Advertisements & Notices

... Q 'PO M Il [(-D A Y, C(>1 'CI;NG! A-l' T`w IlYVI O UI101K PRIl EISEy, I I; a CIIolN SA I. I., I: o , II VllIt INlA )'Ij-I'r. G C A SI I(1 itl )L, SI VIN V t'x1.s 1EA12 11 S'AN D S L28 WIVEM11INGI 21ACIIINE2S, ('ANIS-l'12!S, WATER(ING cAN~S, 411) ,w: Ks, SIB1WIIIXE125 &c., ?? (laspl'vi'i'mi Ily dc'xxl) *JOHIN M110RISO(N, Auxctiuner I ONMON C) NGER, it Y II; 812- ' 1 hNJI'S II N U, .\t '24 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 31VNCGOP AN) B3EAUNIMAS UNTION. POR1TER 1WKVINTTED. ~ Goardiansof this Uiiion, will, oil~te~is - _ acv MY tho l2th, 11152, proceed to Eluet a h.fEt. for thle Union \Vot khiinae. C~nndidattos ?? ?? in,41 Men1, Oi' W\ilnwet'S, Wittiulb inIC11ol- tc'cil, i f Init ?? merit Ch1Lt'ctet', able ?? 'a~Write, and k'eop tici'me ints. it cry, £ 15 pera lba. esrtlos B oarid, Lcidgim ogand 'Washl og 1 li e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Qu0i~t Gmtwtlmett0. OONCERT-HAIL, LORRD NELSON-STREET. ATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, with S LITERARY aud SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONs. ( TO-YOPEOW EYSSING (SATURDAY), the 8th ffistant, the celebrated and unrivalled SAX-HORN PERFORMERS AND VOCALISTS, THE DISTINS, The original performors on the Six-horns, who have had the holnour of erformilng, Iy command, before her Majesty the Queen an his Roval ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p I N E A R T MANUFACTURE.-RMessrs. ?? ELI;INGTON and Co. rc~pectfully solicit the attention of the ubility,Gery, Aruateurs, Artists, and others interested In the advncemeat ef British Alt Manufacture to their Increasing COLLECTION of STATUEITES, VASES, &C., ae., published an. elusively by them in Bror ze, btlver, asd Gold, from the antique and select works of modern artirts. Also, to their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. e The Sale of the marshal Soult's pictures it PaH °t rESSRSi. CHRISTIE and MAN.SO t fully give notice that they have recied edi fr a the CATALOGlfES of the very IMPORTANE SALEof lpe1t1 rof the Marshal SOULT. Copies may be had at their opice li street, St. Janae6's-square, and they will be ferwirded aE receipt of six postage stamps. Pictures of Marsbal 5larmont, Duke of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIBRARY FOB SALE. He CLARK Respectfully intimates that ho will SELL BY AUCTION, At his Rooms, Ry,val Arcade, Ncwcastle upon Tyne, on Friday, (THIEII DAY) the 7th May, 1852, at 11 ?? in the Forenoon, A Select Ind valuablo LIBRARY the property Of a A. Gentlemllal leaving England, embracong Standard Works on I(istory, Divinity, Biography, Poetry, the Classics, and General Literature. Catalogues ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VIIEATRE ROYAL,.DU.BLIN.. fn THIS EVENING (Friday), 7th May, 1852, will jprodflced the Dramatio Play of - . rpAULiNE;; on, THEE CHATIJA DE BURCY. XeDt llorace de Boureval, Mr. Jing Lucien. de Nerval, *,gBrenley; Gabrielle, Miss Rat Dibdin; Pauline, Mrs. 0'adson Kirby. i-the coarse of the evening t Band will perform Our Polka and the Emaid Waltzes, 'To be followed ?? the YANKEE PEDLAR. Colonel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLLRA A-ND BOWEL COMPLATNTS IN GENERAL. t~ tclx.NI~O.sI TRUE DFFY'S EL ?? a et~.from the purcirt drugs and~ spirits fwrlla 0Wmat wReoSe, E o.BROW, o iodof, anIV heras nyotie by1sn teed a ' Vintailat' iny thl otrt other prost C P ni' (irenf pilofill , ndin musl Cons laintes of ith caO~~~ ~e I-its of the Clioltl s ale ~ ad htr~el In altir oitls ait i. inis.pena ble. till th(1 ?~i~ ofeI itirfei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR MONTREAL DIRECT. Will clear in three Wecks, T HE fine ?? AUCKLAND, j 400 Tons, first Class, and coppercd, John Lon1,;, Commander. Fay Froighit, &o . appiv, to WILLIAM W. CoWANVi, 29, QmInv, Neweatlc; or to ROBERT ANDERSON, South Shields. Newcastle, April 29th, 1852. NOTICE IS IHEREBY GlVrkv TO MASTERi OFj0F' ?? THL COAST OF NOR ?? 'u AL° THAT a Cbcckered flac n ?? will be laid down ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mUOMS, FIPP,& THOMHAS (late Fripp OMA d CRIPP, thilshed 1745. FINEST VEGETABLE TOILET SOAP. Iq Thomas, FrIPP, a Thomas, combining a hundred yeasrs' A: 115 experienco In thle mnanufa~cture of Soap, with all the dimprovel AS menig sohich modern chemistry has placedat, TOIETr dSpOsAl, F.ail have succeeded in pouiga most esoi qoticeit thIeT SOAP, FaThbl purelY vegetable, which they now offer to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , iodllnivy iiioitiint, at levsl'. Stilell & Soil's si p Kvi. d N l:Millanl, a SUMir' rMONEY. WV-I ii,; tiuo lit thle tinle Willgiet ti Iby tipply ing to ~Vin. :, , 11 Dwir froinm aliiove Slip I)oek. i FO UNT), a .A t\ ( U Il'lar ai!d White 51 lEIIlEIR S DlOt. Thte irilr, nolls ha\ve ?? by applying at Mr. Watsoll's, . i 'r''vo streCt, and defirayinig uXp(enscS. Sl; 1. ?? E l T lElE Ii 1D)O. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NWWork on the Parliament for the PRESRD1'I CRfo 1, blY Mr DOD.--NOw readg, LECTORA I, FACTISH from 1832 to 18d2 , imit idto II.le stalted, inclinding the Loal Political Iistory, ,KfVA -I(I IN IFlENCE, Nature of the Constita- }AIV proerity Tnd aIIxattionl, Noted Members, the p0LLS for thzs last Twenty Years, Population, &c. of er.C ,,HALttiy, . D , . Author of r The Parlia- gtentary ...