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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTIONS. A~derg~an Rknolds's Committee-rooms, J h , College-green. WERE General Con e meet each day at Two JT o'Clodck. The Libel ters and Ratepayers are ear- M nestly requested to call athf Committee Rooms to get the in particulars of their franchise. be The lists are open for inspection from Ten to Five o'Clock, jl and from Seven to Nine in the Evenings. at CITY OF DUBLIN ELECTION. W E, s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustratod with Colournd Enjravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases, Price Is-, or ina sealed Envelope, free by Poet, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS. THE MEANS BY wmcH TREY MAY BEl OnTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fIIEATR ROYAL, DUBLIN. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. BROMLEY. on THIS EVENING (Thursday), July 1, 1852, the per- 0anpaces will commence with the Comedy entitled MARRIED LIFE. I lbS Course of the Evening the Band ill play the War Polka, and the Das Wiedersehe Polka. After which the Interlude 3? MY WIFE'S DENTIS4 A Pas Seul by Madlle St. L5uin. To be followed by the Classical Bu sque entitled ALCESTIS; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. , On THIS EVENING (Friday), J-0y 2, 1852, the per- f.rniafces will commence witt o Comedy entitled THE SEA.IOUS FAMILY.I Ansifadab Slest, SIr. F. Robson; Mrs. Ormsby Dela-l m1ails Mihs Frnma Stanley. A I avourite Dance by Mdlle. Ernestine St. Lorin. In the course of the Evening the Band will play the Far Polka, and the Das Wiedersehen Polka. After which the Interlude of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublishee, -bird Faitiun. illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debilityd Ggtive Diseses Price 1sa, or in a sealed Enye>f o , by.Post, for 16 Postage Stamps. Or w f' ?? ArH AND HAP , THE M B? WHICHO THaS MAY By D, a Medical Workon the Intirmities of Youth, ad Mturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Xervous De~ility and Indigestion, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERP ROOF AND AIRPROOF TMANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ELVERY AND CO.'S Waterproof Silk Coats, Waterproof Alpaca Coats, Waterproof Zephyr Coats, j' Waterproof Swansdown CoatsaD Waterproof Blue Check Coats, Waterproof Capes, Cloaks, Jackets, Trousers, Hats, Caps, and Ladiss' Alpaca Hoods, Capes, and Paletots, Are CHEAPER AND BETTER Than at any other Warehouse in Dublin. All Garments ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T nMR. HARRIS Sla the honour to announce that his BENEFIT will take TOn THIS EVENING (SATURDAY), July 3rd, 1852, when will be presented Sheridan Knov le's Play of THE HUNCHBACK. SirThomas Clifford, Mr' Webster Master Walter, Mr. ging; Julia, Mrs. Harris; Helen, Mil Emma Stanley. In the course of the Evening the and will perform the Overturesto WilliamTell ?? of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTION S. TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF DUNGARVAN. GzsTLEIEN, r THAVING ascertained some few weeks since that n nLoL nO National Candidate had entered the field, and having p received from the most trusted and honoured of the Libe- ral Party of every section in the land the strongest as- surances that my name would not be unacceptable to you, or unlikely, by cementing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S GREAT 0 AMERICAN SARSPARILLA.. This celebrated Medicine was originally discovered IN THE YEAR 18051 and is the only genne T nend's Sarsapar7il1ain Englaud or America. With near 60 TRIAL on the most cnveterate Chronic Maladies, it ovedhelf a medicine of un. exampled virtue and valuetoand. Somposed asitis of the rarest roots, herbs, powers, ?? of lants thatgrowon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF DUBLiN ELECTION. In consequence. of the High Sheriff having named THURSDAY NEXT, the 8th instant, for the NOMINA- TION OF CANDIDATES for the Representation of the City, and SATURDAY, the 10th inst., as the day of Election, it will be impossible to hold the various Ward Meetings of Electors to Dcre return, of which Notice has been already given. I, therefore, respect I request Aggregate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just ublishes:, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nrrvous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price IF., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 1S Postage btanaps. JI EALTH AND HAPPINESS, Tm IaE6 s B 1WHICH THEY NAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Worleen the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Disesses of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIETRE~ ROALDUBLIN.1 First Appearance of the youthful American Artistes, Misses KATE and ELLEN BATEMAN. On THIS EVENING (Monday), July 5, 1852, the per- fornatces will commence witS te omedietta entitled THE VILLAGE DALE After which a New Cor edy entitled THE HAPPY C UPLE, Henrietta deVigny, Kate Ba man; Charles de Blon- Ville, Ellen Bateman. To be followed by a new Diver sesment, in which ...