Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTIONS. A~derg~an Rknolds's Committee-rooms, J h , College-green. WERE General Con e meet each day at Two JT o'Clodck. The Libel ters and Ratepayers are ear- M nestly requested to call athf Committee Rooms to get the in particulars of their franchise. be The lists are open for inspection from Ten to Five o'Clock, jl and from Seven to Nine in the Evenings. at CITY OF DUBLIN ELECTION. W E, s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ALDNESS REMOVED and PREVENTED.- The POMMADE DEPURATIVE, invented by a physician of the highest celebrity, who placed it in the hands of tho pro- prietors solely to benefit tho public, will in all instances restore the Hair, so long as vitality remains in the bulb from which It springs. It is introdnced with the greatest confidence and satis. faction, as no doubt of its renovating power ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEPORTER WANTED.-Apply VA., F lyiang Post Olice. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. ROBERT VISICK, / CHEMIlST, HTH STREET, EXE T . lITAS a VACANCY for an active in6lligent li-YOUTH as an APPRENTICE. A second Vacancy will occur in September next. TANTED- BOARD and LODGING for SV GENTLEMAN, under age, in a Gentl an Farmers House, in the Country, of respectab' and good character, where a little Shooting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustratod with Colournd Enjravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases, Price Is-, or ina sealed Envelope, free by Poet, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS. THE MEANS BY wmcH TREY MAY BEl OnTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Re THOMAS BOONE, OF BISHOPSTEIGNTOVF GENTLEMAN, DECEASED.' N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN-Tba/all N CREDITORS of this ESTATE who havd not given in the particulars of their Claims to the Executors, are requested to do go on or before the 1st day of JuLY next, or they will lose the Benefitof the'Dividend, which after that day will be declared and paid by the Executors out. of the Estate. A Balance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T THE NERVOUS AND DELICATE.-By Royal Letters Patent.-DR. SIBLY'S RE-ANIMATING SOLAR TINCTURE has unw, beets before the public tspws of fifty years, and its beneficial effects in all cases or debi laositcude, cottaumPtin, lowness Of spirits au Devua a. ave never been known to tail. In rheumatic complaints an d~iges.- tion, whether arising from atmospheric changes or sedentary 00. cupation, it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADELPHI THEATRE. This Evening, THURSDAY, Is; July, IS52, Will he presented A L A D D I N, OR THlE NV0\TDERFtt. LAmr. Aftter which, DEAF AS A POST. To conclude with THE BROKEN SWORD. w The MtERc':ry is published on 3ondavs and Tbursclavs. Price t1 annum. -2, 4s. credit; £2 paid in advance. Half- year and Quarter in proportion. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FpOR PORT PFILPh *U splendid British-ballt SW Vnd.owneti l W;db of Lonuor', wildal fla or M]t 5uoatlibud e NG~e§.Dtee1$,t the underinentioned dates, callig at Dartwoutht to ?? . _ gers. To lod in the St1KatWiLbn6Docka* DINAPORE, 1,SiCtons butden, J. D. V sail 20th July. ALlpORE, 1,350 tons burdeni B. -D.; FRPUNAMNsmojlira ( sail 20th August. BARRACKPOlRE, 1,350 tons burdem, B.-MB*VW P, CAN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MI IDDLESEX HOSPITAL. M PArsoi-Her Most Gracious MA3ESrY. Fsajm ?? Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERIMD. 301 Th~e Governo's and ?? of this Charity will DLSE at the TraM. PA gar, ot Greenwich, o ESDAiY, the 6th July, at a quafter to six BC JOHN INRGA15 TRAEEPtS, Prg., Treasrr, inL the Chai. I Tickets. oe gune ecah, may be haad oftheu Scretarj', at the }Ic- pital, and at thelfraalgar. ALEL~ alSDDENf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S LINE of IRON SCREW A - ?? SYDNEY, calling at the Cape of Good Hope, (iCi80 Sound, Adelaide, and Port Phillip, the splendid gin- I~j SYDNE', A 1, 1,400 tons register, 300-horge power, tenis'-5 I Fe~sOtYtN Commander, will be despatched from London iLcIltI iof july, and froml Plymouth 3d August. To load in Or Int J S dia D'cks. These steamers have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IADVRRTISEMEENT.] THE AUTHORITY SOR THE NON-OB- SEE RVANCE OF THE SEVENTHI DAY. It is universally admitted, That at the creation of the world Almighty God blessed and sancetified the Seventh Day; this He did, without exemption of any Nation, or limitation to any time; the command, therefore, is universal and im- It is asserted, That though our Blessed Lord or His Apos- tles are not recorded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fIIEATR ROYAL, DUBLIN. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. BROMLEY. on THIS EVENING (Thursday), July 1, 1852, the per- 0anpaces will commence with the Comedy entitled MARRIED LIFE. I lbS Course of the Evening the Band ill play the War Polka, and the Das Wiedersehe Polka. After which the Interlude 3? MY WIFE'S DENTIS4 A Pas Seul by Madlle St. L5uin. To be followed by the Classical Bu sque entitled ALCESTIS; ...