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Examiner, The



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The Examiner

Advertisements & Notices

... HE-' '1I AJESTYtS THEATRE. bDaN FiSQUAIAI. ' It ig respeffi netonneed that a -, GRAND- EEXTRA NIGHT Wi'a take place 0 ' Nthursiday next, May 6th, when will be Presented Ifirst time this seaon), Denizetti'cadeibred Opera, I) PA*SqUA.E, Xorina, 5d3AlL Sofe -Craeelhi; Ernesto,, 3gi Calzalarri; Dr 55elatceta, sig. Ferranti; an1d Don Pasqale., hg. Li~bjabe. After 'whicli, the 5ait act oi' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMPLETION OF LIVES OF THE QUEENS. Now ready, in SvO, witll Portraits, &c. 12s. bound, THE ELGHTH AND CONCLUDIN(G Y OLTIME OF LIVES of the QUEENS of EN i G L A N ?? By AGNES STRICKLAND. New, Revised, and Cheaper Edition, embellished with Portraits of every Qseen. N.B. Purchasers are advised to give early orders for the completion of their sets, to prevent disappointment. Colburn & Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M U R RAY'S CONTINENTAL HAND- BOOK.-Advertisementq intended for insertion in the Present Year's Issue of 'Murray's Handbooks for Travellers on the Continent,' must be forwarded to the Publisher before the 25th f May, 50 Albemarle street, Lojldon, April 1852. Now readY, post Soo, los. (;d OTES on PUBLIC SUBJECTS, made N during a Tour in the United States and Canada. By lf rn SEruotE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ASTERN COUNTIES RAILWWAY._ E FAMILY TfCKETS (for not less than four persons, for which number of First Class Possengers the Compartment of a Carriage ma. y e secured) will be issued at the following REDUTCED FARES, from Leaden to Leowestof;, or Yarnosuth and back; thus aftording Famsilies n opportunity of visiting : thesce Watering Places, wilth the option of returing by any Train ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AOGOxSTIC to SoraIcar, PFEJUDIcE, and EccoseRICISas. 1i7 W, oedouts, 41 Cases, 2 vols. Is. each; by post, Is. ad. 0N SINGLE and MARRIED LIFE. To be, or not to be, that is the questi on. l3 It. J. CULVElIVELL. M.D. (1841), ?? (1827), L.A.C. t.;4) B5 years Medical and Forensic Referee in these mattors. s praoanlm-dv~ e tof Puberty and Corresponding Associations h) iti an d Casoalties of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GALLERY of BRONZES d'AsT, comprising I aecomplete collection of the reductions, inexact propar- tions, by the neclanicml process of Aehllle Collas, from the most] celeborted ontique statues in the Louvre, Museum of Naples,t British Museum, Gallerics of Florenee, Rome, &c. to which a Coucoil Med,,l facs awarded in ?? Great Exhibition ; also the bronzes of Barye, Matitalt (to whom o Council ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW BOOKS TO BE PUBLISHED THIS SEASON. I._. A RIDE through the NUBIAN DESERT. By Captain PEEL, R.N. Mr S. LAING'S OBSERVATIONS on the Social and Political State of Denmark and the Duchies of Sles- Wicjl; and Holstein in 18511: being the Third Series of ' Notes of a Traveller.' Svo, 12o. [On Wednesday nest. 11. Lieut. SHERARD OSBORN'S STRAY LEAVhS from an ARCTIC JOURNAL kzept in the late Expedi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fifth Edition, price 185. cloth, H AYDN'S DICTIONARY ODATES, and A volume containing upwards of 15.000 articles, and perhaps more than is times sia~oo facts. \Yhat the London Directory is to the merchant, this Dietienary of Dales will be found to be to thoss who are searching after information whether classica], polirical, domestic, of general.-Tfimes. Edward Maxon, Dover street. uARTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S OCIETY of PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS.-The FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL EXHt- B3TION is NOW OPEN, at their Gallery, 5 PALLMALL EAST, from Nine till Dusk. Admittance, Is. Catalogue, Od. GEORGE FRIPP, sec. PRINCE'S, 14 REGENT STREET, WVATERL00 PLACE. M ESSRS PRINCE have the honour to . 1 b annosence tlsat their SMOKING and READING ROOMS villbe OPEN to Members on Monday, the 17th inst. A RCANA worth K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 3 MAJESTY'S THEATRE. It is respectfully announced that a GRAND EXTRA NI GHT Will take place ON Thursday next, May 20th, when vili be presented, Belilni's celebrated Opera, LA SONNAMIBULA. mit, rusidlle Sophie Cruvelli; Lisa, MItadlle Feller; Count its- dolpho, Sig. Belletet;* and Evini, Sir, Gardoni. Selections from loarosas' Opera, IL, MtATRIROIO SEGRETO. Geronimo, Slp Lahloche Count ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13 Great Marlborough street. COLBURN AND CO.'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. The LIFE of MARIE de MEDI- CIS, Queen of France, Consort of Henry IV, and Regent under Louis XIII. By Miss PARDOE, Author of ' Louis XIV,' &c. 3 yos. 8vo, with Portraits, &c. 42s. O On the 21st. 11. NEPAUL.-The NARRATIVE of a FIVE YEARS' RESIDENCE at NEPAUL. By Capt. THOMAS SMITH, Assistant Political Resi- dent at Nepaul from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HiR MAJESTY'S THEATRE. It is respectfully announced that a GRAND EXTRA NIGHT Will take place ON Thursday, May 27th, when will be pre- sented, BellinisecelebratedOpera,NORMA. Norma Radlle Sophie Cruvelli; Adalgisa, Madile Feller; Pollio, Sig. Gardoni rlasio, Sig. Mercuriali; and Oroveso, Sig. Sudini. ?? which the admnired Ballet Divertissement, LA FETE DES ROSIERESS by Mallle Carolina Rtosati, ...