Advertisements & Notices

... P ERUVWIAN LOAN.-Notice is hereby given, that thcre have been CANCELLED this day THIRITY-ONE BONDS of tbe PERUVIAN DEBT, amouniting to the sunm of £4,000 sterlinlg, benring interest at the rate of Three per Cent, per annmum, together wvith Sixty Dividend Warrrantls attaehed to each of' the said Bonds. The following are the nunibers and amounts of the Bonds so cancelled Letter C. No. 2S0 301 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dutyfree.] ST. THOMAS UNION. THE Board of Guardians of this Union are desirous of receiving TENDERS for the supply of Best FINE FLOUR, to the 30th day of SEPTEMBER, 1852. Tenders must be sent to us, free of expense, on or before THURsDAY, the I 5th of JULY. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest Tender. By order of the Board, BIDWILL and BOWRING, Clerks. St. Thomas Union, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENETER. L ;,,7 TBS7J7;ET7, (tile lest business part in b !w City.) 0 LTIT oith immediate Possession, the ?? ?? ,t S nu PREISES~ataverymoderate ?? D. a tE Builder, ?? Paris-streft, or Mr. B ?? ?? I jl High-street. June 7tb. 1S'u'. n II 'b-DrvoN. . UTl' bv Tentler, for a Term of j or al rf ' .n m 3ichaelmas next, [ HA.i; PSON BARTON, ?? 'ri,h of Bow, about o Miles from the ..;r na, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED BY MR. JIAS. FITZE. HIGH-STREET, EXETER, THE UNIVERSAL FRIEND, AN EypicAcious TREMEDY AND CURE FOR THE PILES.-It is a] well known tact that this disagreeable complaint is one of very common occurrence in all classes of Society, and that its tediou- a panuandunlantconcomitants, are of the most to deacription. Tho Propriefor of the Remedy now offered to the p Public, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sTEA toAUSTRALIA.-AUSTRALIANI ,TFyAL tAI STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S LINE IS -SCltE~'SI'A ~ lS.FoSYDNEY, callinigat ?? Jd King George's Sound, Adelaide, and Port Phillip, the 11tr'liWIT-j it. FRA-lKcYN Commnmtder, will he despatebed from sis,,t ofduty, and from Plymouth 3d t&uguet. Toload t~'00i~dn or~s. hese steanmers have most magnificent and II dossfortheaccommuodation Of passengers, to ...

Foreign Intelligence

... SForeiqn FRANCE. Paris, Monday Evening.— An order of the Minister of Po- lice suspends the publication of the Corsaire for two months. Some of the journals state that the Prince de la Moskowa has asked for permission to serve in the army of Africa, and that this request has been acceded to. — SPAIN. Accounts from Madrid of the 30th ult state that the Minis- ters and a great number of political ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 16A SHANGHAI Direct. - The undernamed r e and Irt ls Clippr Shi. will alt punctually from LestIdia Dockt.: a. v. Gi Vii', 593 lorfl HSW Americn clIpper; to sail July12. Fer freight or pasag apply to W. 0. YrOUNG. Onneour, oamb~l XiOR PORT PHILLIP Direct (to sail 5th August, r ig at D irtmouth to embark paengera), the beautiful gpper-bullt basque SIOSELLE. Al1, 650 tons buren, W. rHoMSON. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a ] 17SOATHERINE RAWLING phi tnouuce to the Ladies of Exeter R i vici i ilV that she has COMMENCED V a i NESS as a AJ) MANTLE MAKER, -O lTHERNAY STREET; and, in soliciting A,,nl support, assuresthem th tat it will be : !rt> to Merit these, by keeping the newest : b strit and prompt attention to all orders be troy be hobiored. --l TIM Pt TRADE. THOS. GABRIEL and SONS, TH| n Ts, of London, beg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUVJN LAN.-NOTIoE IS HEHEBY - GV&r,, hat there Ita beeaC AN47~LLLD this a TUI'TJ~Y. ONE BON'DS of the PEItVVIaS D bT, a ting te sut o; l et athe rate 1m. c tpe togthr it SltyMi ?? attseb o each oft the she ?? The numbers and anounts of the bonds so can- M 801 397 616 971 1,088 2,10 1i461 1.462 1,140 1,4 164 14 S.8 1,990 2.2 1 2,16- - 1, loS 11 it 23,1763 2,6631 2,636 3.951 A ntn to t Fhe om ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LUON nd ALISNratert Pianoforte V n'aturrs 8 an 7, 1egnt.'~retremoved fronm aiduratretandD stret PINOOR~iSofthe bedt work.- barig ben ut o hie (earl eqal o nw) to be, sold at a con. iderttleC Seondha~e nofzimby variou -,hes at *1IAXOFORTES.-CRAMER, BEALE, and Co. Uwhae the bWM of every description NE5W anai SECOND-H1AND, XSALE or llItE.-201, Regent-streot, and 07, Conduit. sueet. IXEDGES and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IEATRE ROYAL, 'DUB Fourth Appearance ot the youthful Arnerican Artist Misses KATE and ELLEN On THIS EVENING (Thursday), July 8; 1852, he per- forusnfces will commence wit ?? Burletta entitled p WEAK POINTS. After which the Interlude of MY GRANDMO ER'S PET. General Beauvoir, Air. Bateu ; Joseph, Kate Bateran. ,* be followed by a new Di ~rissement, in which Md1e. Ernestine St 1auin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i NR EXTORTION AVOIDED - By tE ectors and bereaed elateesof deeased noblemende. Zw I d.mplging thelrohoerer..t Mle, neaest ndert*yr, :wrhg, tpugh neeequlerements reeprt to the fineg k a to~thwl , SWd enneqqueanutlY indisttwo-od go do Ul~euaepes .der one rgeo any see of. pp or um~tuial f evaery cls, ad thq mos variedae a to defy, e t i t or'-e' feera1nz~de adm ?? s6 £T$UVEPB, . N - RYl - I G ...