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... THE MOORS, &e. Pertusmerr —We have already alluded to the very flatter- ing prospects forthe on the grouse moors this sea- son, from the rumberand extent of the coveys, and the condi- tion of the Lirds being almost unprecedentedly fine. Alter the shoot ng commences they will soon pack, from the age of | the young grouse; bat tho sport will be the longer protracted, and the breed better ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mn~.~ tr Xl-1IL C Ht Ato Mitter of )I 1lE 0 m it I S - hIENIY 10iAN K I Eli, of Belfast, IL. )1(\1 N F 11 it ' iii flio iJouiitt) of I i ie A. NiK I t U pOY vill G-s-tiii aind Ploor Met rchant, Siit, at the Ciiort of' A I itliltrpf. Bauhriuptes-, ait thte hunt-, FUrts, IDno' Qolay, ill thel, City ofliobliti , oilt' TItisdtty the i1tli day of-dii ly imsaia ie orif'w ?? at Noon5 to ?? Tra1 AC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POLICE NOTICE. I TERanaAS Complaints have been mado that tile VV 'fl'011t1111lF'AI~a on some ofthme STRtEETS anid ?? ?? is at timues obstructed by fr rcersons mneeting amidstanding in GIroups thereol A Ir IS ORIDEIEI), St That thle officers of Police henceforth strictly enforce time Pro' visions of thic Police Act, by preventing Such obstruction: Amid at IT IS RlECOMMiENDED), Thiat Persons who ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Jorciqu in elliqence. PRANCE, It is stated that the principal if not the only cause of the President's visit to Baden is connected with matrimonial pro- jeets, and that the visit was made at the instance of the Grand Yuche-s Stephanee. The lady who is spoken of as likely to share the honours of the Presidence is a grand-daughter of the Grand Duchess, whose danzhter was married Prince Gustave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THlE, Electors of the County of Banff. G LINT L mi , -. I Beg to thank yout vory sincerely for thle cordial, support so whi A widely pronaised to Inc during miy Canvass9, whbich ovinces try, your approbation of the l)oliteeal Views I have coma forward to bet zdlvocatc, and hatve had ain Opaportunity of explaining to moslt of thbs you personally. IHs, I now beg to inform you that the days of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS 1)AY. * Deeside RailWay. T E Is HTEREBY GIVEN; that the FIRST ORDINARI E E TI N G of the COMPANY will be held withi HtLAs' OrEL Market Street, Aberdeen, on WEDNESDA et curt., at 12 o'clock, for the Election of Directors, a relcelby the Act of Incorporation. . . JOHN DUlN.CAN, Chairmnan. ROB. R. NOTMAN, Sceretar5 7A - berdem, 6th JQly, 1852. V. 'o Chemists and Druggists. fliseelsate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRAIN PIPES AND TILES, F fill Sizes, of this Scasnon's make, and warranted the very 0 best q(julity, :arei for Sale by the Subscribersn. I'rices ale given, on appalieoniull, lii' dInlivery, itee or all charges, at ally of Statioils of the (.lasgow and Ayr and Grecuock Railwavs, on beard of, Vessels at Paisley, anl at anly of the Ports ill the Rliver (C-de, WesterI H ghlanids, &c., &c. Also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Z / rf R. COLLIE, 37, Green, .IS long been renowned for Razors, Strops, Spectacles, s tlery in all its branclecs; Tea Trays; Waiters of all l e eCatt dcigs5 B. rf. Table, Dessert, and Tea Spoons; th' Plate and Nickel Silver clo; Dessert and Table Forks; -ec--all warranted to keep the Colour. TGohe ari 0051 lb5 of every sort and quality, with every ye- r qete Is the Fancy and Hardware Line; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RON anrangements now completed at their Works, Ny F SUBSCRIBERS are prepared to lay down yespctale hemit, r { xf Eolsal AgntsBaray So 7 FLOORING and ROOFING,. in all its varieties, at a cheapera: rate than hitherto. Information, as to price and other particulars, may be oh- tained at the Wosatis. z JOHN MILLER!& CO. 0 Sandflands Chemics~l WorksP Aberdeen, arch, 1852. :0 P-, ~dk L'iver Oil. 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. All Communications, and articles of Intolligence, intendleA for publicatic,, reqniro to be authenticated by the Mamon and addcess of tho writer. Unless this is attclndecl to, Cornes- - poridents may rest assured that no attentiou will be paid to their communications. WEIDNESDAY, July 14, 1852. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Tun French Senate has been prorogued, as well as the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. t All Communications, and articles of Intelligence, intended for a publication, require to be authenticated by the name aad address of the writer. Unless thisis attended to, Oorres- pondents may rest assured that no atteution will be paid to their communications. ...