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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... FINSBURY ELECTION. GREAT PUBLIC MEETING' OF TlB - Electors and Non-Electors of the BoroUgh -ill be heS0 CLZLtKENWELL.GRErN, ON AONDAY EYENING, J 1 To promote the re-eletttion of THOMAS SLINGSBY DU.NOCOMBE, 'ho will attend and addreis the meeting. Chair to be t:,ken at Sirt °e1u2-Id W' ell.tried re- Lien of Finsbury attend and support your o a IrasentitiVe. ?? itrr By order of the Committee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .%Mo tb Auctfoii, SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS EFFECTS. Meesrs. liEPPER B& BARKER will SELL BY AUCTION, at their Commorcial Sale Roonis, Sternees Builditigs, Leeds, On Tlh7udaY next, June Sevesiee:ih, 1852, A CASE OF HAVANA CIGARS A lit fine smoking condition, ten casks of greon paint. o01e Iron stove. elght bronze and black lead fenders. five sets of tire irons. three sets of Japan lea trays ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRATIS! GRATIS! GRATIS! For the Public Good andi the Suppre5sio5 of Quackely. Justpublished, ninety-six pages, EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. f By ALFRED BARKtER, M.D. Sent ?? by the Author, on receipt of two posiage stamps to prepNaV it. Address Dr. ALFsRD ?? 48, Liver- y OP;iNlOI~ gp s-s Prass, Wrtten in a popular style, and ir e5~iigtemd fteteti ot of the diseases that t 'Hesh is heir to. ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAD VEISTISILMENTS .1 It is one of the peculiar duties of tbs conductors of a newspaper to point out to their readers anything of real merit, especially when that is an nrticle wlsich Is used by every one. more or less. WVe refer to the GLENFIELO PATENT Sr~hCss, which, we believe, is almost universally used, and we have great pleasure fin bearing our testimosy to its excellence. The great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y to .ui r of MOTHERS! MOTHERS! MOTHERS I sroe- F11I~HE popuilar Medicine, patonsed by 1. the Queen.-The high and un= .iveralclebrity Le of m which ATKINSON'S ROYAL INFANT'S PRE- coi d Sf ERVATWIVE continue& to maintain, as a safe and agree. ,ties, able mnedicine- renowned for its efficacy in preventing or 1 tbs removing the disorders to which infancy is liable, afford- DA ing instant relief ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IREUDALE COLLEGI ANNIVERSARY. 1* rho above Anniversary will be held in the College the TwentV.third June, 1852 ?? air will be taken at eleven o'clock precisely. ?? Mir. 5Awcaoss will read an Essay on The At 0 ev. JoNN GLIINVIINNssG, of lHuddersfield, will deliver TjbAddas to the Students. ?? pULIC MEETING for transacting the general bust- !f the anniversary will then be held. e 5 Rev. ICHARDs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLSSCA , fMFVV.%C AL. &r MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, CLASSICAL, OUEG ATE, SELBY. R R.TAYLOR, (now resident Master at ?? Bonese. Doncasterdirespectfully Informs his friendttandille public that he intends opening thleabove eos-a bilsirmert for rl receptiont of 1Young Gentlemein, who will be libeall boadedand ?? inthe different ,branches of a sound. literary, and polite education. The mode of teaching ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1'iIVATE CONTRACT-TO BE SOLD, ONE1 horizon~tal hlgb-pre'sure 2i5-horse ENGINE, diameter . of cylmnder 20 inches. stroke 3 feet, diametor of fly wheel 14l1 f. ti-oe ditto, ten-horse; ONE 20-horse locomotive ENGINE V lee TENDER, diameter of ?? 14 inches, stroke I6 Lucile,copper tubes, six wheels, coupled, suitable for heauling v; colO~rballast, The proprietor would have no objection to o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORKING TAILORS' ASSOCIATION, X 68, WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD, LAMBETH. TaRCxEES. Loan GODEnICca, | A. A. VAstTTrART, EEQ. As working-men organised for tbe mnanagement and execution of our own, business, wf e appeal with great confidence to our fellow. working men for their hearty support. Ws ask that support in the plain words of plain men, without the usual shopkeeping tricks and falsehoods. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2, SHEEPSOAR-PLACE, SKINNERLANE. HOUsElloflI) FURNITURE. C1401NEY GLASS, BED- P STEAL'S ANfl REDOIING, GLASS, CHINA.' BOOKS. PeTICTURS. LINN, KITCHEN u rNSILS, AND OTHERt UJSEFUL LOTS. Al ,Messrs. IIPPEPIR &BARKER are instructed by the owneor to SELL BY AUG t'ION. on Monday next, the He. y-eightAJ'risf. 1ims, on the premises, No. 2, blhelpscar-place, Skinuer-isfle, Leeds, LL the HOUSEHOLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION. Legally Established 1849. Head Office, London, Lincoln's Inn Field Chambers, and 2, Ports- mouth-street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.-Branch Offices, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, York, and Aberdeen. Confidential Referee - R. Warwvick, Esq. I.f ATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIA- iL1 TION conducted on the system as so successfully adopted on the Continent, legally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAST RETFORD, NOTTS. i~,r SS RA SAY bgs toinfon her friends and IY~j he pulic tat ab baa ake in lare andu0rdm Nvlicttl I t~s~ ?? I e~ ?? number ofSI 1'uple ater he idsumer acat~nwllii;lt will terminate 00 ?? it isso, ha rde tofaclitte ilestudy of theo Lauguages, a LadY. a native of i'ari, reie onttantly in the house ; And the best Mastore atend o siat, Sinlititig and Dtancing. Terms moderate ...