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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... AT nTHI CITV hIALL, GLASGow, To-Moititow, AT TwEi~LV. PUBLIC SALE OF G,~mSALIERiS, GR ATES, CHIIMNEY PIECES, BOILEVS, &u. Esi.MITEAR & KEIiL'T re~spectfully intimate,I I 1tlatt 110N lae re ceived instructiones from tue Authorities, toIsSn1 Aucetioln, DJI0 tile cry 11ALLtCAN S, 0In Turstdmy, 11THl MAY, In te C~e i~it., AT' 12 O'n~c'Lii, ?? fllovug F'ITT'IN OS of the( HIALL, Which have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LT INAROYL STREET. rf flT 1 E resetly pssessd byMrs. Kerr inl Morr- 108 Argll Stret, up Treel Stairs, fronting \rchd hcrm, 3 Exchange Pace. LZ Ev' TOi I iITII AIMMEDI TE ENTRY, 110 FUrnished or Unfumrniohed, '1 ~~MAT L ID LSL, No, 31 Morrison Street, Kingston. FIN A .~~1mv to Dxon & D)ow, 2.5 Gordon Street. mc/ine iplel 11OUSES IT) LETr, cro IONLD STREET,, of Four and Five Ilooms and I N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LICENSED TA VE1N t to be DISPOSED OF, in o ne A of the b estt l oalities i town-tile Occupier retiring. Apply to John Goold, 108 High Street, Glasgow. TO B3E DISPOSED OF, A LICENSED SPIRlITr SHOP, wit t Stocknand Fittings, situittedd ib onle r,f the first thorotlughfares in ToNwn. I)oe a good Retail lBusiness, end Rent moderate, Reasons will be given fur retiring. Address A. 30, Hlerald Office ...

Advertisements & Notices

... li) ' I Ii f I ) 11.' It NI T U 11 E, 3AIIICWA NY PE'lI''EL'TAI \,Il. Si D.`ilDii, Rlt(SEW001)l c 441 T T. tA I; H I A`I N - F 4) ti ?? IX EXCE'LL I N 011T'IIAl;N IN 11L1E UlIIE-C-1 v \ 1 ?? ?? C 1) Y A t;tJ'1tI I N ' ?? b11 Sold, lII L1 1n,, 24 Li '111ch ~itr1l't, 1 Stalir Up, Wood- ill Lul ml oild oil Mo1 hilly the I 011 Maly, Hj~iE 11441 '-1KlIDti IFUI1N1TIL11l1 inl said Lodging, 1 T vae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANDERiSONIAN UNIVERSITY. JII t(I al IadviI oy thle InaOI Of Dto. 11l NT () 7.. ir~ilivtdjlistcadol ?? cownit, ?? at at Viil ?? ill the lb jald ci:; .~ ~ W7IL ANDlERSI)N, Prorf. Frenchi 'T is 1 lVrx-hV (ijVo tha a oulle f i 11UPTEVy t t.1j:MV., fxxtind oil time Sitr ets,, ifth ?? are ait * l'at thlt' (CL:alrl Pl'xice Offticex, tii-iPiix. r'itius xlx xli ?? sil nr111 icle aril rqit-xjtved to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOf 10(I1C`I0`r)Il FURINITUREIIC Adliet'- T i ' ldt MS ',lec io5 t'lC.I I S'Pltl I ?? 'This IPtvlyy, I 4h.1 ?? I S NT TOI ?? T 'A K EC PLA CEi I~. II' & CO)., AucllliotterS, It I;clmltgn! I ?? I II t 1 May. I852. PUBIIC SALE OF' BARIRlEL FLOURl, (/01- bthi I/'/ of 'I sI/rt'ffi'i''i,) To' Mi rtiw ( ridtay), thei l4th May, at liatl P'paot 2 o'clock At'rttelioiot, iii .lesrs. J.Ns. P1k I I.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, A ks JIB CRANE, with Separate Motion, Two Speeds, and tS A Check Lever, with Block and Tackle complete, will be Sold a Bargain. od Apply at 20 Great Clyde Street. Od BOOKCA SE. Od FO(R SALE, At Barclay & Skirvin-'s No. t1 Biuehanana Strect, Ai N hxcelent SPANISH MA110GANY 13fo)KCASE, et A 12 'eet lotg, with Glass Doors. The ' lnder part very lig comusmodionsly fitted up with Drawers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JN T R Y H O U S E. TO LET, l HOUJSE, with Gardens, Office Houses, &c., jFA , ;ifully situated on the Banks of the Clyde, three r Mi~les, 8 gownear Govan, and of easy access, by public iper & M'Kenzie, Writers, No. 13 St. Vincent ti j'lac( . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GLASGOW llERALD. SI,,-Mr. NELSONS, Editor of t te oucstitsutionoa7,ba indulged to-day in a quarter of a column of very characteristic vituperation in reference to Gentlemen hbo found it necessar7 to resent energetically the very discreditable trick of Mr. .Ns very dear friend and colleague of the Coweaddens at the late meeting of the Barony Parochial Board. The following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1tE\A D (I OF THIN POUNIS.. Frl ?? ~lnnrnilintgat, it ()LD tWATCH ?? E N ENIII CA t-,E. ?? v 111 rt''t'irting lim II( ainle to lMessrs. 3ltrled n A,! wet ?? St r et, w ill receive a ruward (~if tib-. r 11, utnetr t'l a (MtLID hllitAcII, Which wais left at Nlk -;a ,Staytoalfer, 57 Argyll Avcade, iii the ?? Alrt''i lag!, wrill, t'upol callitig there, live her Pry' 3IUNEI;V FOUNlN)t, T' Jalne' I ...