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Caledonian Mercury




Midlothian, Scotland

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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... AL LL CLAINES upJpon r MACAULAY'S COMMITTEE, _LL vi~llbe Sett'ed tvn beirng presented to ^dr J vP P. No. 30 AI:n\aY STREET. CITY ELECTIOY. pARTIES to whom ACCOUNTS are due ins oinnectimn wisv dIr COWAN'S ELECTION are rrqgnested to ren I er the sa 3me, on or before SATURDAY, to M:tr BEITH, I hVE'VYSS PLAC-o. I t LL PEInSONShaVinz CLAMIS n'ninSt -1r CAd.iPBELL,. I Q, ot iO3tozi~e~ CO MSLI FEE; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY ELECTION. R COY A N'S COMMITITTEE Sit Daily in TAITS i31 ROYAL S2NALOON, 19 PrRacEs STnEST. R. K- GREVILLE, Chairman. CITY REPRESENTATION. R CAMPBELL of MONvEzE at the particular request of Al his Committee. will have the honour of holding another PUBLiC MEETING with the ELECTORS, in the MUSIC VALL, GLoRcE STREET, on the Eveningof FRIDAY FIRST, at Eight o'Clock. Committee RnOrnts. 12 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANK OF SCOTLAND, I .5th July 1852. n E CGENERAL MEETING of PIROPRIETOPRS in July I T ts.- i ;11 be hold WVthlill the BANEIS HEAD OrFICE at Ed1llnburgh, Oa MONDAYZ NEXT, the 12th July, at 1noon. ARCH. BENX-NET, Secretary. WVESTERN- I3AX}t or SCOTLAND, I Glasgow, 1st duly 1S32. THE H.ATF-YEARLY DIVIDEND on the Steel; oi' the -WESTEPN BANX OF SCOTLAND will be paid at i- the Head Ofice and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC MEETING FOR PRAYER. I AT the request of the EDINBURGH YOUNG MEN'S A 'ROTESTANT SOCIETY. a PUBLIC M1EETING will be beld on MONDAY EVENING. the 12th instant, in the FREE TRON CH URCH. HIGi STREET (Rev. A. MIL- ROY'S), for the purpose of ofrerilag up Praver to God. that those who have the power of choosing the Representatives of the nation fbrtire ensuing Parliament may be led to act ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR M ACACAU LAY reqnests the ELECTORS of the CITY of EDINBURGH will do him the honour of MEETING himn in the IM USIC 1HALL, on FaxDxn, the 30th instant, at One o'Clock. 24th July 1852. TO TEE INI)EPENDENT ELECTORS OF STLULINGSEIRE. Permnit me to offer vau my respectful and grteful thanks for the high honour youl have again conferred uparn me. It will br mr anxious endeavour, bv attention to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A T the EIGHTEENTH ANhNUALJ GEINERAT MEKT- ING of the Wt)YAf, ASSOCIATION tor the P140- MOwiON of the FINE ARTS in St'OPLAND, Itidl on Sa- turday the 24th .-,1ly IS52, vithill the ti sie ll, George Street, Edinherwglt-I On the Motion of DAVaID AzCLACA, Esq. M.D., Sir WtL.AMt GtesnN-CnAic, Birt., was culled to thiL Chair. The IReport oF the Committee of Minageme nt having lbeen read by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY ELECTION. THE 10HN,-OURABLE TIOS. C. BRUECE'S Committee,! ifr the convenience of lis supporters on theelection-day, beg leave to announce the llinz arrangemuents - FIRST I)ISTRICT. The Pollinc Place is SFH)P, VICTORIA TERRACE.' M-R PRICE'S COMMITTEE ROOMI is 2 VICTOPI.| T ERRAC. C Secretary-Mrr IH. MOFFrAT. SECOND DISTRICT. The Polling Place is SCOOL-ROOM. GIBE'S CL(SE, S:'0 CANONGA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADELPHI THEATRE. This Evening, THURSDAY, Is; July, IS52, Will he presented A L A D D I N, OR THlE NV0\TDERFtt. LAmr. Aftter which, DEAF AS A POST. To conclude with THE BROKEN SWORD. w The MtERc':ry is published on 3ondavs and Tbursclavs. Price t1 annum. -2, 4s. credit; £2 paid in advance. Half- year and Quarter in proportion. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAST lNDIA HOUSE, 14th July 1852. mVIIE COURT Or DIRECTORS of the EASST INDIA 1 COMPANY do hen b-h give notice. tdit the rate oif Exchanne at which they will receive Cash for Bills on Bengal and '.adra5s will, fromr the gresent date, annI until fartiher t aieeC.Obe I s. 'lrd. the Comnana'vs Itunee. and fer Biiliseflu mhay r is. nlAci the Camspanys 'a Rupee. P JAMEIES C. MELNILL, Seerctary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY ELECTION. 7jR CAMPBELL of Mozr.E will have tihe honour of leetng ehe ELECTORS of the 6th and 7th OIS- TRICTS in thie HoPEaor5 REIoS, Qleen street, THlIS EVENING (THUR3SI1DAY) at Half-past Seven o&Clicki. Committee Rooms, 10 Hanover Street, e Jula 18523. TO THE E LECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDI-NBJURGH. O ESTLEMIEN, I venture to come thrward as a CANDIDALrE for this City at the request of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF GiiLOscow BANK, | GLASGOW. JLaIx- 9. LS.2. THE HTALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND *vill be PAID to the I SIITAREIOLDEIRS here, .andl a the Branches, on Mcex- DAY the 2d Arcc ers No Transf'er of StoCk wvill be raado between the 19th instant cud the above date. Be Order of the Directors. RZOBER.T SALIMOND, Manager. GEORGE IIERIO1S HOSPITAL SCHOOLS. vvr XNTED a FEMNIALIE TEACTIER for tihe IFANxT I Vl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI cE COMMiTTEE (if MR 3IACAULAY regret to;, announce that. ;TI C~s~qnace of fthe recct)nrendiltiin of I .s 31-ichcl A'-isers, he is o~bligedl to P O S T P (1 N E the EETING b1e tuteaed to) hold with the ELECTO1iS of ElDINBLIIGI! o~n 3PaInar th~e 20th1. As seeon as the st~ite of hi-. Itraich will permit, M1r Macauliy rii tale thle estest omppolrtunity eonvenient for the Eliectos efreuewiuig ...