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Advertisements & Notices

... -ER MAAJESTY'S BIRTHDAY DRAWING- iLA.ROOM, May 13-SEWELL and Co., of Compton Houw *nve raqw ready their magnifieent and costly STOCK, to in-sect which they respectfully invite their numerous patrons. The Silks are ex- tremely beautijul and elegant, pirticularly in moire antiques, and rich go'd and silver embroideries, all oS which are adapted for Court costume, and brilliart evesing assemblie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MHAT should SUFFERERS from MINrD or Wy NEBVOUS 1EE101NGS DO I-GD or write to Rev. Dr. is the onmy person w experimentlly d I, sity ca°ure, and having care4l thousatnd, ?? CSE b cured ?? either by the ordinary means at their own houses, or by the extra means at the- Loo~er's. Yull partitulare in a PAXPHLEr frankedt to anay address, iffone stamp is rsent to 18, Bloorvsbury.street, Bedfordsqare. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11 ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. ; GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. IC is respectfully announced that a. GaRAND EXTRA NIGHT svill take place THIS EVENING (Thursday), May 6, when will be presented Bestltoven's Opera, FIDBELI. Leoxors, Wdie. Bode CrafvelU; Mar. ce'lina, Mdlle. Feller; glorestano, Big. Calselari; Rocoo, Big. Sasini; Jaitutao, eig. Mercarloli; and Pizarro, Big. Belletti. Aler wlich A NEW GRAND PAS, by ...

Foreign Intelligence

... | INDIA. TUE OVERLAND MAIL, The usual despatches in anticipation of the Overland Mail have come to hand. The dates are—Bombay, April 3 ; Cal- eutta, March 24; Madras, March 25. Bombay, April 3. The Burmese expedition has by this time reached tne ren- dezvous at Moulmeim. It has been the object of the Govern- ment of India to time the despatch of the brigades from Cal- eutta and Madras, so as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEARE RYALD UBLI N. On THIlS ERVENING (Thursday), 6th May, 1852, will ite produced the Comic Drama of WHERE THERE'S A WILL THEIRE'S A WAY. Don Scipin de Pompolino, Mr. F Robson; Don Fran- sc, . Hudson Kirby. tt the or eveningh e will perform Oor Polka and the Emerajl Waltzes After which the ljrama of THE CORSICAN1ROTERS priiicipal characters by Mr. C. King, rr J. Webster, r Glamstonfe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cholera and Bowel Complaints in Generca4I T'ECEY AND Co's TRUE DAFFY' S ELIX IR.- This ?? excellent Medicine has been fittlitlly prepared for upwards of a Century, from the purest Drigs anid d Spirits that ran be procured, at t be Original Warehouse, NQ. 10,. . ?Bow Churbh Yard, Londop, and baa been attended with the fallest success in thb cure orrl Sapas, Pains in the Br rsat,the , most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I T HO CG R A-P H Y.-Messrs. DICKINSON r respoectfully invite attontion to the facilities afforded by their extensive Lirhographic Establishment for the execution of all kinds of artistic lithograpley, more especially portraits, landscapes, d &C., which their great experience enables them to produce in the most satisfactory manner. Their farm has nowv been established upwards of sixty years, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -g ?? PENINSULAR STEk STEM NVIGTIO COMPANY beg to ?? ?? ill be despatelted 000 Pl orl1t Pillip. wsg ?? be as follows :-First class, 00 ;S~~cO5& secon -class fares incu etaluade ca~' ~ it, cbin frniture, ?? provided by tico Coos- ~ chso as oipeloracconamodoation for passengers, anio will no e~ctdec sog d to secure freighat-for parcels and 3t u tiw' ' Csotlse co ay 2,Ladenhall-strect. ie it~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U MISS BROOK - spEACTFUJLLY announces to the Ladies i p' * eter and its vicinity, that her SHOW ROOMS Sen TINeAV', the 11th instant, with a great te MIL INTERY , DRESSES, MANTLES, &o. Corner of Castle-street. OHN FFRANKLIN AND SEARCH EXPEDITIONS. L EcrURE, llustuated by a Map 15 feet j \ ,idth,. &c., of the regions referred to, will ?? ?? Exeter, on THURnSDAYEveninlg, q uarer before Eight, p.m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -BONpED WAREHOUSES, QUAY PLACE, BARNSTAPLE. W. YWO AND Co. 2l E G to announce to their numerous Friends acnd the Public generally of North Devon, they are noW landing ezi HEsnY, Short, Master, direet- fom Messrs. GUBoEss and Co.'s Brewery, Dublin, a Ilire Shipment of their very superior DUBLIN STOUT, in fine condition. Allsopp's and Bass and Co.'s BURTON PALE ALES. Andrew Roy's ceiebrated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured t Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. I Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by.Post, for 181 Postage Stamps. . EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BRIt XX WHICH THEI MKAY Rn IErD, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, urity, and Diseases of the 7 Generative System, wit erv tions on the treatment of I Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. LI iL ?? h~tving any Claims or Demands L t, te of the late Mr. THOMAS MAYE, of tile JParish of Staverton, Devon, are requested lpart I ?? of their Accounts witbout delay c E UA1 E, of Wash aforesaid, the U. or to Mr THOMAS C. KELLOCK, t~.Iomes.J -TN [ l ED,) ito a3 Clergyman's Family, in a f illage, a respectableYOUN G WOMAN, as 'i .0lD. and to do part of the Household Work. 4 1 c Od ...