Advertisements & Notices

... ,%AlXto b ifiFelon. MLIGIBLE PROPERTY IN RAiKE-LANE, EDGE-FILL rsuant to an order of the Liverpool District Court of Bank. ruptoy, made in the matter of John idg way, a Bankrupt, DiY MESSRS. THOS. WINSTANLEif & SONS, the persons appointed for that purpose, on wednesday next, the 14th instant, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Clarendon-rooms, South John-street, Liver. ool, subject to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flR1ESA ITALIA-NA.-I1 servizio Divino avri luogo o'gui Dona nica (piscendo a 00) zI Regent's Fcoms, 120, Great eroan~ls-strect, Cevetndiah square, ais ore 3, p. M. Ilivino Ferviee evesy SUNDA\Y AFTEROON ?? at 3 o'clock, in Rlegent's Room', ISO, Great Portl ad-szreet, ( avendishb-qusre. U minlAtTo, GIACINTO AIILI I. 1)OYAL HUMANE SOCIETY, instituted 1774, for the Recovery of Persons apparently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD DR. JACOBSEND'S GREAT ANERlICZ PARILLA. This celebrated Medicine or ally di covered IN THE YEAR 180b! and is theonl n d's Sarsaparilla inh Engladd or America. Wi ear 50 YEARS [RIAL on the moat inveterate Chronic- aladies, it has proved itself a medicine of un- exampled virtue and valtue to mankind. Composed as it is of the rarest roots, lherbs, towers, buds, and seeds of plants that grow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 4i LL Pe-sons to witorn EVAN LLcYYD), lale nf A MIeii-y po. it, inl the Contil. of Aili,'SesV, Esq., ?? tte~tut'l :LL thot ti Ile ,t Il~i d~evelsv rc IIIC r- ?? t ) sewll Foi,, it llE ?? c,, (wwIt o~f d~ O alilo'llilf. 3t lile and ilici Tili'I their Domi .IlS. tio !\I Sti ' Pool a, POWV1(,1,, LI$adl POOI.I:, S0l ILiiL'iS, Catll 1.tlV()I. JL1Ns Ist, G5?2. O i S IIL E A 1; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY ELECTION. R COY A N'S COMMITITTEE Sit Daily in TAITS i31 ROYAL S2NALOON, 19 PrRacEs STnEST. R. K- GREVILLE, Chairman. CITY REPRESENTATION. R CAMPBELL of MONvEzE at the particular request of Al his Committee. will have the honour of holding another PUBLiC MEETING with the ELECTORS, in the MUSIC VALL, GLoRcE STREET, on the Eveningof FRIDAY FIRST, at Eight o'Clock. Committee RnOrnts. 12 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONSOLATION FOR THE AFFLICTED. The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth, and he that is wise wii not abhor them2.-ECCLES. Yxxviii. 4. PRACTICAL BOTANIST, PROVIDENCE-PLACE, DISS, NORFOLK. Many years celebrated for the treatment of Scrofula, or Kitn ' El, Cancers, Scurvy, Leprosy, White Stvel- tnya, T'monre, Affections, Abscesses, and all Diseases tohiac have their origin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alto 1)V AnuC lt. I[LiREMPiTORYl SALE, iS11EEP'SCARPLACE. llKIN NERl-LANE. IIOUSFEIIOJD I;UISIYlURI1.. CIlIlAltNHY GLA S-, TISED STIEA1S aslid 10 (D5N. GLASS, CHINA, PICI'URES, LI NLNEI0TCII EN UIJTNS1LS, and otherwueful Lcto, Messrs T E'Ei AR llirte instructed by thp owner to S9Lj`, HAl' AUG1 '1N, ass JWe5,Insdsits scxt, Jul's Au,,titrnlls, 11151. onl the, No, 2, Sjlsepecar-place, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d~isO~EPAi CLIIOIF9N kRSSI, FARGS- & SO~iU*vl subi. E SRat0 COXpFETITION. on the Ftemikel , to CII rlew-th3 d St- C= os; %S 0 pil 'Ted nd o - D l aa Mat rla w , in teco Cpoeellard ay i ic IDABT ,E B ia, . _%Se uth \t, nadJ lnag the, WHIT Li SROD k la AptSSRS FAR GUS e SON nre MN In t d IMI - tsnFyUSLW SALE TXUTQI10.a thei 8IONTol0 , J vrr7 -iristoooaTUBSDYDteStdA~ayoly, PIXDf'iiie St .DET, ate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TARLINCI'S B ETALLIC INlK. TEEL l'EN S are ieidendred do(lbly ?? when used in t;:uon~ititctioli with 'I'AILt X(Nl'S m1rETAylliC INIK, which coinbines extreme lluidity with intenise blackness and great durability of colour ?? ?? by It. J. 'arling, and sold wholesale by Parsons, Fletcher, & Co., Printing Inik Manulaetuirers, 22 Bread Street. May be habl of T. Murray, D. Robertsonoind alckay & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L[IANWELL COLLEGE and PREPARATORY * SCHOOL, for the axm tlsat the ?? and Addlcombe. The system at Hanwell Coego ap o be peculiarly rtunate. We bave ba to record five Successes within a many mon~th (without One lalure), and we have reason to know that the young oficers are not merely cammed fhr the notce, but are tr carefully grounded In every branch *f esslential knowledge'.vjnlltwl wi lose D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .e To the Electors of the City of Oxford. AFTER, the kindniess and the confidence which you U chve so obligingly expressed and so signallly proved towards AI me, I know not huwto record the debt Of gratitude which I owe, or the pleasure and satisfaction which I have received. The struggle of a contest may more warmily excite the feelings '4of aL CandidaIte, and make the devotion of his friends ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W EST RIDING ELECTION.-At a Meeting of the General Committee of the West Riding Reform Registration Association, with other Liberal Electors, held at the Hotel, Normanton, on Friday, the 2nd of July inst., The Right Hon. Sir CIAS. WOOD, Bart., in the chair, Moved by W. M. E. MILNER, Esq.; Seconded by F. CARBuTr, Esq.; And resolved unanimously- That this meeting tenders its beat thanks to Mr. ...