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Advertisements & Notices

... B ALDNESS REMOVED and PREVENTED.- The POMMADE DEPURATIVE, invented by a physician of the highest celebrity, who placed it in the hands of tho pro- prietors solely to benefit tho public, will in all instances restore the Hair, so long as vitality remains in the bulb from which It springs. It is introdnced with the greatest confidence and satis. faction, as no doubt of its renovating power ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FpOR PORT PFILPh *U splendid British-ballt SW Vnd.owneti l W;db of Lonuor', wildal fla or M]t 5uoatlibud e NG~e§.Dtee1$,t the underinentioned dates, callig at Dartwoutht to ?? . _ gers. To lod in the St1KatWiLbn6Docka* DINAPORE, 1,SiCtons butden, J. D. V sail 20th July. ALlpORE, 1,350 tons burdeni B. -D.; FRPUNAMNsmojlira ( sail 20th August. BARRACKPOlRE, 1,350 tons burdem, B.-MB*VW P, CAN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MI IDDLESEX HOSPITAL. M PArsoi-Her Most Gracious MA3ESrY. Fsajm ?? Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERIMD. 301 Th~e Governo's and ?? of this Charity will DLSE at the TraM. PA gar, ot Greenwich, o ESDAiY, the 6th July, at a quafter to six BC JOHN INRGA15 TRAEEPtS, Prg., Treasrr, inL the Chai. I Tickets. oe gune ecah, may be haad oftheu Scretarj', at the }Ic- pital, and at thelfraalgar. ALEL~ alSDDENf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S LINE of IRON SCREW A - ?? SYDNEY, calling at the Cape of Good Hope, (iCi80 Sound, Adelaide, and Port Phillip, the splendid gin- I~j SYDNE', A 1, 1,400 tons register, 300-horge power, tenis'-5 I Fe~sOtYtN Commander, will be despatched from London iLcIltI iof july, and froml Plymouth 3d August. To load in Or Int J S dia D'cks. These steamers have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IADVRRTISEMEENT.] THE AUTHORITY SOR THE NON-OB- SEE RVANCE OF THE SEVENTHI DAY. It is universally admitted, That at the creation of the world Almighty God blessed and sancetified the Seventh Day; this He did, without exemption of any Nation, or limitation to any time; the command, therefore, is universal and im- It is asserted, That though our Blessed Lord or His Apos- tles are not recorded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHOOTINSG 1VANTED over from three to five 1 S hundred aeres, pretty well stokede with game, between twenty 1 and foty mles from London, end near a raiway station. A farm. haouse wuld be paeferred.-Aiddreas, with fulliparticulars, to B.t B., Messrs. Grtmwade's, etationers, 44, Brend-alreet. |1 G ROUND-RENTS.-WANflED to PURCHASE v ! eebold or Improved Leasehold GROUND-RENTS, wl seured, in Lnon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QPANISII FINANCIAL COMMISSION.- ?? Notice is hereby given, that the PAYMENT Lf ?? per Celit. Cotnsoidated siid Three per Cent. Deierred Stocks DI10k DEN DS, rmpecttivON due onl the N5th inst. and Hstof July, next, 1Sill ta e s place, at the oficeo tO said Coet, Jtion, as follois:- Ceuj'oe still be received on Mostlo, °ie 28th inselant, ?? eveat ib01tttbO drilni thoe Stallion fliqf Jutsfl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H11ARDS' FARINACEOUS FOOD c for INFANTS and INVALIDS.-This article, which for so I many years has proved to be the best and purest food, contains those i propertireawhich pyrevent acdtassdlcestion, andimupart suh I be angth to Ihe fant a hanot be obtsined from any other dl et.Sold by aillchenhista and druggists, patent me. dbmse venderts, grocers, tadealers, Italian warehonsemen, and con.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~IE o ASE NGERS per AGINCOUJRT, ~GT HOPE and CAL~CUTTA.-This Ship for CAP'l PASSNGERS are requested adt K ?? next, the 6th inst., as ~ deic dylihton hefolowng oringF.Green and it : S ?? atPrsotMsr.Garract and Yl TA'oCACTTA viO, CAPE de VERDS, EsoN A of GOOD HOPE, MAURITIUS, SC -~FJl~lA.The GENERAL SCREW STEAM Yl ?? NY'SLINE of IRON STEAMERS, with her a IDeparture Departure tl - Captains. Tons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. W >Second prp noe of SignorDEBASSINI. 1!E NI!GHT of the NEW BALLET, ZB-LI; ow, L'Amour et la Masie, TO,.MORROW EVENING (Satuirds, ,uly 8 will be presented Donizettila Opera, MARIA DI ROBAW. Maria, Mdme. De la Grange; Armande, Mdlle. Ida Bertrand; rdos Big.Calzolari; 3?e Fiesque, Sig. Fortini; arxd Enrico, Sig. De 8asdn To conelude with the hgbly suoaesaful New Ballet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR PORT PHILLIP Direet, the remarkablvy fastisailn fre t-class East India built ship, BRIGHTMAN tonE b Prthef, J- F. CHAPMAN, commander; lying at the Jetty, Undon nnocs. Passengers wll be taken in this fine ship's elity and welt.ventilated 'twean decks at £20, Including a liberal dietary and tbe services of an exporiennoed surgeon. The poop cabins are adapted r fior the comsfortable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTOW Ready, Part IV., bf the GREAT WORK LI from his Royal Higbne'.s Irince ALBERT'S COLLECTION of PICTURES of the ClRv.STAL PALACE pane. yJs~ Nash, Louis Htaghe, and Daxid Roberts, R A. containingb France, No, I, Stained Glass GpAlery; France, No. V., Price One GuinCer proofs, $ls. 6d. Tim originals ace Still On view at Messrs., DiCk'li son's Gallery, 114, New Bond-street. )OYAL ITALIAN 0 p E ...