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Lancashire, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... The Queen has been graciously pleased to command that Joscrra GILLOTT, of Birmingham, be appointed Steel Pen Manufacturer in ordinary to her Majesty. Dated April 13th, 1840. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S very superior PATENT and other METALLIC PENS MKAY be had of all Stationers, Booksellers, and other M Dealers in Pens throughout the United Kingdom. The number of Pens manufactured at the works of JOSEPrc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BSEAUTIFUJL COMPLEXION. ROWLANDS' KALYD OR, AN Oriental Botanical Preparation, perfectly free A~.from all mineral or isretal lie admixture. It is dislidu~lc for its extremnely bland, purifying, and soothing ?? on lie Sikin; wbile by ito action onl the pores and minute secretory ves. sels, it expels all impurities fr'rn Itol surfaice, allao.F cverye tcnl- dency to Inflammration, and thus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF PRESTON. G ENTLEMEN,-I again address you, because I am G informed that a report has been raised and indus- triously circulated, that it is not my intention to come be- fore you at the approaching election, or to stand a contest. My answer to this is, that my desire and ambition is to continue to represent Preston. Many persons, who have hitherto called themselves ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURIN. W ELL, ESTABLTSIED PAPER HANGIG MANUFACTORY, WITH INCREASING BUSINESS, AND AMPLY REMUNERATIYVE PROFITS. INCOMING LOW. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, HIE GOOD WILL, BUSINESS, IMPLEMENTS, T BLOCKS, and UTENSILS, for Paper Staining and Printing, at the Paper Staining Mlanufactory, in Clayton- street, Blackburn. A sufficient reason will be shown for the disposal of this concern, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INFIDELITY UNMASKED' 1IE Public are respectfully informed that TWO TLECTURES will be delivered in the Exchange aooms, Preston, on the evenings of Monday and Tuesday, the 14th and 15th of June, 1852, BY EDWARD GRUBB. SUs3JECTS: LcECTuRE I-Natural Theology. LECTURE 2-The Metaphysics of Atheism. l AdmissiOn :-Reserved Seats, Gd.; Front Seats, 3d.; 13elk Seats, id. Tickets for the Reserved and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [DUTY FREE.] GAXRSTANG UNION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, y HAT the Board of Guardians of this Union will, on T Thursday, the 1st day of July next, at the hour of, twelve o'clock at noon, proceed to APPOINT a MEDI- CAL OFFICER for The ST. :IICIIAEL'S DISTRICT, comprising the townships of Bilsborrow, the lower part of Catterall, Great Eccleston, Inslkip-with-Sowerby, M1yerscough, and Upper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B LACKB U RN. -EO MUSIC SELLERS, ORGANISTS, BREWERS, v AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. TO BE SOLD BY AlJOrTON, Uegrder an Ezecution and without the slightest reservre BY MIR. JOHN SALISBURY. o Oa Wednesday uext, June 23rd, 1852, at the large room adjoining Knowles's liotel, in King-street, Blackburn, c 71WVO valuable and brilliant toned COTTAGE PLANA d . FORTES, six and tllree-quarter octaves, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5OCIETIES FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN -NotWLEDGE, AND FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. THE ANNUAL MEETING rOF the Members and Friends of the above Societies, 0 resident in Preston and the neighbourhood, is to be in the Council Chamber, at the Town Hall, on 11,,1llcsdav next, the 23rd inst. The chair to be taken r tile Worshipful the Mayor, at Twelve o'clock precisely. The Stevy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. ROWLANDS' RALYDOR, A N Oriental Botanical Preparation, perfectly free Ai from all mineral or metallic admixture. It is distinguished for its extremely bland, purifying, and soothing effects on the Skin; while by its action on the pores and minute secretory ves. sels, it expels all impurities from the surface, allays every ten- dency to inflammation, and thus effectually ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '1o DIRAPERS. r XNTEDarespectableYoung man, as ASSISTANT. Apply at the CHRONICLE OFFICE, 23, Fishergate. TO THE l TE, CTORS OF' PRESTON. 1-TI. :lLEMEN,-Since my arrival in Preston, I have i W.eceived, from all sections of the Liberal party, such ,eerelos and flattering promises of support at the ap- election, that I feel it would be ungrateful in niP l) delay thanking my friends for these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1tEMOjrVAL OF THE CHRONtC'LE OFFICE, AND GENEItIAL PRINTf AN IA I.). 1B1OKSELLINIG(. E.ST'ABLPRIDI:NT, No. 23, FISHERGATE, PRESTON.. DOBSON AND SON, BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS, AND STATIONERS, I'l1Ot'r11Toli$ OF THE PRESTON CHRONICLE, DEGto inform their Friends, and the Inhabitants of ?? grenerally, that they have REMOVED their Establishmient to No. 23, FIS0IERGATE, (next door to Mr. Cartwright's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 A C K BURN. t pri we biu iAEX' TCOMPOSITION CLAY EFFORTS. . JOHN SWARBRICK aft j GIS to thanlk his Friends and the Public for their ii past support for a number of ycars, and has the ser --kenyiri oif informiln thom that lie has invented a new Ed Zt'IPOSIT1ON CLAY RtETORT, for whichi he has St' Xroe~airm i HElt 'MAJESTY'S ROY.AL L E T T E R S Cu 7XlENT, one trial of which will convince the ...