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June 1852
13 19



Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... LAD VERTISEMENTS.1 An irresistible remedy, without medicine, inconvenience, or expense, as it saves fifty times its cost in other means of cure, is - Du Barry's ?? Food, for Invalids and ?? Infants-The Bevalenta Arabica, We lake pleasure in bringing to the notice of our readers a remedy which has the merit of being at once nice, safe, speedy, and sure, for dis- pepsia (indigestion) * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINSBURY ELECTION. GREAT PUBLIC MEETING OF THE A Electors and Non-Electors of the Borough will be held on CLERIKENWELL.GREEN, ON MONDAY iTENIN6, JUNE 219r, To promote the re.elottion of THOMAS SLINGSBY DUNCOMBE, Who will attend and address the meeting. Choir to be taken St Sis ?? precisely. Men of Finsbury attend and support your old and rwell-tried re. presentotive. By order of the Committee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fit atuttfou FASHIONABLE PA-PNR HANGINGS. afesers. IIEPPER and BARlKER ?? announce for s. SALE BY AUCTION, at their Commercial Sale Rooms. Sterne's linildiugs, Leeds, On& Tuesday arext, the Twody-sfoecond instant. 1852. PARCEL OF ELEGANT PAPER AutalT frherykidof room. The ale o comenc ateleven o'clock. SALE OF CARPETS, OIL CT OTIIS. &c. ser.ISEPPtER & BARKER beg to announce thait they *aill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINSBURY ELECTION. GREAT PUBLIC MEETING' OF TlB - Electors and Non-Electors of the BoroUgh -ill be heS0 CLZLtKENWELL.GRErN, ON AONDAY EYENING, J 1 To promote the re-eletttion of THOMAS SLINGSBY DU.NOCOMBE, 'ho will attend and addreis the meeting. Chair to be t:,ken at Sirt °e1u2-Id W' ell.tried re- Lien of Finsbury attend and support your o a IrasentitiVe. ?? itrr By order of the Committee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRATIS! GRATIS! GRATIS! For the Public Good andi the Suppre5sio5 of Quackely. Justpublished, ninety-six pages, EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. f By ALFRED BARKtER, M.D. Sent ?? by the Author, on receipt of two posiage stamps to prepNaV it. Address Dr. ALFsRD ?? 48, Liver- y OP;iNlOI~ gp s-s Prass, Wrtten in a popular style, and ir e5~iigtemd fteteti ot of the diseases that t 'Hesh is heir to. ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y to .ui r of MOTHERS! MOTHERS! MOTHERS I sroe- F11I~HE popuilar Medicine, patonsed by 1. the Queen.-The high and un= .iveralclebrity Le of m which ATKINSON'S ROYAL INFANT'S PRE- coi d Sf ERVATWIVE continue& to maintain, as a safe and agree. ,ties, able mnedicine- renowned for its efficacy in preventing or 1 tbs removing the disorders to which infancy is liable, afford- DA ing instant relief ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IREUDALE COLLEGI ANNIVERSARY. 1* rho above Anniversary will be held in the College the TwentV.third June, 1852 ?? air will be taken at eleven o'clock precisely. ?? Mir. 5Awcaoss will read an Essay on The At 0 ev. JoNN GLIINVIINNssG, of lHuddersfield, will deliver TjbAddas to the Students. ?? pULIC MEETING for transacting the general bust- !f the anniversary will then be held. e 5 Rev. ICHARDs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE REV.R. BREW R begeto inform the T Inhbitats o Lees an itsviciitythatlie gives Instrctio to Yung entleen i the lasscs sduMatione- matics and n ?? of ?? Edatintindfj. German Languages; English Gralimar an ?? ion ; C Geography. Aritirmitic, Algebra. anud Geoer l eading, q Writing, &-c. t Great attention is paid by BIT. Ilnrcw', to the trainingK Of i the youths Committed to his CAre, in order ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION. Legally Established 1859. Head Office, London, Liucoli'e Inn Field Chambers, and 2, Ports. month.street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.-Branch Offices, Liverpool, Manchester. Bristol, York, and Aberdeen. Confidential Referee R. Warwick, Esq. 11 ATRIMONIAL ALLIA.NCE ASSOCIA- ill TION, conducted on the system as so successfully adopted on the Continent, legally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? lAR DIAN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. No. II, Lombard-Street, London. fluilse Berens, Esq. Stewart larj oribanks, Esq. Job0D111 e Eq Rowland Mltchelt, Esq. RonI~icEsq. James Morris, Esq. l 1 ibb ?? Norman, Esq. ,Sorg eJohnstone, esq. eryI. Reynolds, Jun., Req. ,,I,,LabOuclI10I Esq. John Thornton, Esq. John Looll, Esq.damosT Tuloch,Esq. Rjog L1,Esq. Henry IVgne, Esq. AUDITORS. It~. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T %ILET ARTHINGTON HALL, including V] T0H ?? he ounrya FURNISHED pesan and ieshy n Oi~0LET, a HOUSE, in Spencer-place, Round- Th ay-road. occupied by thle widow of the late Major pickard. For ariuars apply to Mrt. WV. CisADWIcit dyer, Leeds. Ilk, at ('nFFICES TO LET, in Cudworth's - Court ~JBriggato, consisting of thlree good rooms, wilth two en- wi trances, lately occupied by J1. Cudlworth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' I MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION. Legally astablisbed 1849. Head Office, London, Lincoln's Inn Field Chambers, and 2, Ports. tmouth-street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.-Branch o~ffices, Liverpool, it Manchester, Bristol, Yoik, and Aberdeen. n Confidential Referee R. Warwick, Esq. MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIA- Ir M TION, conducted on the svstem as so successfully adopted s on the Continent, ...