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Advertisements & Notices

... 'TH ERA ST. LEGER GIFTS, 1852. e p ls that pnrtion of our subscribers who pay in gaS e n :order to possess the advantage of a ticket for *dc to derstarid that it is necessary for us to tlhlt e Derby and St. Leger of one year in one year's j'ttiflt, gl5d to prevent the issuing of receipts en- 0hCIselir p,0osssors to claim, for instance, upon the St. l j1di and the Derby of 1853. Now, upon tit ...

Published: Sunday 18 July 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1203 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... H ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. c u FIFTH NIGHT oS the NEW BALLET, ZELIE; on. L'Amourt et la M..gte.'S THXIS EVENING (Saurday), Jalv 3, wiU be presented Onecco's favouritc Opera of LA I'ROVA iD'UN OPERA SEblA. Principal characters by Mladamne de lao Grange, Snori F. Lablaehe, lMreuriali, and i ablaehe. To be preceded by a Selection from le'sini's Opera of SEMIRAA. MIVE. Principal parts by Madame do la ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-I Firt Nght I P'URITANL.OQETEE First Night of New Ballet, LA BUVQsE re. THIS EVENING, Saturday, JW3ly24, Will he presaicted Bellhii' opera,. I PUR~ITANIL Elvira, Mme. do la Grange; Arturo; Sig. Gardoui; Riccardo, Si. De Bssi; ad o ad Ps, by Millie. Carolina u tire course of the Ro00a1d1p11 Rosati and Li. Durand, aueaprtibyL l t, e ntitled To conclude Nvith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rsalway! Library, New Volume, a Douhle Volumoe, Price, Is. 6d. in Fancy Boards, e iORTON BECK; Oey TEE AUSTRALIAN SETTLER. il By A. Harris. Every intending Emigrant should read this book, it being a most interesting story, and contains much valuable information. Also in this Series:- Valerie. by Captain Marryat Lilly Dawson, by Mrs. Crowe Scottish Cavalier, by Grant Clarionet, by Carleton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRANDY AND WATER versus BEER. Drink Beer-Think Beer.-Dr. Johnson. [HE best and most economicel substitute for malt liquor, be- T yond doubt, is a dilation of that newly-discovered pure ansi wholesome spirit, which we are introducing with each extraordi- nary success under the appropriate title of EAU DE VIE; which poseesses the identical flavour and all the estimable properties of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EHE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS of . To-monntow, July 17, will contain the following SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS The Ex-Uap jb of Coorg, and isii Daughter the Princess Gouroun- nab, and Suitc, from Photogriplis taken by Mesers. Claudet and Kilburn. The late Henry Clay, from a Daguerreotype by Brady. Fine Arts: The Tribute Money, by Titian. Extremely, rare early Fiorentine Etching. Just added to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1HPPERS*-Fo CALCUT'I'A TOIO to NAC wilt RECEIVE MEASUREMENT ?? Friday nexctthe 23r1inst.- tpo toC LUTTA Vill CAPE de VERDS, Gof 00 HOPE, MIAURITIUS, $TA0 N CP GENERAL SCREW STEAM L0~O PAN 'S INEof IRON STEAMJERS, with her Ma~u Deplartur Duparture Captains. Tons, from from 5eme. E.I.Doeks. Plymouth. Natm~il~tart1,800 Aug. 10 Aug. 16. Lad j~yu atrck aniert1,800 Sept. 10 Sept. 11. 10055 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H11ARDS' FARINACEOUS FOOD c for INFANTS and INVALIDS.-This article, which for so I many years has proved to be the best and purest food, contains those i propertireawhich pyrevent acdtassdlcestion, andimupart suh I be angth to Ihe fant a hanot be obtsined from any other dl et.Sold by aillchenhista and druggists, patent me. dbmse venderts, grocers, tadealers, Italian warehonsemen, and con.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAGNIFICENT DAMASK TABLECLOTHS, s five yards long, 15s.exach; dinner napkins to match, 8S 6d. ,er dozen; breaast hs. 6d., and fish napkins, 2s. 6d. per dozen; a arge collection of splandld designs in German, Irish, Scotch, and Barsley table linens, with napkins and sids elos to correspond; gout Ipuen a deetl, nearly three yards wide, I2s. &d. per pair- ?? strong unbler , J.lor veant use, 4. Od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrO the CORRESPONDENTS of the late Dr. i CIIALMElt&-Tbe Rev. Dr. HANNAbeingerngged n pro- parig for Publication a SELECTION from the CODR POSVENCE of Dr. Chalmers ?? requests that Persons posiessing letters of public importance or petuliar private interest, will do him the favor to forward them wiv hiut delay, under cover, to Mesers. Tbo. a Constable and o.,pPublishers, 31, Et. Andrew-square, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUIBIANA STATE BONDS.-The HALF- 4 YEARLY DIVID25ND on tbe Bonds of this State, issued in surd thea Citibe B a Or~ens, ?? due on the lat 4 Det e on ad afer that dany, bctwe the hours of ll anda 2, at the afflce of the undersigned. ' bere 'om for hists may 2f, Astin rsJuly9, 183.. HXER MAJESTY'S THEATRRE. ZELIE; au, L'Amour et la Magie. TODMIORROF, July 1i, will be presented Donizetti's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rnORT PHILLIP Direct.-NOTICE.-PAS-I SE'NGERS by the EMIY, tying in St. Katharine's Docks, ae reon' sted to be on board at 11 o'clock on Monday, to select their oebins that day.-W. O. YOUNG, Sun-oourt, Corahill. AUSTRALIAN GOLD and GENERAL MINING A and EiIIlGRATION COMPANY'S LINE Of PACKETS,-For yORT pfIllLIP Direct (to sail on the 20th July), a splendid first- class fast-sailing ship, - , ...