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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... BEDS PARISH CHURCfH,-The t EL gLEVENTH ANNIVERSARY of the Consecration oft: t Churchl will be commemorated Lss 2'hssrsday. ftc Seco5S sceitem- e -rnsext. The LORD ?? of thle DiOCESE lies expreased d ?? intention of taking part in the services, ansI SERlNIL(iDb , be ~rsiebdin the morning by the Right Rev. the Lll D II BISH8X of i£NtEWYORK, end in the Evening by the Rlight Bev thu LORD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ubVOW watfcra. LEEDS BOROUGH BREIWSTERSESS[ONS. LN'JTICL I's hereby given, that the Justices of the Peace lor the lforourrirof Leeds will hold their GENE R AL ANN U AL, bETING for the Licensing of Persons keeping or being ?? to keep irns, AlellSOB. aoid Viectuilling HOUOse, within the salt borourgh. at tile Coust-houso, in Leeds. tis the said boruh i iedlnesdaly. dic Teenty-jf~th dav of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ?? f ADVElRT Lsk1ssftS.-I one i At thiti season of the yeur, when wee usually lay aside our or f/i winter garments for the more light and airy summer ceattime, fthe iautidry, as~ a natural consequenssce gets busy. We havev TJ pleasure int reminding our, fair, reader s of tile Glwulleld Patent - btarch, which, we observe, is now used in noe lessen setteblih- TION, g I recutea thatie lguittry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION TTo 1IE UIlLD IN DIUBLIN IN IR53. The General Committee beg to inform inoencling Exhibitolrs that the designl of Mlr. John Bension has been adopted for the bisilding, and that it% Ooilittnnctioll has bsstn commenced., The wall and counter space will amount to about 2-3,005 Superficial feet, with D~owpr to. incrp.Ase it if required). 7WURSDAY, to FIFITH OF 1A Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ADVERTISEMENTS.] h GOOD NEWS FOR THE AIFLICTED.-Dr. ROBERTS'S e CELIhBRATIPII OINTMENT,called *he Po r Mhi s Friend,' . is coltidently recommenlded tothepublic aulannutt ing reme- t, dy or wounds of every description, a certain cirre or ulcer- ated sore legs. it of twenty years' sandling cuts, t urns, scalds, ilnrasem, chilblahs. rcorbutic etuptions and f inllpla in the e face, sore. amul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | ADVERTISEXIENTS.] GOOD NEWS FOR T}E AFFLICTED.-Dr. ROBERTS' CELi3BRATED1 ONTUMENT, called the Poor Allu's Frienid,' is cositidently recommended to the public as anufasilingreme- dy for wounds of every description, a certain cure for ulcer- ated sore legs, it of twenty years' standing. cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scoibutic eruptions and jimples is tshe face, sore and infinmed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it PARENTS. AND GUARDIANS.-Mrs. c BATES, No. 3, Biroh-place, Bury New-road, Manches- X ter, widow of the late Mr. Jthn Bates. who for many years was commercial traveller for several eminent houses, respect- fully nnounces that she i'S at present VAC NCIES for Two or Tihree respectable Youths, in addition to her present num- 1 ber, who can be 'I1AiIDED and LODGED at her etablish- ment, wh ch is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCARIIOROUGI1. To Timber Merchants, BUilderTs, and Others. Br Valuable Freehold Property. * c By AMTSr. SIMFSOX and POaTf-ATN, at ie 1Be1l Hotel, its Scirorogh in the county of York, on Tuesda -. thoe Tenth 0 da sfAu5OIlS at sixa o'clock in the evening. unless Pne- C viouly ?? o by private contract, of Which duo notiCO w'illbe given, F A Most valuable Piece of LAND, containing x' A3 1.171 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?_E77ucatfal. EMNCOLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES, ERManNs HOSE ?? Avs:,,-g-Toet, FT. JoaNS- 'I he lsrrangemlents tit this entablish nt icwllb conducted by a Gormsfl Protiestaut Lasdy, having now been comipleted. it may be Visited by thle parents who applied for prosrecuse toMr. Thrinm' LibrarsNew 13ondortreot, Lrosdoec whmas ute rriculare may beolbtaifled. The firntterm will commenice ?? Scre~seea4th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E hYNBAZAAU, CLECEHRATON.-The 1W Wesieyiss Methodists of CleckheAtoli are intending FERECTING ae NEW WESLEYA1N CHAVEL, and in order to assist the Ftitsd for the same, it Isa inteuded to BOLD) A BAZAARt in the Weeleyn.n School Rtoomn 'on thle 241h,'t5th, 26th.1 sad 27th oif Ajoptst nextf. oy the SALE VP- U6EPUL And ORNAMNTALARTICLES, for whsich the kind aid and cu- 0p~telol o te ?? te country ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [. er To Capitalists, Brewers, Maltsters, and Others. At the Fleece Inn, In Binrgly, in the county of York, oi Thursday, the Ninth day of Sep ;eaber next, at siX o'clock In , the evening, (siuject to condltions,l . VALUABLE F.;EIOLI) FARM, situate at Nlicklethwnite. in the parish or Bingley, lately occu. pied by Mrs. Sarah Wilkinson, deceases, comprising a very superior HOMEiTMEAD, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... stipping Noticto. t MIGRATION FROM LIVERPOOL .Ld FOR PORT PlilLLlp DIREOT-To sail oa , thc TweentL ~tflU Seplati.b to follow the Itip Van Y Winkle, and htted-up in the same elegant and _ eomfortable 8tyto, tie new and spledid Ul.nted o StateB clipper-built ship, blIAClKAMAXON, a. IIrIs c WHST, Commander, 1,3BO tons register. 2,500 tons burtlen. ' This new, Powerful, and fapt-saili g bhdp ...