISTRICTS.-From A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MARQUEES,- Tents, Flags, Sun Band4 mid iyJ.L Awnings. -WWILLIAM. PIGGMI- Mrnumlacuris to the henourable e Board of Ordnance has prepared for the season a arg STOCK of KAIQUf TETS, and 8LAG3, for HItE or PUr CHASE; also Tents forr Clubs. Awnings and temporary rooms erected and elegantly fitted up. mek clothe and waterproof waggn And cart covera sold on reasonable terms. TiErpaul6 n on hire for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1: s H IPPl3 RS of SPECIE to Ei4 11 T. APUor afternomo on, tfo e so May and Vjjirti[VP-- 3ondar freight, apply to RAMS- in~ 1JST A IATie PENINSULTIAR tI ~x NAVGATI(N COMPANY beg to ;r ril~tL 4,*5li5;^, HUSAN wrill he ?? .;L3 dine r0~th 1°., fr nSydney, calling at thle Cape ' nitr ascv Il be as ?? class, 90 to t iiag, The fvatcring flarces include :nclass farce include table and heelapirt'~ &C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day la published, Part I. or HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT'S DICTURES of the GREAT EXHIBITION .J. by Messrs. NASH, HAGHE, and ROBERTS, R.A., coaital ing TUNIS, the ZOLLVEREIN, the MEDLIEVAL COURT. Price One Guinea; proofs, a Guinea and a Half. Parts II. and IH.will appear on the Ist of June. The publishers beg to announce that they have altered their original intention of reducing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DECAYED TEETH AND TOOTH DACHE.-Price 2s. Gd.-Patronised by Her Majesty and1 H.R.H. Prince Albert. Mr. HOWARD,'S WHITE SUvCC DANEUM for stopping decayed Teeth, however 1la ge the cavity. it is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressre or pain, and immediately HARDENS INTO A WHITE ENAMEL; it will remain in the tooth many years, rendering extraction unnecessary, and arresting the ...

Published: Sunday 02 May 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6073 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices