Advertisements & Notices

... H ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. c u FIFTH NIGHT oS the NEW BALLET, ZELIE; on. L'Amourt et la M..gte.'S THXIS EVENING (Saurday), Jalv 3, wiU be presented Onecco's favouritc Opera of LA I'ROVA iD'UN OPERA SEblA. Principal characters by Mladamne de lao Grange, Snori F. Lablaehe, lMreuriali, and i ablaehe. To be preceded by a Selection from le'sini's Opera of SEMIRAA. MIVE. Principal parts by Madame do la ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mn~.~ tr Xl-1IL C Ht Ato Mitter of )I 1lE 0 m it I S - hIENIY 10iAN K I Eli, of Belfast, IL. )1(\1 N F 11 it ' iii flio iJouiitt) of I i ie A. NiK I t U pOY vill G-s-tiii aind Ploor Met rchant, Siit, at the Ciiort of' A I itliltrpf. Bauhriuptes-, ait thte hunt-, FUrts, IDno' Qolay, ill thel, City ofliobliti , oilt' TItisdtty the i1tli day of-dii ly imsaia ie orif'w ?? at Noon5 to ?? Tra1 AC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rsalway! Library, New Volume, a Douhle Volumoe, Price, Is. 6d. in Fancy Boards, e iORTON BECK; Oey TEE AUSTRALIAN SETTLER. il By A. Harris. Every intending Emigrant should read this book, it being a most interesting story, and contains much valuable information. Also in this Series:- Valerie. by Captain Marryat Lilly Dawson, by Mrs. Crowe Scottish Cavalier, by Grant Clarionet, by Carleton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? -:Osford University Election. ] _gE W-ARDEN OF MERTON'S COMMITTEE Ir contillles to sit daily t .51, BROAD-STREET. t hatirnn tlb' PRESIDENT of ST. JOIIN'S. WVTILLIAIM DYKE ?? Jesus, Ion. GEU`. rETC11, MI.A., Trinity, Secretaries. -, uliet :g yeasant Villge a few miles from I; 1, , c:1an accommodate(I txith BOARD atnd , \I ?? Ever'tentiolln rwould be paid to her comfort, and *el: a pte 'ant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THlE, Electors of the County of Banff. G LINT L mi , -. I Beg to thank yout vory sincerely for thle cordial, support so whi A widely pronaised to Inc during miy Canvass9, whbich ovinces try, your approbation of the l)oliteeal Views I have coma forward to bet zdlvocatc, and hatve had ain Opaportunity of explaining to moslt of thbs you personally. IHs, I now beg to inform you that the days of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H11ARDS' FARINACEOUS FOOD c for INFANTS and INVALIDS.-This article, which for so I many years has proved to be the best and purest food, contains those i propertireawhich pyrevent acdtassdlcestion, andimupart suh I be angth to Ihe fant a hanot be obtsined from any other dl et.Sold by aillchenhista and druggists, patent me. dbmse venderts, grocers, tadealers, Italian warehonsemen, and con.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rnORT PHILLIP Direct.-NOTICE.-PAS-I SE'NGERS by the EMIY, tying in St. Katharine's Docks, ae reon' sted to be on board at 11 o'clock on Monday, to select their oebins that day.-W. O. YOUNG, Sun-oourt, Corahill. AUSTRALIAN GOLD and GENERAL MINING A and EiIIlGRATION COMPANY'S LINE Of PACKETS,-For yORT pfIllLIP Direct (to sail on the 20th July), a splendid first- class fast-sailing ship, - , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMES COCHRAj'S WINE & SPIRIT, ALE & POII STORES, No. 1, CASTLE L P C, FIFTH DOOR FROM) THE DON i. THE CELEBRATED BITTER ALE, IN PfllMl ORDER. 1140 0 TO BE L E NLT, IN ONFE C-td 1 5 'kill 6 SU.\I, on mortgage of property of adequate value. Being a Trust nd, it may rc- main in the hands of the borroawrJ any naube of years to be agreed on. R0B3ERT STEWART. . TERSON, Solicitor, 1469 1321, Ann ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ile0 b'p aucttion. W INDHILL HILL FARM, NI;AR BRADFORD.- W The Messuage. Cottages, Four Closes of Land and beredtteaments. situate at Wudhill, in Idle, in the parish of alverley, in the countty of York, advertised to be sold by auction, by Mr. TimothY legham, at the house of fIr. J. Haley, the Buil Inn, in Shipley. on F riday, tle Ninth day of July next, have been disposed of by Private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JrIsjIT SZxLLZ X -E.r? IS this or that species of food indigestible? were the constant queries addressed to that well-know eminent surgeon. Abernethy. H is reply wos, I woul-lvDaiV llobjectionsna to quality and quantity, if I could ensure regularity so the period of your meals, and nit oceasional dose of Dr. Scott's Biliowas and Liver Pills. They promote a healthy action of tbe Livee, nad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jlftl 0eIlanWtou0. THE MOST MAGNIFICENT AND SUPERBLY I ILLUSTRATED VOLUME EVER ISSUED ] FIROM THE PRESS. At Now ready, handsomely bound ia cloth, 6s. 6d.; extra - cloth, gilt edges, 7s. Gd., the First Volume of THE ILLUSTRATED EXHIBITOR r 3 AND MAGAZINE OF ART. . This Volume is beautifully printed on 416 pages 51 Imperial Octavo, and contains upwards of Two tun- qt dred Principal Engravings, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R O [Advertisement.] REMOVAL OF THlE CRtYSTAL PALACE. TO TIEI EDITOR OP THE DAILY NEWS. SIBa,-Aa somcle observations relative to the wish of va the people of England for the continuance of the Crystal th Palace in Hyde-park have lately appeared in one of your. contemporaries, perhaps you will allow me. to republish in your newspaper a letter ?? I wrote some time since, de- CQ olaratory of my ...