Advertisements & Notices

... SHOOTINSG 1VANTED over from three to five 1 S hundred aeres, pretty well stokede with game, between twenty 1 and foty mles from London, end near a raiway station. A farm. haouse wuld be paeferred.-Aiddreas, with fulliparticulars, to B.t B., Messrs. Grtmwade's, etationers, 44, Brend-alreet. |1 G ROUND-RENTS.-WANflED to PURCHASE v ! eebold or Improved Leasehold GROUND-RENTS, wl seured, in Lnon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QPANISII FINANCIAL COMMISSION.- ?? Notice is hereby given, that the PAYMENT Lf ?? per Celit. Cotnsoidated siid Three per Cent. Deierred Stocks DI10k DEN DS, rmpecttivON due onl the N5th inst. and Hstof July, next, 1Sill ta e s place, at the oficeo tO said Coet, Jtion, as follois:- Ceuj'oe still be received on Mostlo, °ie 28th inselant, ?? eveat ib01tttbO drilni thoe Stallion fliqf Jutsfl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IO COACH MAKERS. 1rr , P DmPOSED OF, an Old-establishe .,t \II XIAKING BUSINESS, T o'n in the Vest of England. 1 own desirous of embarking in thfl above .l tind this a most favourable opportunity, it hqiiS , l. ,establilihed nearly Forty Years, and the * odeng very small. c! di CresSOn wall be given for disposing of the mur 1)3 htl~t * and to treat for the same application be~lls;~ tidele to ...

Foreign Intelligence

... THE OVERLAND MAIL. By the extraordinary express, in anticipation of the over- land mail, private correspoudence and journals, from Bombay of the 22d of May, and Calcutta of the Sth of May, have come to hand. Bomuay, May 22.—There has been no intelligence from Burmah of late, and it may, therefore, be concluded that since the capture of Rangoon and the dispersion of the Burmese army, nothing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H11ARDS' FARINACEOUS FOOD c for INFANTS and INVALIDS.-This article, which for so I many years has proved to be the best and purest food, contains those i propertireawhich pyrevent acdtassdlcestion, andimupart suh I be angth to Ihe fant a hanot be obtsined from any other dl et.Sold by aillchenhista and druggists, patent me. dbmse venderts, grocers, tadealers, Italian warehonsemen, and con.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMES COCHRAj'S WINE & SPIRIT, ALE & POII STORES, No. 1, CASTLE L P C, FIFTH DOOR FROM) THE DON i. THE CELEBRATED BITTER ALE, IN PfllMl ORDER. 1140 0 TO BE L E NLT, IN ONFE C-td 1 5 'kill 6 SU.\I, on mortgage of property of adequate value. Being a Trust nd, it may rc- main in the hands of the borroawrJ any naube of years to be agreed on. R0B3ERT STEWART. . TERSON, Solicitor, 1469 1321, Ann ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jlftl 0eIlanWtou0. THE MOST MAGNIFICENT AND SUPERBLY I ILLUSTRATED VOLUME EVER ISSUED ] FIROM THE PRESS. At Now ready, handsomely bound ia cloth, 6s. 6d.; extra - cloth, gilt edges, 7s. Gd., the First Volume of THE ILLUSTRATED EXHIBITOR r 3 AND MAGAZINE OF ART. . This Volume is beautifully printed on 416 pages 51 Imperial Octavo, and contains upwards of Two tun- qt dred Principal Engravings, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- ROOte states. These Steamers have superior accommodation for a limited ?? of Second Cabin Passengers, at £20 each, including * ?? by these Steamere i E ?? the (acrgest Staterooms for The Rate, of he c s chargea. T P0i0(ts, ' g Price U b vsO Steamers Fay,410 fortb RatehofnFreigh by7~- is £4 per Toss n Wsa~femlnt;.n e be received at the Shedat UIARGO fo the the we~st, Side Or ?? pcm. oDoTuk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &a. U' W. N' ES - NSAsw ^^iTU I,&e., PARULAMENSTRF~ fB Ss TEIOS3 WINSTANF~At~3N , will SiSL by AVl f lION. °tiende next the 6th ThI atsnt. at Eleven o'eloo~kP -eonh lea S,; i oin the Premises, 25, PIa Ii 1eatn9re~t O e~t th , sl~see'5 dock tbnaining II',USE. A fOLD FURNITdRUR Eal bther Eff f a gentlnrgn leaving LiVerpool -,nisti8tl bf a mabo ellptlo Otable, PeI broke ea.d snap ditto, ets of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~IE o ASE NGERS per AGINCOUJRT, ~GT HOPE and CAL~CUTTA.-This Ship for CAP'l PASSNGERS are requested adt K ?? next, the 6th inst., as ~ deic dylihton hefolowng oringF.Green and it : S ?? atPrsotMsr.Garract and Yl TA'oCACTTA viO, CAPE de VERDS, EsoN A of GOOD HOPE, MAURITIUS, SC -~FJl~lA.The GENERAL SCREW STEAM Yl ?? NY'SLINE of IRON STEAMERS, with her a IDeparture Departure tl - Captains. Tons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. 1,-c a ass of correspolidence on our tabir, on tie eleetion aal(d other topics, anid whhicli shall bc atcld to in dte tittle. Our correspondents must Itanc a little patience. ?? ,ie ' of adieltisoimeints aoi(l election matter 'j'teek corneled uis to redouce tie leongthl of OM local reports, a 11(l to alter oUI' other whichibi will tie re~tore tto their origi- , ill ur next, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CID.- T o0l,,LT 8JE aud SII9P,.11I,,RIohmoud.1T* T O e LT, fist-TlC ROVSIO SHP, oltupte 4, Miii- mlse~ Or39,Itene~~t~ ?? the pre- T Tubbe ET a eatsei-dtacedVILA, itated in Pros- List jjoctval, aified.Rsp~mdeateApiyto Mr. Daniel - 0[be LET, a small Freodto be No. 14, RItanford'gardewss-A steam-egn mybercddresse ?? to o1~ffry 0. Belos, aconat 2 rie wick-street. T WVINDERMERE Skittl, 7I'Obe LET, ...