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Advertisements & Notices

... THEATR-E ROYAL, DUBLIN.¶ Oa TH[S EVJNIG (Saturday), May 29, 1852, wI be be produced Sir Edward Bulwer Littous Coniedy of MONEY. Sir Frederick Blount, Mr. J. Wetar; Stout, Mr. Graiiby ; Evelyn, Mr. T. ing; Georgi Miss Jenny Marston; sre, MSrs. Hudson Kirby. in the course of the Evenin tho Band will perform Our Po . To liallowed by a Balle ment, by Mdlle. Ernestine ; St. Lonin and th Brps de ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S GREAT 0 AMERICAb1 SABSPAHLL4 A1 This celebrated Medicine was originally discovered IN THE YEAR 180b I and is ?? Satrsaparlillaiu England or America. With nearly 50 YEARS' TWAL oa1the most inveterate Chronic &iaiaks, lt hasprovediteelf'a medicine of un- exampled virtue and valueto mankind.; Compoeed as it isof the rarest roots, herbs, flowe, bmt, and seeds -a! plants ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIE WEEKLY FREEMAN. T FOUR PENCE, TBIS DAY (Saturday), 29th May, 1852, Calurmnies on the Tenant-League and the Irish Clergy; Public Meeting of the Citizens-Parliamentary Iutelligence; The Spooner Craze-Adjour ed Debate on the Maynooth Grant; the Inquiry shirked Iy Go ?? Derby's i Abandninnient: of Protection oe. on the Maynooth Grant-The 'General Electio-a roceed in the Queen's County, Wexford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOLD ESTABLISHED Grocery, Tea, Fruit, Wine, and Spirit Establishment, WILLIAM GILIOULIE, PRLOPRIETOR, BEGS RESPECTFULLY TO INVITE TH-IE BJ attention of his Friends and the Public to his Choice Stock of Goods, consisting of BLACK AND GREEN TEAS, Particularly his Fine Souchong Congou t 4s. 4d., also, a very fine Tea at 4s; Od. 2d. Tper 1l. off Sor 101b, Parcels. I His present Stock of COFFEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I BEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.' THItS EVENLNG ~(Monday), may Si, 1852, will,-be presented the Romantic Drama of THE DEVIL'S IN IT. Baron Gompartz, Mr. Bromley; Alb£t Hlostein, Mro J. febster; Rollo, Iiss Emma Stanley; Feuid, MiSs Jenny IALa Cracovienne by Madlle. E tine St. Louin. In the course of the Evening tbf Band will perform T ethe Court Beauty lolka. CLARI; on, THE MAI OF'MILAN. jocoso, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTIONS. I , . TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF VI - LONGFORD.I ] .GnNTLsIEN, A ETER a trial of five years as your Representa- tive, I have to solicit a renewal of your confidence. When you sent me to parliament I entered into certain engagements with you, all of which I have truthfully and zealously fulfilled. I have now to lay before you my inten- tions it again returned. I am opposed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J ust Publisheo, Third Edition, illustrated with CoIourd Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Dism Price 1i., or in a ealed Envelopo, free by.Post, for 18 Postag Stamps. LI EALTH AND HAPPINESS, T By MEANSBY 1 WHICH .TTHB KAY BE OB , a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Yo]th, and tori , and Disewes of the Generative System, with o'4 o the treatment ol Nervous Debility and tic w or ...