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Leeds Mercury




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... uE LAT SUNDAY SCHOOL JUBILEE, T CELEBRATION AT HALIFAX. COPY of Resolutlons passed by the Sunday School Jubilee Committee, at their Meeting held in the British School goom, Great Alblon-Street., Halifax, June Seventeenth, 1852. * That the thabks of this meeting are due and are hereby ereby presented to Mr. A. DEAN. Joun.. for the very efficient 1~nrH hich lhe superintended and onudrnoted the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAD VERTISEMENTS.1 An irresistible remedy, without medicine, inconvenience, or expense, as it saves fifty times its cost in other means of cure, is - Du Barry's ?? Food, for Invalids and ?? Infants-The Bevalenta Arabica, We lake pleasure in bringing to the notice of our readers a remedy which has the merit of being at once nice, safe, speedy, and sure, for dis- pepsia (indigestion) * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ou BE LET, in the Country, a FURNISHED HOUf * Ii The situation is pleasant and healthy, and ,L ndo a beautiful and extensive prospect. It is five miles I Cog, eds, and wvithin 'idteen minuies' walk of two railway t frot 'a fronm which trains run to Leeds and Bradford every q sthitr. ?? to Mr. Jossart HAIGO, Dyer, Newlay. t , LEI' a HOUSE, in Spencer-place, Round- T Dag-r.1d. occupied by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF THEi WEST T ~~~RhI)INU OF YORKSHIIRE. Gutarr.lam Assured by veriolin pereoflI of diff'erentt Wol Uislious th thei Liccturs of tho Went Riding of Uorkihirc would &asent to my beiirg again re'urned to repro. I Bout them fin Parhamn rat. Should that be tise casis, I beg to Bay tha't I AM prfirelro to xsetivte tile ronponsibhlities of triat distigitishenl ?? which I have nowv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of ai I ADVERTISEMENTS.1 Of all discoveries, none has conferred greaterbenefit up= . mankind than that made by Du Barry some years back. We he allude to a plant grow's upon that gentleman's estate in Afic=, by called D U BARR Y 'S REVALENTA ARABiCA. Ivc ot superiority over pills and other medicines in removing dfs. eases which bad resisted all other modes of treatment for ) years, andbeen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fit atuttfou FASHIONABLE PA-PNR HANGINGS. afesers. IIEPPER and BARlKER ?? announce for s. SALE BY AUCTION, at their Commercial Sale Rooms. Sterne's linildiugs, Leeds, On& Tuesday arext, the Twody-sfoecond instant. 1852. PARCEL OF ELEGANT PAPER AutalT frherykidof room. The ale o comenc ateleven o'clock. SALE OF CARPETS, OIL CT OTIIS. &c. ser.ISEPPtER & BARKER beg to announce thait they *aill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 T BE DISPOSED OF, with immediate p5-i j,1 Tsession, a lucrative BUITCHERIANG BUSINE'S, Silutev in one of the most respectable and best thorousghfasres in Alan- Rip MChester. The trade is very respectable and from n 1 toI 0 £10d wosl per week turned over. The present tenant l.indlig isis health - falling him, is the only reason for wioleing to dispose of it. r ~ hi For further particulars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lately published, price Os., 8vo.. Cloth boards, with POTRsAIT bit MU HE LIFE OF EDWARD BAINES, ftie J.. late it.P. for the Borough of Leeds. and BY HIS SON, EDWARD 13AINES. London: LONSIMIAN & CO. ?? NKWSII1M?., TeedM. T T EEDS M1ECHANIA CS' INSTiTUTIUN and T LITitARY SOCIETY. ?? Arrangements have been made for as aatl ItXCU1lS5ON TO WIJITBY, a9k onl Wredesday. Junc Tlvlly*Ihirii, for onfe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .%Mo tb Auctfoii, SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS EFFECTS. Meesrs. liEPPER B& BARKER will SELL BY AUCTION, at their Commorcial Sale Roonis, Sternees Builditigs, Leeds, On Tlh7udaY next, June Sevesiee:ih, 1852, A CASE OF HAVANA CIGARS A lit fine smoking condition, ten casks of greon paint. o01e Iron stove. elght bronze and black lead fenders. five sets of tire irons. three sets of Japan lea trays ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRATIS! GRATIS! GRATIS! For the Public Good andi the Suppre5sio5 of Quackely. Justpublished, ninety-six pages, EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. f By ALFRED BARKtER, M.D. Sent ?? by the Author, on receipt of two posiage stamps to prepNaV it. Address Dr. ALFsRD ?? 48, Liver- y OP;iNlOI~ gp s-s Prass, Wrtten in a popular style, and ir e5~iigtemd fteteti ot of the diseases that t 'Hesh is heir to. ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAD VEISTISILMENTS .1 It is one of the peculiar duties of tbs conductors of a newspaper to point out to their readers anything of real merit, especially when that is an nrticle wlsich Is used by every one. more or less. WVe refer to the GLENFIELO PATENT Sr~hCss, which, we believe, is almost universally used, and we have great pleasure fin bearing our testimosy to its excellence. The great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y to .ui r of MOTHERS! MOTHERS! MOTHERS I sroe- F11I~HE popuilar Medicine, patonsed by 1. the Queen.-The high and un= .iveralclebrity Le of m which ATKINSON'S ROYAL INFANT'S PRE- coi d Sf ERVATWIVE continue& to maintain, as a safe and agree. ,ties, able mnedicine- renowned for its efficacy in preventing or 1 tbs removing the disorders to which infancy is liable, afford- DA ing instant relief ...