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Advertisements & Notices

... SHIRTS. 227, - .HIGH-STREET,- 227. J. AND G. ROSS, SHIRT & COLLAR MAKERS, OUTFITTERS, &o., IlAVE much pleasure in directing the attention of Gentlemen and Families to the following List of Prices for GOOD LINEN AND LONGCLOTH SHIRTS, Made from Measure, and a perfect Fit Warranted:- No. l. No. 4. Good Longeloth All Linen Fine Linen Fronts, Col- 4s Gd Fronts, Collars, 7s 6d lars, and Wrists, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIOATIONS. Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudice, anrd Empiricism, 14S Wood cuts, 41 cases. 2 vols., Is. eseh; by post, Is. 6d, ON SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE. O To he or not to be, that is the question.' By R. J. OULVERWELL, M.D. (1841), M.N.C.S. (1827), ?? (1924), 2S years Medical and Forensio Referee ib these matters. Programne :-Advent of Puberty and corresponding Associa- ?? and Casualties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Publisbed, Third Edition, . i1llustrated with Colourcd Enlravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseses. Price is., or in a sealed EnvolD t by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HA P T MEIANS BY UL WHICH TIMY MAT BE OB a, Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and ttiuity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observationa on the treatment of Nervous Debiiity and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ ~0lTLA~BAY direct, a regular trader, .. rest P vfast-eailifig barque WYCLIF'FE, A. 1,'o~' , p~x commander; lying in the toll' great hjeight between decks, and moat exrel *fors 9pasoecgers.-For terms of freight or5 O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, a HOUSEMAID, who would- also be required to attend upon a Nursery. Apply Box 7, Post Office, Honiton. lXTANTED a respectable and well-educated WT YOUTH as an APPRENTICE to the Bookselling and Stationery Business, where the Printing and Book- binding are also carried on, and with which he would have an excellent opportunity of becoming acquainted. A premium required. Good references ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A u TRALIAN OUTFITS. Being extensive Exporters of READY-MADE CLOTHIN TO THI Austealian Colonies, Parties about to Emigrate-will fnd ifttob ah'sntage visit our Establishment, both from the infor o~ hey 'will be able to obtain respecting the - MOST SUITABLE CLOTHING, B RTSe&e., As well as from the saving they will realise, by procuring GOOD ARTICLES CHEAP. THE FREE TRADE WOOLLEN HALL, 52, HIGH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F `E Pzeou~tor~s d b!`exatead Relativ~ea` ot deeand mnobBnen, gen!1ey LIBER'S ESTABLISHMENT, CITY.ROAD, nr Pimbury-square, instead of employing their upholsterer, or the nearest undertaker , tpossesaing the needful requirements, rert to the fhnerni Zsnto him thetn, and consequently ict in two-fld profits. systemibombrnesunder one charge, to any scale or pomp humility desired, funere of every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1l1rtETITOT0 xrii. TOTNES. t i LET by Tender, for such Term as 0 ,l zw t-eed cu, from MsIichaelmas next, all that L;C)WER LUSCOMBE, ?? Ilarbertonnowv in the occupation of Mr. :1. : ensisting of a good Farm House, and i1lnl ACRES of prime Orchard, Arable, ?? ?? P limre Land; also part of ?? PPID(XE ESTATE, . - t 3 ouse and Outbuildings, and a3 ' tmi good Pasture and Arable Land, . d to pay all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JVOR SHANGHAI Direct. - The umdernalecd ,U new and Arst clm Clipper Ship will sail pnrctually ?? tie VWest India Docks: BOS ACCORD, 432 tona, Al 12 years; to sail August 1. Fqr freight or panse apply to W. 0. YOUNG. Sun-cousa. Corbill 1 HIP BALLARAT, for PORT PHILLIP, in the West India Docks. This splendid vessel requires only to be seen to secure a preference from lutemadm emigrants. She hias ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foretqu — CHINA. PIRACY AND MURDER BY COOLIES. The f lowing detat!s of the murder of the captain and several of the evew ot the A neri i ship Robert Bowne are taken irom the North Ciina Herald :— “It was mentioned that two of the seamen of the Robert Bowne had gone off in one of the beats previous to the vessel being recaptured by the crew. It appears these men—named Valentine and Smith—were ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I lF QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. JMS. Jouis C. JOSEItF, PATrirc r D MW-ANUAGE On TIllS EVENING (Thursday), July 29, 1852, will be parformed the Play of THE STRANGER. Thle Stranger, Mr. C. Dillon; hMrs. Hailler, Mrs.. C. pillon. A grand Pas de Deux, by Miss Caroline Parkes and Mons. Richarde. To conclude with the Drama of BELPHEGOR, THE MOUNTEBANE. Guillaume, Mr. C. Dillon; Duke de Montbason, M S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O YAL ITALIAN OPERA, LUCOVENT-GAUDEN. TH; EVE£SING (ThuisdaV July 29 Subsorirtlon Might. LES V rEc;OTS. Tbe Direotors have the bonour to siotanceb that, lncompllanoe with ae general wien of the Subsoviberi6 TIlS EVENING (Tbhrday) Inly 29, wdil bs given as a Subecription Night. In livu of Satur ay a4;1 Imnest and Tickets, therfore, for 8ept. 4, will be aevlt.. ^; bsEvening, July 29. O this ...