Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S TIIEATIIE. ti LA lION I'ASQUALE. F Tills EVENING (Thursday), June 17, being included in the sub- mcriptceo, will he presented Donit'etti'a Opera DON 1'ASQUALE. ? Don l'O?quaiO, Sip. [attache; Dr. hisEsirsta, Signor Ferranti; C Ernesto, Sig. La roliri: and Norma, Mlm?. Do Ia G?ange. In the c?,uree of the evenings DIThlt'flSSli.'stENr, in which v.111 be presonteel doe Grona t'as 01 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublbed, Third Edition, Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generatjv5 lOIOI. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free hby. pos; Postage Stamps. for51 t4~ IpEEALTH AND HAPPINESS, TaM EIL -WIHTIM MAY BU OBTAIXNDa a et ccl the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity and DB- 01k Generative System, with observations on`th Isftl Nervous Debility and Indig ont etreghomt 1 youthful abuse, infection, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublished, Third Editio4i,;.lflustrated with 'Colourcd Engravings, o0 9yrvons Deblllty and Generative Diseases Price., is., oz in a seaed tinvalo*ej free byPost, for 1.: Postoge Stamps. UEJsE-LTH AND HAPa 3S -awgs'-8h ni ILL: ?? var xix BlA'ir,, a Meodicll.W\orkos the lnfirmitihsbY!5ThMuth, ?? and DiseasesoPthe Bl Genertativ '8yte-, -with obeationr7. on the treatment ot ?? 'D'ebility ! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EW SOUTH WALES GOLD MINES, Ni Established forthepurpod Gold Capperand Qirt' leser, and also Piamnds, and other Precious Stones. C-fl ,salt'. ) 211,1D 9 t0o0 be reserve for te o nlour. No deed to lie ?? further liability. cOslMETTLE as iAtNAGEcMENT. Col the ilon. If S. one. Aebaosy Clcab e-n. o the llon. Ileary Fitzroy, i.P., ioper Grosvenor-street. J. orostil, qE, Calcott Hall, Plintshire. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13 Great Marlborough street. COLBURN AND CO.'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. I. The LIFE of MARIE de MEDI- CIS. By Miss PARDOE. 3 volI. 8vo, with Portrait, &c. 42e. A fascinatinc book. The lhistory of such awomanas tbie beautiful, impulsive, earnest, and affectionate Marie de Medi- cia could enly be done jastice so by a femzale pen, impelled by all the sympathies ot wvomanhood, bitt strengthened by an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Scottish'Widows' Fund, J AND LIFE ASS\6RANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLLSHED A.D. 1815, UPON the PAhICIPLE Or MUTOAL . AssuitANcr. invested CQpftolg arising from thoe Aecumnulefion ef Preatqnus,. aznd beloeegbeaj exclusiveo1 to 8eebere of the SOciety, upwards of TWO MILLIONS . . ; FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND POUJNDS.'r Annualt Revernse, eibownt- ' -': ta THIREE RUNDRVED AND TWENTY THOUSAND POUNbS. E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN RBAIIsWAY. ABERDEEN TO LONDON IN ONE DAY, D BXpRESS TRAIN, LEAVING ABERDEEN AT 6 A.if., AND ARRIVING IN LONDON AT 11 P.M. Arrangement of Trains for June. UP TRAINS. 6.6 AM. 8454A.M. 12.15 2.33 5.0 P.m. AOSEOCEN, 730 10.46 2.18 3.58 7.8 M.m. 9OVS - 1E 9.15 ,, 12.38P.. 3.55 5.23 9.0 P.M. DUNCSFAR ---.8. 0 , 11.25A.M 3.15 4.38 8.0 PM. FosAa . 90 1.0 P.M. . ,6.13 Exprs Mail. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE to PASSENGERS per NILE, for, SIADRAS and CALCUTTA.-This ship being now oin her toporpesoltith, PAS$&NGERS are requested to be tb.,re, E5.,10E 3llRK. 0:; Saturday next) the 6th itot., as; eshtn ,ady o )AI-, lbiosrimg.-F. C reen and ?? 64 csrjt, ,~ets t Prtsouth : Messrs. Gerratt and '~ibbof r4EA to ALCUTA V~AP~de VEXI)M' ~ AE of G(SOD HOPE, MAURITIUS ffYON ar M'DRS.-The (IENFRRL SCREW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UENOS AYRES ENGLISH DEBT.-A B PUBLIC MEETING of the BUENOS AYRES BOND- HOLDERS will be held at the London Tavern, next Wedneeday, the 23d of June, at Twelve for One o'clock precisely, with the view of considering the Present State of their Affairs, and any matters relative thereto that may be brought before it. Aleo to afford the Commliittee an opportunity of laying before the Bondholders a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTUALLING YARD, NEARt GOSPORT 2nd June, G1852. N~OTICE is hereby ?? on THURSDA'5 te 17th Instanot, I shall bereadI to recei eI lenders in writing, sealed up, from such persons as may be willing to conlract for the purchase of the COOK'S FAT which may be returned to this Yard from Her MajestY's Ships, for one year. from the Ist July next. Each Tender snnvst be accomapanied tip& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r-tS -j-t TO PIANO FORTE PUCAES d A New and Brihiant Toned COTTAGE, in ele- le * gartrosewood. case, by Nuting, to be Sold a bar. of gain; DI TTO in walnutwood, by Owen Stodart, and e- Co. ; a rosewood CABINET, by Town, 65-octave, 14 a- guineas ; a mahogany PICCOLO, 10 guineaS. ie To be seen at Cole's Music Warehouse, l5t2, High- of street, Portsmouth. re TO BE LET, n,4A Genteel RESIDENCE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? GOut and BhlenamitlC Flls. HIE following Testimionial. is anotherproof of the great TJeffitlicy of this Medicine:- 1.57, New Bond Street, London, October 12tb, 1850. alotn yoH with the gr eat benefit which I have el. Slaricoced b atoili BLAR'.s GOUT and RHEUMATIC- PILL, I feel that I alo leut peroming a duty to that portion of the public I About twenty Years since I was fret ...