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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY ELECTION. T HE LORD PROVOST requests the ELECTORS will T do him the honour to neet him on THURSDAY (THIS DAY), the l7th ezirt, fillO QEEN SNTErT HAL:., at Two oClock, and in BRIGHTON; STREET CuntCEi, Lothian Street, at lalrf-nast Seven o'Clock r.Mr. Ed'inburgb, 14th June l852. TO THE E L ECTORS oF THE CITY OF! E E 1D I B' B F R G H, In compliance with the request of a very Nuniaerotis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EL L r KG TO N TESTIMONIA L. OFFICERS WHO HAVE: SERVED r;;DER TTlE DUKE or W1ELINGTON xN THE FIELD nill receive CARDS of! ADMISSION1 to the GENERAL IREGISTER 110USs Upon the. occ~tsiont of the OsnER oxy of the INAVGrS ATxr4Ne of the STASrv, on1 FRIDAY. the I8th JrNE 1552, upon application to CAPTAIN SenTT. -t the Ulited Service Club, Queen Street, on TussDAna | tlLe 15th instant ell4'y. If ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Roy1-ty. 13AS}; OF' S;COTT.AND. Edinburgh, 3d Jvno 1SS2. IE COU-RT of DIRECTORS of the ROYAL BAI-i ( j of SCOTLA'_ND give Notice. that the GENERAL CoUITT Iof PRlOPRIETORS, hLeld on the ist current, hat ina declared a DIVI-DENDT on their CAPITAL STOCK for the Half-Year ending at Mi(dsummer next, the same Nvill begin to be aid thle Proprietors. on Thursday thle ist dav o' July or next, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nwlAncra PORTIO'sN OF THE JEWELLERY beslaIng to hIr CfJnuuRT', Sequestrated Istate, Wiihin No. IS GEORGE STRETr. i OW ELLS vz LYON are instructed lv 2M, FP.Fxux. H. Il U C arini, TFrustee on1 M r C linert's Estate, to proceed on THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY. thc Sd, 4th, and !th Je1, wvitj the Djmspr)osa of the Entire Rmeainder of this Valuable STOCK, comprising Elegaant Guard, Albert, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, EDIlNBURGH. This present Evening, MONDAY, June 7, Vill be performned GWYNNETHT VAUGHAN; A TALE OF THE WELSEH MOUNTAINS. After which the ITALIAN BROTHERS Will appear for the Seventh time, and go through their DIFF1ICLT, DARIZNG, AND EXTRAORDINARY FEATS. After which, LAW\TYER'S CLERKS! On No. 3 FIG-TREE COURT, TEMPLE. To conclude with TUE LITTLE JOCKEY. I - -_________ -_________ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CI T Y REG IS TR AT IO NA LIBERAL ITEREST. The COMMITTEE ROOMS for the REGISTRATION of VOTERS in the LIBERAL INTEREST are Open every day from Ten to Four, and from Six to Eight, at No. 4 HUNTER SQUARE. JOHN JOPP, Secretary. CITY ELECTION. THE following GENTLEMEN have ag-reed to act as TCoNVENERS of the COMMITTEES in their respective WvARDS for PROMOTING the ELECTION of Mr MAC- AULAY. Electors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL SAxK OF SCOTLAND, I- Ed~Finburgh a d June 1852. T H 2CUR of' DIRECTORS of the ROYAL BANK1 TEofc SOTLAN.D give Notice, that the GENERALI CO)URT of PROPRIETORS, held on the Iet current, having tu clared a. DIVIDEND on th~eir CAPITAL STOCIK for the th Ealf-Year ending at Midsummer nest, the same will begin to be paid to the Proprietors, on Thursday the i st day of lJuly nest, at the usual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMMERCIAL D3AN OF SCOTIAND, Edihburgbh, th J.une 1852. T HE QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT OF J PROPRIETORS of the COMMIERCIAL BAN, K OIF SCOTLAN TD having this Day ordered a HALF--YEARILY DIVIDEND on slte Capital Stock of the Bank, without deduction of the Income-'Ta, the same will be payable on TCEsDAT. the 6th July next, and no Transfer of Stock cii talie place in the Books of the Bank until ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vS CHANGGE BANK OF SCOTLAND, tE 3 NORTH ST DAVID STREET. The DirEcToRs have to intimate to the SHAREHOLDERS E that a farthier instalnent of 1.6, 1is. per Share Mill he re;'aid fr3r the balaiiee of tbe epital on and after the 26th Julv. No assiznatiOns of Stock! will be received from the l-ith to the 2sth l-JOHN NICOL, Seer. T1 Edinburgh, 26th June 1852. ,apr - ._ - the t CITY FLECTIO-N. IIT] I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .)ELPm-H THEATRE. This Evenin,, THURSD AY. June 1., 1552, The performcances cvill conrmenee with THE BA.TTLE OF WVATEERLOO!! After whicb. DEAF AS A POST. To conclude with TIE PLOUlIGHANI11A TURNED LORD! SUPERIOR FINISHED PATEN;T LEVER, DUPLEX, & OTHER WATCHES, vy Ecniuinent Malers, in Gold and Silver Cases; FLEGA.NT JEWELLERY, IN FINE BRILLIA NT ADIMOND &z OTHER RI1-NGS, INNS. BROOCHES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THf PROPRIETORS OF STOCK O0 THEE lDINBlBURGH WATER COMPANY.| E The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the PRO- plIF.TORS of the STOCK of the EDINBURGH WATER CoMIPANY will he held in GiaBBs RoyAr. Hoa:EL, No. 53 Princes Street, Edinburgh, Onf MONDAY the 21st day of JuxE -urrent. at Twelve o'Clock noon, in terms of the Statute. W. HE. CAMERON, Clerk to the Company. Edinburgh, 4thJune 1852. F ORTH AND ...