Advertisements & Notices

... ONE THIOUSAND COPIES POSTED NVEEKLYW! Severity-t'ourlit Thmittsid-Libravy E'dilio i. I0 01). Sent free on. rr'ce~pt of t; s/aj ps, to pie-pall Postagqe, addressed lo Mr. LANVHS, AMedjrIIa P1idaisher-, 2, Charles Street, l1intton Garden, London,1t EVERY MAN HI1S OWN DOCI'O; ii- COM INON SIENSE ON COMMENON SUiij ECTS: APovuilar' Gutide to 1-leathil, ad dro' 'ed to the A ynunL th-e, Old, thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICE ESTABLISHED FOR THE INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY, AN TOWN AND COUNTRY. 3A.IL INSURA&DNCE. ROYAL, FARMERS' AND GENERAL, FIRE, LIFE, AND HAIL INSURANCE INSTITUTION. - CATITAL £6500,000. E'statlisced in 1840, ?? Specicl Act of Parlianzent. R EDUCTION OF RATES.-The mode of In- _asurance has been simplified by the adoption of one uniform Rate ofl'6d, per Acre for the following Crnps, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y'sta-blish~ed upwards of Seventy Years. J SC11WEPPE an.d Co.. 1by Poyrvi Airpoiiitmient, 0T IN ,ririofactUIr-eS cf Soda, l'otass, Magrnesia- Waters and £~rated Lemonade, London; Liverpool-, Derby; and 05. Castle- street, l1it ?? much prejudice hlas been produced in the public mind Icy spurious articles, containing riot a particle of alrali, but sold as such, that oinsumers are earnestly- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ile0 b'p aucttion. W INDHILL HILL FARM, NI;AR BRADFORD.- W The Messuage. Cottages, Four Closes of Land and beredtteaments. situate at Wudhill, in Idle, in the parish of alverley, in the countty of York, advertised to be sold by auction, by Mr. TimothY legham, at the house of fIr. J. Haley, the Buil Inn, in Shipley. on F riday, tle Ninth day of July next, have been disposed of by Private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tCACT¶A vi CAPE de VERDS, CAPE OODHOPE, MAURITIUS, ASIO' .5 GENERAL SCREW STEAM OSYLNG OI, ' IEo IROON STEAMERS, with her mails.Departure Departure Capeitaw. Tone, from from ~seiC.ELIDocks. Plymouth. .~N~haoil StwS~t1,800 Aug. 10 Aug. 15. ~,id3~~I~erge~tdcI ner~1,8001 Sept. 10 Sept. 18. p0105 JohnVineHalt 1,800 iOct. 10 Oct. 15. ilctn 1,800! Nov:. 10 Nov.l10. g~crriO - 1800I Dec, 10 Dec. 18 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-I THIS EVENING, Thursday, July 22 (beiog included in the Sub- scription), will be presented Doulietti's opera, LUCIA DI LAMMERMOORA Lucia, Mine. De la Grange; Edgardo, Sig. Gardo; Bide*ent, Sig. Susig aud Enrico, Sig. Co Bassinie. bll et z c sed b TO conclude with the highly ucckts for ?? Mp o r da M. GosPelit , tie poem bat M' th Georgeso the Taeatre; Nandaoh enttle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JrIsjIT SZxLLZ X -E.r? IS this or that species of food indigestible? were the constant queries addressed to that well-know eminent surgeon. Abernethy. H is reply wos, I woul-lvDaiV llobjectionsna to quality and quantity, if I could ensure regularity so the period of your meals, and nit oceasional dose of Dr. Scott's Biliowas and Liver Pills. They promote a healthy action of tbe Livee, nad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR BOMBAY DIRECT, N OW LOADING, the fine Coppered Ship, A N lJOHN MOORE, 1100 Tons Burthen; has Room for a few light Goods, and very spe- rior A4ccomniodation for Passengers, and will be dispatched in about 14 Days. For Freight or Passage, apply to JOHN llALL & CO., 11, Quay. Newcastle upon Tyne, 29th July, 1852. FOR PORT PHILIP DIRECT, HE Fast sailing Packet BRIG GUIANA, T 300 Tons Burthen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jlftl 0eIlanWtou0. THE MOST MAGNIFICENT AND SUPERBLY I ILLUSTRATED VOLUME EVER ISSUED ] FIROM THE PRESS. At Now ready, handsomely bound ia cloth, 6s. 6d.; extra - cloth, gilt edges, 7s. Gd., the First Volume of THE ILLUSTRATED EXHIBITOR r 3 AND MAGAZINE OF ART. . This Volume is beautifully printed on 416 pages 51 Imperial Octavo, and contains upwards of Two tun- qt dred Principal Engravings, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R O [Advertisement.] REMOVAL OF THlE CRtYSTAL PALACE. TO TIEI EDITOR OP THE DAILY NEWS. SIBa,-Aa somcle observations relative to the wish of va the people of England for the continuance of the Crystal th Palace in Hyde-park have lately appeared in one of your. contemporaries, perhaps you will allow me. to republish in your newspaper a letter ?? I wrote some time since, de- CQ olaratory of my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G 0REAT NOVELTY in PARASOL&.-W. and 3p-. SANGSTERt beg to call the attentlon of Ladlies to thleir raCHINA CRAPY PARASOLS embroidlered to their orersin Canto; 'at whioh f ae mae and richness of efi'eet have nevaer -bftneuallede Ml The P ae hra pariclrl aW tedtI ar Horticultural aother 90 fteswher lidj's toltette is so muth ?? he bW only of P.I imotr n an.nrateurera, W. and J.SANGSTERt, 140, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A vt~tl t fof tb THE WINES of FRANCE and GERMANy eap, rhsve en lly gathered In their respective localities by V JAMES CAMPBELL, for Sale at the Regent-street Wine Cellars, where, with all otherFOREIGN WINE, they can be obtained by c families at moderate prices Attention is particularly directed to a c fine Bordeau wine. at 28s per dozen, in one, two, ort~~ thre oan eases, which, with the ...