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Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MALACHEAN ORPHAN CHARITY. On THIS EVENING (Tuesday), Jane 1/ 8&2, will be presented Bulwer's Play of / THE LADY OF LYON~J Claude Melnotte, Mr. T. 0. King; Pa ne, Mrs. Hudson Kirby. In the Course of the Evening the ad will perform To be followed by a Ballet DivertisMeme by IIdile. Ernestine St. Louin and the Corps Ballet. To conclude with the ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTIOGNS. TO THE ELECTORS 08Y THE COUNTY OF ?? : LEITRIM ' GE1rTrLEMt, ' HE time has aurind. for me to solicit the re- rnew4l of that trust ,hicbh you were good enough to confide to me at the lost Election. - Since I h avehbd the hona to yur representative -i questions 'of tbe' grea, t imp , political ind ,onal, have been hroughb u r. the i&eideration of Parliament. In ?? with t iti. e e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAstPubalshed, Third Editlon, Illustrated wII Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Genst C Price Is., or in a sealed Envelop, free - Postage Stamps. s HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, lWHICO T'HI MAT Bi OBTAi a eb the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, Generative System, with observations on th D Nervous Debility and Indigest!ion whether youthful abuse, infection, or excess, with remerv B risge, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTION S. a TO THE ELECTORS OF TUE QUEEN'S COUNTY. GTNTLEMEN, I ON the approaching dissolution of the present s 0 Parliament, I again appeal to you for your support, in the confident hope that you will acknowledge I have not abused the trust you have hitherto reposed in me, and that s may corduct has been consistent with the opinions I have always professed, and ever. I hope, with clearness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ust iVubnsuuev, ishira huittlu, ilustrbaevu wau .Auiure Engravings, on Nervous Dehility and Generative Disease, Price 1s., or ina sealed Enveiope, free by.Pot, for 18 Postage Stamps. , EALTH AND HABrmr~S, T MEANS B'i 11- WHICH TSaK MAT BEOBTA~rsD, a Medical Workorn the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment o Servous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T' HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. a TIlS EVENING (Wednesday), June 2, 1852, will be ° be produced Sir Edwvard Balwer Litton's Play of Sir Frederick Blount, Mr. J- Webster; Spnt, Ir. GrI y& FveIv-, Mr. T. C. King; Georgina, Mis Jenny Marse* Clar3, ?? tudson Kirby. b La Cracovienne by blad le- Ernes$n St. Louin. After which, thle Interl ~e of A DEAD SHO Hector Timid, Mr. F. Robson ; Ch ttr, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELEC1'01RS OF TEIE COUNTY OF LONGFORD. GNTsiMICIT, A FTER a trial of five yeari as your Representa- Ltive, I have to solicit a renewal of your confidence. When you sent me to parliament I entered into certain engagementa with you, all of which I have truthfully end zealously fulfilled. I have now to lay before you my Inten- tions if again returned. I am opposed to any attempt to reverse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just vubtistiev flrli li~ti,, 1;Lr-Le ; Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative D Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Poot fo l8 Postage Stamps. FEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS g ViWHICH TM 4Y Blt OBTAXNfcb, a Medical W the in~rmilties of Youth, and Maturity, antd Diseiaseoftir Generative .System, with observations on the treaaent o Nervous Debility and Indigestion, whether ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V IEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. - 'nuB EVENIN(~ (Thtraiav). June 3, 1852, will be eO p ~tesented the Drama of THE mYS rERlI )TS STR NGER. Cont Henry de Beausaliel, Mr. T. C. King; the Myste- los stranger. Mib, Emma Stanley. jo be followed by a Ballet Divertisiement. by Idlle. Ernestine St. Louain and the Ccrp8 d. Bser. Io the course of the Evening the BanE vill perform the Court Beauty Polka.O After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Let srianea, utnird inditi ii. ?? - eoJInA Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Genermtive Disem Price le.. or in a sealed Euvoelope, free by Post, for IS Postage Stamps. H1 EA1L rH AND HAPPINESS, TEll M&UNS BY L WHICH TR1 SlAY im OSTAINtSD, a Medical WoIti the Infirmities of Youth, ?? 4atarity, and l)isutuino~iit Generative `yswnm, with observati us on the treatment t Nervous Debility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. on THIS EVENING (Fri~lav), June 4, 1852, will be presented the Romantic Drama of THE DEVIL'SN I F. Baron Gompertz. Mr BromleyAAbert Holstein, Mr. J. Webster; Rlollo, Mim Emma St aey; Feiic, Miss Jenny Marston. After wihich Sl-sksp ea' Comedy nf KATHARITNE AE AN ErRUCHIO. petruchio, Mr. T. C. King; rine, Mrs. H.. Kirby. iI the course of the Even B h and will perform the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N, ELECTIOINS. 1 TO THE ELECTORS .OF.THE COUNTY OF LEITlUY. GENITLEMX, -l HE time has arrived for me to solicit the re- T newal cf that trust which you were good enough to confide to me at the last Election. . since I have had the honour to be your representative I questions of the grateast imporlance, political and social, _ have been brought under the consideration of Parlianent. In dealing ...