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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTUALLING YARD, NEARt GOSPORT 2nd June, G1852. N~OTICE is hereby ?? on THURSDA'5 te 17th Instanot, I shall bereadI to recei eI lenders in writing, sealed up, from such persons as may be willing to conlract for the purchase of the COOK'S FAT which may be returned to this Yard from Her MajestY's Ships, for one year. from the Ist July next. Each Tender snnvst be accomapanied tip& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... + PIANOFORTES. g F HREE New and Elegant Seven Octave Rosewnood n T PIANOS for S ALE, by an eminent mrakr, at a, very low prices. The above instruments were bought a p few days ago, (fot cash,) anti will be sold at a smtall p profit ; andt for permanency, power, qoality of tone, and touch cannot be surpassed. Also several other PIANOS W from 21. to 21. los. and upwards. th To be seen at C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUANO'AND SUPERPHOSPHATE OF P. NYQuaintity of the above, of genuine quality, may A be purchased of. B. CLARK and SON, Farebam. of B' N.B.-About 50 Torts Agricultural SALT. pose. 36, HANOVER STREEToORSEA Extensive Sale of Genuine Groceries. Body R.~ L W~ill S~ELL by AUCTION', as above, CAl 'Ih on Tedy June 9th, 1852, at eleven,- iog Br TeSTOCK-IN-TRADE of Mr. George Sievens, serve, Grocer ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tefollowing qpseries aroe cir tatec in tkEB to- C + ?? do they mean? C TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF PORTSMOUTH. L ORD DIONCK has avowed himself a ' Member' L of the I Carlton Club. ELECTORS, be on yo guard ! LORD MOYCK at a Public eeting, has stated that t he is neither TORY, WHIr, RADICAL. What then I is Lord Alonck? I Know what your Man is. before you give your votes ! Do not be led ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH ' OF PORTSMOUTH. GENTLEMEN, ?? h T has been my wish to call on every Elector in the j course of my Canvass; but in so large anamber, and with so many remnovals, unintenttional omissionsE must have occurred, I beg to exprs ?? anym such occidental mistakem. In the meantime I avail myself of this ?? to return to all, mry grate- ful thanks for the kind and friendly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ge BLENDWORTH HIOUSE AND ESTATE,. a .UORNDEAN, I]ANTS, m The Property and Residence of the late Admiral Sirt eff Mlichael Seymour, Bart. i M , 3.L ENIS has bad the hotiour to receive fo, j 11 intructions from the Executers of the above - to S E L L by A U C To I 0 N, at the Ship and Bell Inn, Hiornoleatl, on Tuesday fthe 66k of July, at four o'clock in the ?? very valuable Freehold No ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r-tS -j-t TO PIANO FORTE PUCAES d A New and Brihiant Toned COTTAGE, in ele- le * gartrosewood. case, by Nuting, to be Sold a bar. of gain; DI TTO in walnutwood, by Owen Stodart, and e- Co. ; a rosewood CABINET, by Town, 65-octave, 14 a- guineas ; a mahogany PICCOLO, 10 guineaS. ie To be seen at Cole's Music Warehouse, l5t2, High- of street, Portsmouth. re TO BE LET, n,4A Genteel RESIDENCE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I1ANTS MIDSUMMER QUARTER.SESSIONS 1852. NtOTICE is hereby ?? the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE will be held at the Castle of Winchester, in and for the said county, on Monday, the 28?h day of June instant, atc twelve o'clock at noon, for the dispatch of CountY 0 .Business.t And N'otice is hereby further Given,-That on P Tuesday, the 29ris day of June following, the Court rT will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... led 11 FOTM UTH AND, SHEET -BRIDGE p g E URN~PIKE ROAD. kn. c next MEETING of the TRU~~STEES of this i ROAD, .willTbelheld1o7 Thursday next, the 24th in a day o June nstant at elven o'lock i the forenoon -of e at :the Sayings' Bank, in Poirtsmoua gth. :s Le G.L l T ADI, e Clerk to the Trusteee. -3 t 18th June, 1852 2as k WEST END DOWN INCObfRE. P:e Lg 1CHARILES PINK, of Wood Endi near Fareham, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It A LL Persons having claims urpol the Estate of l A JOSEPH B)ORN, late of Itosharo, in, ?? i Ctoutity Mfcrrsex, .Uernttr,deceaeed, are requested to WeI] sentid tlie attlount Of SuCh claffits to :llr. 1' illia E Boortl on ile ten, ia tiae -aid comnty, one of tie lExe- ML cuteri of tile deceased d, atl all persons indebtedi to t ie se rd s are tequested ftor.tlwith to pay titea anoir ti( of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH HANTS. T( GENTLEMEN, 71V~HE day of the dlissolution being now fixed, we have j re-considered carelully the Requisition with - which you have honored us, and also our Returns of iiJ Promises from the several districts, most of -which wve for have visited. ceiv These returns are certainly highly flattering to us tot personally, and they demonstrate ant increasing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ad 0_= - ?? ad 1 - PORTSMOUTH. C' re, OBINSON and KNIGHT, Accountants, Pro. at 1, party Valuer, Marine Brokerq, Auctioneers, IC ns Yacht and Estate Agents. nt Affairs Confidentially Arranged, Logs Copied, ooks Balanced. Office, No. 71, High-street, Portsmouth. sh + H.M.S. VESTAL, C ta APTAIN G. B. HAMILTON, commissioned at en I) Sheerness, has been taken into the North Dock of .b. the Fitting ...