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Advertisements & Notices

... ,tr'jTEAK EYES.-Persons afflicted with WEAK lea EYSmay obtain instant relief by using PINE'S 131. PRo E REFUTIN, which propels a continuous and dell Lou CiesratO Wtro h y, and will be found a great immfort ftra (h'&.&.T beobtained of all cheinis1a, ?? W. BIoGneno) at his Acoustic Repository, 1152, Stranld, ins Rrg S COLLEGE- of HEALTH, New-rWAd, tea g~_at uti i now be apparent to anf pbrties' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAITIFIL COMPLEXION.-ROWLANDS' 12 BIUALYDOR, eminoutly balsarnic, restorative, aud in- 3vigorating; is equally celebrated for safety in application as for 4 unfailing efficacy in removing all redness, tan, pimples, spots, O freckles, discolourations, and other cutaneous visitationa. The O radiant bloom it imparts to the cheek, and the softness and de- O licacy which it induces on the hands and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IlE/R. W. HARRISON begs to inform the Public Mts that HIS BENEFIT will take place at the THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE, on Monday, May 17 Full particulari will be duly annommeed.-6S, Regent-street. HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. I . It is respectflly announced that a Grand Extra Night wI take place TO-MORROW EVENING, Thursday, May 5, when will be presented Beethoven's opera, F I D E L I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FI N E ART MANUFACTURE.Messrs. EIltG O # ar.d C. . respectfulay solitci the attention of the Nobility,CGetry. Amateurs, Artiste, and others interested in the on advanoemrxt of Briti-h Art Manufacture to their ?? at COLLECTION of STATUETTE-, VASES a&c. &c,, published ex. Eq clusively by them in Brot zo. tilver, and Gold, from the antique and select works of modern artists. Also, to their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -V, Olt PORT PHILLIP Direct (to sail from CGravtenIfld th of June), the magnitieent Aberdeencelipper ship jO)HN TAYLOR, WILLIAM ii,, HAWXINS, commander, 1,'200 tons borten,704ton reistr, nd la'ed t Loyds A I for 15 years, ~oadog n te LodonD'ce. Werecomortand despatch aire re- qoied hi shp cmbnesboh qaliie inaneminent degree. In- teningpoorogrs re espctfllyinvtedtoan Inspection of her A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ER MAAJESTY'S BIRTHDAY DRAWING- iLA.ROOM, May 13-SEWELL and Co., of Compton Houw *nve raqw ready their magnifieent and costly STOCK, to in-sect which they respectfully invite their numerous patrons. The Silks are ex- tremely beautijul and elegant, pirticularly in moire antiques, and rich go'd and silver embroideries, all oS which are adapted for Court costume, and brilliart evesing assemblie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MHAT should SUFFERERS from MINrD or Wy NEBVOUS 1EE101NGS DO I-GD or write to Rev. Dr. is the onmy person w experimentlly d I, sity ca°ure, and having care4l thousatnd, ?? CSE b cured ?? either by the ordinary means at their own houses, or by the extra means at the- Loo~er's. Yull partitulare in a PAXPHLEr frankedt to anay address, iffone stamp is rsent to 18, Bloorvsbury.street, Bedfordsqare. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11 ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. ; GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. IC is respectfully announced that a. GaRAND EXTRA NIGHT svill take place THIS EVENING (Thursday), May 6, when will be presented Bestltoven's Opera, FIDBELI. Leoxors, Wdie. Bode CrafvelU; Mar. ce'lina, Mdlle. Feller; glorestano, Big. Calselari; Rocoo, Big. Sasini; Jaitutao, eig. Mercarloli; and Pizarro, Big. Belletti. Aler wlich A NEW GRAND PAS, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I T HO CG R A-P H Y.-Messrs. DICKINSON r respoectfully invite attontion to the facilities afforded by their extensive Lirhographic Establishment for the execution of all kinds of artistic lithograpley, more especially portraits, landscapes, d &C., which their great experience enables them to produce in the most satisfactory manner. Their farm has nowv been established upwards of sixty years, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -g ?? PENINSULAR STEk STEM NVIGTIO COMPANY beg to ?? ?? ill be despatelted 000 Pl orl1t Pillip. wsg ?? be as follows :-First class, 00 ;S~~cO5& secon -class fares incu etaluade ca~' ~ it, cbin frniture, ?? provided by tico Coos- ~ chso as oipeloracconamodoation for passengers, anio will no e~ctdec sog d to secure freighat-for parcels and 3t u tiw' ' Csotlse co ay 2,Ladenhall-strect. ie it~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TE&M NAVIGATION of the DANUBE, trom UY LIN2to VlENNA, PESTII, and GALATZ, by the steamers of e Impenial and Royal Danube Steam Naviration Company. In con. ection with steamers from Ratis3bon to LinM, and from Galate to Conatantinople and Odeeaa-laformation concerning the same may Is bad Of DiRAPEiR, PIETRONI, and Co., 4, Great Winchester. ,Mmlt city, London. OB. DORDT.-On WEDNESDAY next, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. It is respectfully announced that a Grand Extra Night will ta~e piec THIS EVENING, Thirsday, May 0, N'en will be Pre' sented Beethoveni's opera, F I D H L I 0. Leonora, MoIllie. Soile Cruvelli ; Mdarcellifla, Moillie. Feller FLoao, siynor Calzolari; Roeco, Signpor Sisini; Jacquino, Signor Mercuriali ; and Pizarrao Signor Bellef.ti After which, a New ...