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Advertisements & Notices

... EEPORTER WANTED.-Apply VA., F lyiang Post Olice. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. ROBERT VISICK, / CHEMIlST, HTH STREET, EXE T . lITAS a VACANCY for an active in6lligent li-YOUTH as an APPRENTICE. A second Vacancy will occur in September next. TANTED- BOARD and LODGING for SV GENTLEMAN, under age, in a Gentl an Farmers House, in the Country, of respectab' and good character, where a little Shooting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T THE NERVOUS AND DELICATE.-By Royal Letters Patent.-DR. SIBLY'S RE-ANIMATING SOLAR TINCTURE has unw, beets before the public tspws of fifty years, and its beneficial effects in all cases or debi laositcude, cottaumPtin, lowness Of spirits au Devua a. ave never been known to tail. In rheumatic complaints an d~iges.- tion, whether arising from atmospheric changes or sedentary 00. cupation, it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IO COACH MAKERS. 1rr , P DmPOSED OF, an Old-establishe .,t \II XIAKING BUSINESS, T o'n in the Vest of England. 1 own desirous of embarking in thfl above .l tind this a most favourable opportunity, it hqiiS , l. ,establilihed nearly Forty Years, and the * odeng very small. c! di CresSOn wall be given for disposing of the mur 1)3 htl~t * and to treat for the same application be~lls;~ tidele to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Re THOMAS BOONE, OF BISHOPSTEIGNTOVF GENTLEMAN, DECEASED.' N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN-Tba/all N CREDITORS of this ESTATE who havd not given in the particulars of their Claims to the Executors, are requested to do go on or before the 1st day of JuLY next, or they will lose the Benefitof the'Dividend, which after that day will be declared and paid by the Executors out. of the Estate. A Balance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lad T11HE GRAiOK T55 THEH'IISTOATYo THEFITlSO ALL NATIONS. ~lat M/URILLO I IE IHPORTRAIT, wy .l and E G TSEIESoir, HIS CHOICEST' WORKES. Printed ontefnstPaeP r. for MAGNIFICENT NAIONAL WORK, his SPLENDIDLY Alin'LI5Beni. es, The FIRS OLUME of tho ILLUSTRATED EXHIBITOR and flt MAGAZIRNE ofART Is now Ready prces. 6d.; or extra cloth, gil adgos, 'is, Gd, This Votilem otan DtLSUPupwrds of Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... xnfoto to be Ret. APATENTS TO BE L SU nieely FUHNStED. tnoneof the beet parts of C T6N, _p well enited for a Gentleman engaged In bu8iness, bhgs within' an - e distance of Brlstol, aud where the comforts of a home will be btained. The milyissmall, and ifrequiredaBoard may bebad. .Address, pre-paid, to B. i., Bristol dercury-Ofdice. VfEA & GENERAL GROCERZY BUSINESS g A. To be LET, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]~STA; ENg T ~'oit YOUNG LA O rV EST,1IGiITON NE-AR LO ctfuA n itrnmgher~PiFrd tht ea to ,,D.RSONrsl,, fDIRSAYthe 5thJuly, 18522. bo NEy H 0 U S E, S WESTONSUFERR.NARE. 3JTOhavinfl gOned theabovedolel ~YW0OD~rece vng a EDted number of Young lef the interest and support of their j~i?~b r~.Pi~i ds and Visitors of Weston, 0on tbeir be- lt en 1 OS e ttention to the health, morals, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... URaINTXiG3 oft S e y. deciptiof~xv -I.withnacie ,hesselspsificstT1gEl BRl3TOL,)EROU7BYlk OFi Bg` OA TtlT.r . . IV -'USTR;ALIANt GiOLD >'It'IIE'LD W. oMTSSTOEET ,IVERPOOL, asr to inform Getlem E 'acrntwho aRe nTnt por the D gtitha hei P~~rnow a bulieg wAGith amlmrind CA~ttE'LS T (expessly foAs~rPaliR and Its clicoate), entirely Upon a nwpicpe i w neto whihfo cossor edsadoIsth .Eig~ttO a~re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL AND LONDON 'Vgg LIFE INSUIRANCE COMPANY, AND ( TRFETLIEROOL,, .oid 10 WAT2'jl11OULTRYLONDDN-I. And 20 ridtariiug eservediud,44,0)) TWOnbflys flproprictor unlimited. P 1' LI I'n should berlfenvedwlithill Fifteen Days ,'E' Renwal Iteceipts are in the hands of e 3(rertBe24 t bome ant abroad on liberal terms. drecifasisc tall ItObraollnder Table No. 2, have FexED ~e~ltiicile~ttt~e~~,not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIXTENSIVE SALE OF 5gST SHEltFFIELD PLATED GOODS, AND FASHIONABLE TOWN-MADE XEWELLESRY. ESSIZS FARGUS & SON will sub l iC C ETITION, with serv at HOt31 NoP o, 4, CLARE-STREET, on.IODYln h ,gR,0';,n olowiiong days,f ItĀ°argsand vaslable STOCIKof best Sheffield PLATED GOODS, And Some SILVER ARTICLES roeriv of a respectable Firm, Aeclining buasiness, Ilsre tasoe P~ s-lvr Premises, opoiothe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENETER. L ;,,7 TBS7J7;ET7, (tile lest business part in b !w City.) 0 LTIT oith immediate Possession, the ?? ?? ,t S nu PREISES~ataverymoderate ?? D. a tE Builder, ?? Paris-streft, or Mr. B ?? ?? I jl High-street. June 7tb. 1S'u'. n II 'b-DrvoN. . UTl' bv Tentler, for a Term of j or al rf ' .n m 3ichaelmas next, [ HA.i; PSON BARTON, ?? 'ri,h of Bow, about o Miles from the ..;r na, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED BY MR. JIAS. FITZE. HIGH-STREET, EXETER, THE UNIVERSAL FRIEND, AN EypicAcious TREMEDY AND CURE FOR THE PILES.-It is a] well known tact that this disagreeable complaint is one of very common occurrence in all classes of Society, and that its tediou- a panuandunlantconcomitants, are of the most to deacription. Tho Propriefor of the Remedy now offered to the p Public, a ...