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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... of ai I ADVERTISEMENTS.1 Of all discoveries, none has conferred greaterbenefit up= . mankind than that made by Du Barry some years back. We he allude to a plant grow's upon that gentleman's estate in Afic=, by called D U BARR Y 'S REVALENTA ARABiCA. Ivc ot superiority over pills and other medicines in removing dfs. eases which bad resisted all other modes of treatment for ) years, andbeen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fit atuttfou FASHIONABLE PA-PNR HANGINGS. afesers. IIEPPER and BARlKER ?? announce for s. SALE BY AUCTION, at their Commercial Sale Rooms. Sterne's linildiugs, Leeds, On& Tuesday arext, the Twody-sfoecond instant. 1852. PARCEL OF ELEGANT PAPER AutalT frherykidof room. The ale o comenc ateleven o'clock. SALE OF CARPETS, OIL CT OTIIS. &c. ser.ISEPPtER & BARKER beg to announce thait they *aill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR 'THE BENEFIT OF THlE DEMO0CRATIC REFUGEES. ALL MEN5 AFBt BR'ETHREN' consisting of a IG EAPARlTY AND PUJBLIC MJEETIG TIIE STARt OF FRE-EDOM, WVill be ?? in the Literary and Scientific institution,. Johnastreet, r Tottenhsmn-court-road, onl Tuesday evening, June the Stb, 1832.- The following fi ends to political and social reform will attend and take part in the -proceedinos : IOUIS BLAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION. Legally Established 1849. Head Office, London, Lincoln's Inn Field Chambers, and 2, Ports- mouth-street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.-Branch Offices, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, York, and Aberdeen. Confidential Referee - R. Warwvick, Esq. I.f ATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIA- iL1 TION conducted on the system as so successfully adopted on the Continent, legally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... na-s ?? A, ?? IDY ?? Hre Smt44 t oniUI .f 4ve, r ty Al fietters. Post-paid, addressed to Advertisers, througqi the syPrinlters, are inv~ariably forwarded to the party Adveitisin . m- rf, therefore, an Applicant does not receivean answer within a ud reasonable time, he inust conctude either that the Adoertiser is A not atready suited, or that from some other cause, it has not been i 5 thought ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2, SHEEPSOAR-PLACE, SKINNERLANE. HOUsElloflI) FURNITURE. C1401NEY GLASS, BED- P STEAL'S ANfl REDOIING, GLASS, CHINA.' BOOKS. PeTICTURS. LINN, KITCHEN u rNSILS, AND OTHERt UJSEFUL LOTS. Al ,Messrs. IIPPEPIR &BARKER are instructed by the owneor to SELL BY AUG t'ION. on Monday next, the He. y-eightAJ'risf. 1ims, on the premises, No. 2, blhelpscar-place, Skinuer-isfle, Leeds, LL the HOUSEHOLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE REV.R. BREW R begeto inform the T Inhbitats o Lees an itsviciitythatlie gives Instrctio to Yung entleen i the lasscs sduMatione- matics and n ?? of ?? Edatintindfj. German Languages; English Gralimar an ?? ion ; C Geography. Aritirmitic, Algebra. anud Geoer l eading, q Writing, &-c. t Great attention is paid by BIT. Ilnrcw', to the trainingK Of i the youths Committed to his CAre, in order ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E;LFL'S CONCERTS, (under the direction oS the Leeds Rational Recreation Society.) SiX~h CONCERT (the last of the present reason,) will Thrc in the M1usic-hall, Albion-street, on Saturday Even- Jte Pjune Tiveifth. ,Oy nertx a VocArLIlsT :- Mrs. ALEXANDER NEWTON, together with ggnowN, Mr. PERRING, Mir. DELAVANTI, and the miss usual full and ehflcient chorus. CONDUCTOR ?? M. r. SPARK. n the First ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I1GHLAND EMIGRATION FUND.- HjPAT RON 1115 ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERtT. O COMMOITTEc-. of THls RIGHT HON.. Till LORD MAVOn.,i Tim Go1i~titson oP Tag HAN-K 0W ENGLAND. TI HIls GltCK Taxli PJUICE Cail Mn. Q11san's FRASER, 0f Skye- BUICCI,l~lcll. C1IA ?? FoRERS, EScs DE THK a im,~l lion. Tun EARL, ASlOWri ?? OF SHAIOK llUtit. W I. T. iiAilT s. Els, to Ton tils. AsiilHs IĀ£INNAIRD, 11nNMiY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF NOTTINGHAM. ( ENTLEMEN,-In soliciting the honour of your - Votes at the ncxt Election, I am bounl to give an e xplicit de. clarntion of my political opinions; and, in so doing I shall endes- vour to avoid that disgraceful quibbling and vague generalities so frequently resoerd to in Election Addresee. $uuh, for example, 'AR I am for a liberol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? lAR DIAN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. No. II, Lombard-Street, London. fluilse Berens, Esq. Stewart larj oribanks, Esq. Job0D111 e Eq Rowland Mltchelt, Esq. RonI~icEsq. James Morris, Esq. l 1 ibb ?? Norman, Esq. ,Sorg eJohnstone, esq. eryI. Reynolds, Jun., Req. ,,I,,LabOuclI10I Esq. John Thornton, Esq. John Looll, Esq.damosT Tuloch,Esq. Rjog L1,Esq. Henry IVgne, Esq. AUDITORS. It~. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... att ti. OSPI-J? E. DJOBSON, WINE AND SrIBITAPl ly eF MERCHJIANT, has REMOVED from Bank Rouse, neat Cul do Leeds, to No. ii, B5IOG'ESRET. LFED-4t wEA ?? she basslcceededtotbebusinessof toI .r. her brothor, Thomas 3i11, 0on tile 55fle PeremiseS, and trusts, rep dn byhtict hatetentoen, to merit a continuance of tile favours St~, !h whith er. been so long conferred. upon her late father and Coc 81 ...