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Leeds Mercury



Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... R(WJCP00IT Z001 Al ?? ?? _ Pr On Tuesday, the Twenillmslvenlh instant, at two, at the B~rokers'' Di bales Boom. Atbherton-buldsingi, Dale-street, dri ?? Bale'a East India WOOL. RC For catalogues, dr.. apply to HUGHtES & RONALD, -Wool Brokers. La At two o'clock, on Tuesda vth Niwentptreve~t in ant' theo Brokrs'aleRoom 10 Noth Jbristret.Liverpool, re 1,000 Bales East India WOOL. Apply to AI.IIOA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ile0 b'p aucttion. W INDHILL HILL FARM, NI;AR BRADFORD.- W The Messuage. Cottages, Four Closes of Land and beredtteaments. situate at Wudhill, in Idle, in the parish of alverley, in the countty of York, advertised to be sold by auction, by Mr. TimothY legham, at the house of fIr. J. Haley, the Buil Inn, in Shipley. on F riday, tle Ninth day of July next, have been disposed of by Private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,S5altoi W Aucttoua. SALE OF PAPER HANGINGS. Messrs. HEPPER and BARKER beg to announce that they *pwill offer for SALE BY AUCTION, at their Commercial Sale looms. Sterne's Buildings, Leeds, on Tuesday next, Ahe T/ird /fAvgust, 1852, PARCEL OF FASHIONABLE PAPER Lk HANGINGS. In lots to suit purchasers. Sale to commence at eleven o'clock a.m. TO BOAT OWNERS & OTHERS. SWIFT SAILING BOATS! Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SO I Ect. ~'ji0 MILER.- T BE ETand entered upon J. at a'titi&5 nex, a Stam CON MILL, situated in J Comnir~i~lstree, Pea the tallwy Staionin the populous in flourihing saport own o ilartepool.Applyto Air. Roar. be MALT55oil5 ~ ~ ~ [LLi'olld unrleol TV LE , ARTHINGTION HE LinMtin with the site about BaA. lit, 1op, of rich Land. Good be shooting snd fishing attached. For pnrticuilats IIpl to Mir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lately published, price 9s., 8vo.. cloth boards, with PORTRAnIT TLiE LIFE OF EDWARD BAlNES ,JLT late ht.P. for the Borough of Leeds. BY HIS SON, EDWARD BAINES. London: LON.eGMAN Iz CO. Reln NgawOsIS, Leeds NEW SERIES OF COPY-BOOKS FOR ELEMENT A}Y SCHooLS. Juastpubliolted, Noi. 1. II. ViLL. and IX., in oblong 4to., ptice ttreepeeice each Copy-book, A GRADUATED SERIES of 9 GOPY-BDOKb A BY W. M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEEDS TOWN.CONSOLS MINES.- JL SiTUATE IN THE PARISH1 OF CiOWAN, CORN WALL. Divided into 12,0414 Shares-Rd2 lola. each. COMI54TrJIB. W. TVRNER. Esq., Clisrgee-inreet, Piccadilly. Tl1104. JIAORET. Esq., 26, Blirchin-lane. GEl). A B iOTT. Esq., Wadebridge. Cornwall. JOHVN ILNiIS, Esq.. Rtochdale, Lancitaire.I CHARILEIS GILI, Esq., Panibury Lodge, Wandswtorth. BANXicsas-CommeOlal8 Bank of LondOn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At the HDll Of Commerce, Lonoriln. os Thursday, ~22nd, and .llomda -. 2611 irletant, to0 BALES COIItNAL W4'IL. 150 ,, DIESSA & ?? DO. 4110 ,, 0Ciiied BiARBARtY and MOGADORU DO. rit ,, IUE-NOS AYRKS DOt I~ ,, EGVL0TIAN, JOklTUGAL, lie. DO. 1,300 BALES. Thle LOW WOOLS on the Twvesfjr.econtillstant, I CatalouignW in due time by WVILLIANI HALL. Stroker. 5 psasigbll.OrOet. At the 11SI1 or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONGREGATIONAL UNION. TO THE EDITORS OF THE LEEDS MERCURY. Bradford, July 28, 1852. t GENTLEME?,-I shall be much obliged by an opportunity r of announcing to the Independent mnembers end churches of the iwids district through whsich your paper circulates, that the autumnal meetingti of the congregationral Union will be held in this town, not, as usually, In the second week of October, but in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O~SWETYANL WOOL FAIR.- Adin ~.J NOTICE Is heebyg~vef, that ?? FA Thorae BALE of WOOL, ill ?? fOw~RVO THE GENERAL FAiR DAY IS J ULYb1 sgth ?? neaday in the Month.% and that the first ofc olFaire. II TH behed Inthe'fows'sMarket, on the First Jl~edcitdaYede Nx neart. when every facility and ?? will be afforde~d by the ?? of ?? town. 1Ily odro ?? Col, RIt AD J. CituX0N. each GOweltry, 1.8thb ay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,on gieeedcj, 4hg 7eelti Aajeef, at two o'clock, at tho Brokora Sale ILousn AthertouObuitdingsO . Dale.street, Liverpool. e00 BALEd EASr INDIA, C9ERDOVA, OPORTO, and OTIIEF WuOOL For Catalogilos, &e., apply to IIUGIlAiF & IRONALD, WVool Brokers. Liverpool. - OOL, SALeS. TONDON.-WHEATLEY'S FAMILY tand COM' LstIFSCIAI, BOATIDINe! IIonuel. 51i and 57, AsInShliall-street Terms-lied, br.akftfst, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - EAFNESS.-W. Wuoley, 29, Michael-street, t Elanslet-lane, has been cure-d of a case of deafness s and noises iII the head, of five years'standing, by Dr. SMITH, _ 40. AlbioU-street, Leeds. N.B. n-e Mr. Brownlow's case. tlit oage. 5180 ?? aC. ?? All Letters. Post-paid, ,addressed to Advertiser:, thronu7h the Printers, are tivariably forwarded to the prtly Adverkisinig, if, tllerefere, an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LHE PORIT PHILLIP AND GENERAL T EMIGRATION, COLONIZATION, and INVESTMENT COMPANY. .Offices, 33, Bucklorebury, London. With a Proprietary Capital of £C0,0(0). in 60,000 Shares of £I i each, paid up, (with power to increase the same to £ 1I,0Q0.) Provisionally Registered. To be incorporated by Royal Charter, with limited liability. TRUsTUr.. Sir John Villiers Shelley, Bart., M.P. John unumphrey, ...