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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... W(tODLESFOEB, NEAR LEEBS. MePSTr. OLlyF It aitd S1N will SELL BY~ AUCTIoN, oi S Movdaay, tei/c ~ca io-sithl day of Jtifcinstant, aitthe house of Mr. Tbomas Craveni, the Two Pointers Inn. situate ait Wood' lesford, near Leeds. at six o'clock in the evening, subject t0 such conditionlsas shall then and there be produced, AVLUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, con- ii VA'% fsngof TIlRtiE substantial NIESSU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALTON and DRIFFIELD JUNCTION 'NIT RAILWAY.- The IIALF.YEARLY GENERAL EyTING of the SEiAREHOLDERS of the MALTON and pRtWFFIED JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY will bo held atth Complany'P Offices. in Malton, on Tlsursday, the Twenty. nia, d jay ?? instant, at ?? pin. CARLISLE, Chairman. TheBOOKS kept by this Company for the ?? Transfers of Shares will be CLOSFD from Afonday. the 'ine- teufh dav af July ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHE MISSES PiN I'S SCHOOL will be T, re-opened Tuesday. August the Third. BPE Dutics of Mrs. HAGENAUEK~'S ?? IMORNING CLASS for Young Ladies will be resumedI on Aloli'al JIlls Tteitny-i~xih, 1852.-M, Byron.street. Noclb 'Town-end, Leeds. MI[ SS HOBSON begs respectfully to Inform herV &YL rlends aud the public, 'btet the duties Of her school will re-cornmence en Thuridav, the 2t'retityyecond ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alto 1)V AnuC lt. I[LiREMPiTORYl SALE, iS11EEP'SCARPLACE. llKIN NERl-LANE. IIOUSFEIIOJD I;UISIYlURI1.. CIlIlAltNHY GLA S-, TISED STIEA1S aslid 10 (D5N. GLASS, CHINA, PICI'URES, LI NLNEI0TCII EN UIJTNS1LS, and otherwueful Lcto, Messrs T E'Ei AR llirte instructed by thp owner to S9Lj`, HAl' AUG1 '1N, ass JWe5,Insdsits scxt, Jul's Au,,titrnlls, 11151. onl the, No, 2, Sjlsepecar-place, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lately published, price 9s., 8vo.. cloth boards, with PORTRAnIT TLiE LIFE OF EDWARD BAlNES ,JLT late ht.P. for the Borough of Leeds. BY HIS SON, EDWARD BAINES. London: LON.eGMAN Iz CO. Reln NgawOsIS, Leeds NEW SERIES OF COPY-BOOKS FOR ELEMENT A}Y SCHooLS. Juastpubliolted, Noi. 1. II. ViLL. and IX., in oblong 4to., ptice ttreepeeice each Copy-book, A GRADUATED SERIES of 9 GOPY-BDOKb A BY W. M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEEDS TOWN.CONSOLS MINES.- JL SiTUATE IN THE PARISH1 OF CiOWAN, CORN WALL. Divided into 12,0414 Shares-Rd2 lola. each. COMI54TrJIB. W. TVRNER. Esq., Clisrgee-inreet, Piccadilly. Tl1104. JIAORET. Esq., 26, Blirchin-lane. GEl). A B iOTT. Esq., Wadebridge. Cornwall. JOHVN ILNiIS, Esq.. Rtochdale, Lancitaire.I CHARILEIS GILI, Esq., Panibury Lodge, Wandswtorth. BANXicsas-CommeOlal8 Bank of LondOn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At the HDll Of Commerce, Lonoriln. os Thursday, ~22nd, and .llomda -. 2611 irletant, to0 BALES COIItNAL W4'IL. 150 ,, DIESSA & ?? DO. 4110 ,, 0Ciiied BiARBARtY and MOGADORU DO. rit ,, IUE-NOS AYRKS DOt I~ ,, EGVL0TIAN, JOklTUGAL, lie. DO. 1,300 BALES. Thle LOW WOOLS on the Twvesfjr.econtillstant, I CatalouignW in due time by WVILLIANI HALL. Stroker. 5 psasigbll.OrOet. At the 11SI1 or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W EST RIDING ELECTION.-At a Meeting of the General Committee of the West Riding Reform Registration Association, with other Liberal Electors, held at the Hotel, Normanton, on Friday, the 2nd of July inst., The Right Hon. Sir CIAS. WOOD, Bart., in the chair, Moved by W. M. E. MILNER, Esq.; Seconded by F. CARBuTr, Esq.; And resolved unanimously- That this meeting tenders its beat thanks to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? . T HE MISSES URQUHART'S School will be T re-opened on Monday. ihe Twerity-irxh isrtant. Wade House, Leeds, July 12, 1652. EliAPELiHOIRPE, NEAR WAKEFIELD. FE4HE MISSES FRANCE'S Establishment for AL the Board and Education of a limited number of Young Ladies will be re-opened on Thursday, the Tncen'pninth inst. Two or three vacancies for Pupils. T HE I)U ties of Mrs. HAGENAUER'S i M-)RNING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ile0 b'p aucttion. W INDHILL HILL FARM, NI;AR BRADFORD.- W The Messuage. Cottages, Four Closes of Land and beredtteaments. situate at Wudhill, in Idle, in the parish of alverley, in the countty of York, advertised to be sold by auction, by Mr. TimothY legham, at the house of fIr. J. Haley, the Buil Inn, in Shipley. on F riday, tle Ninth day of July next, have been disposed of by Private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE BRAMLEY BAND and the BAND of the L LEDS PQ lAADRON of YORKSHIRE HiUSSARS will play TIHIS (SATURDAY1') EVENYING. ot a WOOI)HOUSII ?? tso ine P.M., (weather per ,rittif g. the following selection of music: - March ?? . Quadrille . ?? St- Cloud ?? - Polka . ?? -- n.G Walls Tetylzuue~l~l Brabam nei tue.t. .ame n thy heave hav ah s. .iarO. Polka .. .Il fe Galop.,. Sho Qtcg~.., ..C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BSRAIMLEY. NEAR LEEDS. ANCIENT PAIIbONAGE HOUJSI & BUILDING GROUND. During the Sumner, it not previously sold by private con- tract, in such lots or pascels as may be agreed upon, and subject to such conditions as to streets, sewerage. &a., as the vendors shall antipulate,C A VA.LU.ABlbz, kR1 EHOLD ESTATE, con- A sisling of an ancient Dwelling-house, with barn and outbuildings, and a parcel of ...