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Advertisements & Notices

... ;T-EW CLUB TSiD thc PUBLIC ROOMS on MONDAY the 21st of j . BUSINESS asS BALLOT at half-past Five. .piNSEl exactly at Six o'clock C Pi_8~.11 3no PRO. BURNETT, Secretary. jAberden, 2 Mth May, 1521'. I Aberdeert Hefly Company. Upa Su L O A N S. cor esp E DIRECTOIS are prepared to receive LOANS on tho Scc fr3Ertgage Bonds of the Company, ha sums of £100 and up- vie ;sle for One or more Years, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - F -* T E A. - WINGE to thbe abundance. and excellent quality of tho last 'A. yce~'s rop, th0e stock ofTea inGreatBritai jliht'now 5 nearly Ten M}§illie iPounds (more thaun a this period last yeair d s have c .goPsequence ,been- reduced, nudit is the opinion s9zene of tho principal dealors, both' in Scotlnd and England . -t the market is, at present better supplied with'really fine l useful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORREVPONDENTS. All Communications, andl articles of Intelligenec, itoended for pliblication, require to be auth enticated by the namo and address of the writer, Unless this is attended to, Corres- pondleilts may rest assurcd that no attention will be paid to their communications, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01V SALLE, ~UPERPHOSPHATE of LIKE, Or DISSOLVED BONES, a S Turnip Manure, dry and pure, at £7 par Ton.' BOILED or Prepared COAL TAR, in 3 Gallon Barrels at 2s.; 6 Gallon, 3s.; 13 Gallon, 5s.; -26 Gallon, Be. each. COAL PITCH; PITCH OIL; BLACK VARNISH. VITRI- FIED and GLAZED STONEWARE WATER PIPES; ROOF- ING FELT; ROMAN CEMENT,&dc. &c.! JOHN MILLER &CO. Sandilands Chemnical Works, Aberdeen, June ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joreign Enteiliaence. FRANCE, The Monileur announces that the interest on reasury bonds is to be reduced from the present rate as follows:—On bonds having from four to five months, to run, to 2 per cent; from six to eleven months to 24 per cent.; and one year, to 34 per cent. The Moniteur adds that this reduction has become neces- sary from the progressing augmentation of eash in the Trea- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It ll VNanot WHITE i ?? l.tlu 1y('at.M old. Atty- Iligit stree:t, I aspiw' ,i-ill hit 'eivwardlil. If foliliid ill the lint- CiiILA Ill it LtiT. SI I. t1-~ ,i II) ?? l'S'pnDt-H , Wwtt- Iiiit oleiite rt I ( 2th IIlat-c ,a tloiiti.' XXhli -vt- hn tittitit thi-ot- lit- '11 git llug informtnaion fr'I( 'ill) lkIIES 'XT Nlt' psvsitn lotu nithi noihc totheydill tbei ( NETI~t)VSA II INeitalii' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... opporiiliiity of gittitig ait tutu:-( into buhiiess, as a good intro- dat-tiem itill hti gIvive. Ad dri-i-- to J1. II. S-., He iraid ( idiot' for piarticulars. NOTICE, Ti) M 1E.ICAI, (tNT I-ENI EN. TH EN i.S ttt iroct-itt a ftivt'iitttli OPIJENING fee a ri's- Pii-tailli MEDCIiA 1C lPlA.\lITP IiiN E'l ill lafitki timaid all tici!ot i Tll w i Pi il Sidtilit lil-ir olt ~ltl is ll i'tl Nvilieill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF? ANTRIM. I N T I I CO URIT r OF- TilE. CfJ IMIS6IONERIS FOR *iI ,1C UMI3ERL) ESTATES IN IRELAND. Iii III the Matter (if the ?? WI LLI AM STEVENSN, and JAMES 14S1HALL, Assignee of thle E'sttet of JOHN tN i)N, ail Inisol vent, O wners ?? ~~~Petitioners.182 ~A~hen ?? thut 1tth (lay of JULY,182 1, j1sI A NT to tie order of the Commnissioneirs, G4EOR10GE 01 I \IXIAN, Auittii, wert, wvill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .AIRDRIE AND COATBRIDGE WATER COMPANY. ANNUAL MEETING OF SIIAREIIOLDERS. 1E ANNUCAL GENERAL MEETING of the SHARE- 1 IIOI~lDERS of this COMPANY will be held within Drummond's Royal lHotel, Airdrie, onl Tuesday the 29th day of June current, at One o'clock Afternoon ; of which initina- lion is hereby given, in terms of the Stat ute. JAMES KIDD, Secretary. Airdrie, 11th Juile, 1852. _ _ . , .V . _ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DINNEFORD'S PURE FLUII) MAGNESIA H AS been for many years sanictionied by thc most eminent H of the Medical P'rofession, a. all excellent remieldy fijr ACIDITIES, HEA 'icri N, 11 EADACHE, GOUT, AND INDI ESTIoN. As a MILD icUlIINT, It is admnirably adapted fol D)ELICATE FEM.ILES partkilarlly during P'reyewicy; and it prevents tile Foodof Inihuts froi turning sour during I igestionl. Combined ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? C TTON WORKS FOR SALE. Ui,6ln' 1'ici:, £C22,500. 'l's be~ Coli, 1'Y Public AucKtsion, within the Exchiange. Salle ? ?? at 0; lasgow, onl Thunrsday the 24Ith JuLne. next, at 2 rrlE orroN, SPINNING and WEAVING ESTAII- Tj I. S JIIM E N 'T fit St anl~eV, near Ile rthI, toget her wvithI theIC ~~ [N MILL, ~VI LLAM ,; andl MANSION hOUSE of cii I ,with LANDS tud F ISHIINiS attaiched. 1,i p (',.tton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT GAS LAMPS. LAIDLAW & SON, MANIUFACTU:1IEW of tile PATENT R . (SECUi;RE) SiiDsM (A AS LAMI is, i-espectifully solicit an inspectioll of their extensive Stock of tie above ]A kM's, which for Elegance of Design Utility and Price, are not to ble sur- passed]. Upwaiis dof 15,001) of thses Lamips are ait present in use, w hith sufliciently attests their superiority ovcr every Other kind of ...