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Glasgow Herald



Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AND)lll:~-S AN'I N 1)fi)V C (u), 1,I; Ic I.: IIiNSI')I~IIN D INNERi llVf',CHINA, ClI S' SI' Ivz be., C E 1 1 A* Ii or I ?? C, S o, L) IN INE S, & v., J;Y A[CCT~lJN. 1To be ?? iii the Mlanseion I lwise of (ll'letne asort di,~anciee I'rvi the(, Statiti of' the Cfaledoniian;ilt a Blairheadl Imi Ii wa vS, cti-itig111 by aliblsry Sltreet, ULaIl'ieStvti, (Ilk '.i~~ilw -Ilt .1fiay, gaii) 'alhius, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNIVERSITY OF GLASGONV. S£ssto1 1851-2. I1T MAY, 1852. ?? SATURDAY T!IM ANNUAL DIS'11RIBUTION OF1 0J PRIZES NYts tinade ill tile (CU)MMIIN IAI.A. of tilc COL- LEGE, by thle LORD IRE:CTO'R, Sherifl AIsoN, tle PRIN(SCIIUAI. nnd PRi(oiW 11,oms, i;1 presentet of a ?? M eting of tile University, with mnany Reverend aud respectable Gentlemen of the City and NeighbourhoId. U N I V E It S I T Y P RI I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sCcTr'1'ISI AMICABLAE LIFE ASSURANCE A ITC'i12I GENERtAL MlEETING3 of the MEM BERtS in ?? Scoi'171S1 AAIC~,ABLE, LIFE- 'ASStUI- Tit, *~ NI'F stC lT Y il e held within their New P'remnises, tile _8 St net Street, W asgow, ('ii Alotiday thel Thirty-first iiaC .I-f May en rrclt, at Thrme oclhock, b the pllrploie of by cliril CCrtain Milltons for the Alteration of the L~aws, to, T%% thel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A D)V E WNl SEII ENTi. si V l WA~TC Ileft ait No. 97 Kn lg Street onl thle A _12Sil if Aprl. 'l'e triie mtay lhave it by ptroviqtghis I i'proprt3 Y tid plivitig, expittts'eq. tenl wisgitie, :lntl Aptril, 18.52. M sillIE'l' FIICNiI. t( WNitt tle, tteigiboi'iurood of' thte City, Five hllacrk-ftiled 1 . WE' S8. It' iit alainedi withiti eighit dait' they wvill be Ijll ~,jjto defraraaN texpeses. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LFTl, A ?? ThreeItnooins and Kitchen, with Watter Closet, ,tNo. 16 Ba~th Street. 11 nt tIiodiera~te. tet toA1atC 'Iloitinsorl &Suit, 1 29 1ligrainiSre- L A I SHN151ED HOUSE TO LET'. 1101 SE% of Four Ronois and K~itchenl, genteely For- A Ililell, an Elgini Plate 197 IPitt Street. Toita party liiti M1r. R obiert Chirystal, 177 Sauchilehall Street. / FUCRN1S1HEl) HOUSE I10 LE',1' I I lo (, t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELIGIBLE OPENING IN BUSINESS. ail, ~~~TO LET, ti~li GOING WORKC, for thc Manufacture of Dye-Stuffs, (M The Work ia weil I dapited for thle business, large and corn- eifeltinodiolg, ad11th neat a1 Shippinig Pert, etaving taialway eonhlnnitun- to Catimo ?? nil parlto ot'Neeothiaid. li' 'The Utenilso towiii he givl viii ata all ention ; Aind the Maulhinery 'lt' Wa V ~tot'-powe' wil fie I et. 'Ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q 'PO M Il [(-D A Y, C(>1 'CI;NG! A-l' T`w IlYVI O UI101K PRIl EISEy, I I; a CIIolN SA I. I., I: o , II VllIt INlA )'Ij-I'r. G C A SI I(1 itl )L, SI VIN V t'x1.s 1EA12 11 S'AN D S L28 WIVEM11INGI 21ACIIINE2S, ('ANIS-l'12!S, WATER(ING cAN~S, 411) ,w: Ks, SIB1WIIIXE125 &c., ?? (laspl'vi'i'mi Ily dc'xxl) *JOHIN M110RISO(N, Auxctiuner I ONMON C) NGER, it Y II; 812- ' 1 hNJI'S II N U, .\t '24 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , iodllnivy iiioitiint, at levsl'. Stilell & Soil's si p Kvi. d N l:Millanl, a SUMir' rMONEY. WV-I ii,; tiuo lit thle tinle Willgiet ti Iby tipply ing to ~Vin. :, , 11 Dwir froinm aliiove Slip I)oek. i FO UNT), a .A t\ ( U Il'lar ai!d White 51 lEIIlEIR S DlOt. Thte irilr, nolls ha\ve ?? by applying at Mr. Watsoll's, . i 'r''vo streCt, and defirayinig uXp(enscS. Sl; 1. ?? E l T lElE Ii 1D)O. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rt;ItI 11EDHOUSE T10 LET, At 65 West. Regenit Street.r WIlL FUNI~sI ED HOUSE oI 5 Rotoois, RitchenT, till a1i;1 Cmivenieies, fitr such terim as maiy be agreed ,kpplv tb %ir,'lell, Hill, & Hill, 411 West George Strcet.- 6th ay, 15,52. To LJl', FURINISHID.l) o1I f Fiv Rtoois5 amti K\itchmen, cionfortabily Fuor- I AiSaudci elial I Street. Immnediate En)i ry cal beI1 .AplJ t Itetart fulljit., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED STATES AND CANADA. T IE, UN ION BANK OF LON DON, as Agents for Messrs. ?? icn Sliernitn, and Co., Blankers, ,New, York, hereby give, notice thait they ore itrepat'rd to receive Monleys on aecomnt of that Firm nofor whliich fthey will issue, free of Charge, LE~T- TERIS of ClRE I'DIT, or Circular Notes, of' £10 atidt upwards, similar to tliose ill Suchi extenusiv c Ilse oil the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT nTHI CITV hIALL, GLASGow, To-Moititow, AT TwEi~LV. PUBLIC SALE OF G,~mSALIERiS, GR ATES, CHIIMNEY PIECES, BOILEVS, &u. Esi.MITEAR & KEIiL'T re~spectfully intimate,I I 1tlatt 110N lae re ceived instructiones from tue Authorities, toIsSn1 Aucetioln, DJI0 tile cry 11ALLtCAN S, 0In Turstdmy, 11THl MAY, In te C~e i~it., AT' 12 O'n~c'Lii, ?? fllovug F'ITT'IN OS of the( HIALL, Which have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANDERiSONIAN UNIVERSITY. JII t(I al IadviI oy thle InaOI Of Dto. 11l NT () 7.. ir~ilivtdjlistcadol ?? cownit, ?? at at Viil ?? ill the lb jald ci:; .~ ~ W7IL ANDlERSI)N, Prorf. Frenchi 'T is 1 lVrx-hV (ijVo tha a oulle f i 11UPTEVy t t.1j:MV., fxxtind oil time Sitr ets,, ifth ?? are ait * l'at thlt' (CL:alrl Pl'xice Offticex, tii-iPiix. r'itius xlx xli ?? sil nr111 icle aril rqit-xjtved to ...