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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... lO PE MUTUAL LIE ASSUCE AND HONESTY 4UARANTEE SOCIETY. S yAELISE1SD for Granting Aiaroane on Laves, GuarmstGe illi for Honesity, Endowments, Loone, and Anuti~.Ic pora'lsd under Act of P&Tl~aneniO5 Wlh As Gu t t F Principal Diepartment-4, PdlaOO5 et, Bank, London. Mr Sebgeant Nllen, Serge ins, Ganeeoy-aae the Jime Crawioy, FIucee. Olsarlee Die Ileegua.13iq., DOWgeFie and Bhlachect ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF LONDON THEATRE. Under the .cting Direction of Mr. E. E. Sarville. Triumphant su t5s of the new drama from the pen of Mr. J. Wilkins, mebracing the entire strength of the company-Re- R vivalef Susan Mopley, and The Road to Transportationf rrO.EOHROW and du-ing the week, to commence with the ! 1 sgaceesfulnew drama of THE MAN WITH THE RED BEARD, or, Friends and their Shadows. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO eORRESPONDENTS. Correspondents who do not find their comrnnunicatiaos noticed, may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline to do so. They are also requested to take note that no rejected article can, be returned. The great extent 07f correspondence compels us' to adapt this as an in- variable rule.: LUNATICS AT LiBERTY.-f SIR,-In so densely a po- pulated and extensively ananiiacturing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OO.RllESPONDENTS. Correspondents who do not find their communications noticed, may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline to do so. They are also requested to take note that no rejected article can be returned. The great extent of correspondence compels us to adopt this as an in- variable rule. THE AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING AND EMIGRATION COMPANY- SIR,-You have, no doubt, seen i4 shop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gRzATI iqATIONA% STANIDARD THEATRE. Proprietor, Mr. jo?:an Douglaaa. ._ The .argest -and ,Mosit ekg4athbtre in London-Glorlious suc- eeis of the 'odgiflD Madame Viarto' and Troupe, from the Wathalia-Last week of Klr. Narawood and his celebrated Mare, Biack.Bcss. , !. ;Z 0-MORROW, and during the week, to conmenoce with THE T SEVENTH VICTIM; or, the Murder at the Dog and Duck. Supported by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOPE MUTUAL. LIPSB ASUB.NA9 MM HONBSTY GUARANTEE SOCIETY. STABLISHED for Granting Assure3 on Lives, Guarante E.4 for Honeaty, Endownment, Loans, and Amuldes,-Ifoo- porated under Act of Parliament, Wi Guarantee Pindbl 4100;00o. 0Principal Depsrtmesai-, Princes aireet, Dank, LoodiL. . !. BObD OF MAAIOIDSET:. Mr. Sergeant Ailered $argenoanve , Chanesry-lade; the Simi,, Crawley,' Sussex. Charles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AS3TLEyS ROYAL AjPHITHEATRE. Proprietor mmd Manager, Mr. W. Bltty. Last week but two of Peter the Great. TOf1-MORROW, and during the week, wll be presented the new historilcepeclacle,entitled PETER TU GREAT For the frst time in London, a groups of Elephaits vwil be Istre- duced, which have been taught to run in the circle as hoges by their Eastern trainers, who will go through their fasts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORREBSPONDENTS. COUrepondents who do not find their communications noticed, may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline to do so. They are aleo requested to take note that no rejected article can be returned. The great extent of corsespornlence compels lJS to adopt this as an in. variable rule. BURIAL FOR TSHE DEAD UNDER THE NEw AcT-The parish of St. Pancras, we are glad to learn, has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT' NATIONAl. STANDARD THEATRE Propir4tor, Mr. John Dousglass. Success of the original madame Warton and Troupe-Engage ment of Mr. Arthur Nelson, the Rock Melodist, and Pine-stie: Harmonist; also M. Plimmeri, the celebrated delineator c the Monkey ?? hit of The Betting Boy's Career. T[O-IIORROW, and during the week, the performances wil TL commenoe with THE BETTING BOY'S CAREhLR Sup ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO C00-gySpoXDZNTS. Conrespondents who do not find their commuinicaions 100nced, ?? that we cannot answer them, or dtehane sO do so. They are aloreusedt eak exntentha lo rveiected article cat be returned. The great ex ent If correspondence compels us to adopt this as an in- eariable rule. THE LODGIING-HO50E MuoVEMEOOTt- is an astonish- ing act that tihe erectionoa houses on th e mo tohn plan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To GOB-ZZEBxONWT8 Cowespo s w vho do not find their ?? Dotiedmayiioe~ hatwe annt as~wthenm, or decline d so, ?? alo rnequtested to take note that no rejected articl can be returned. Te great extent of Correipondene copels his to adopt th as ail in- variable rule. A RATEh PAYER who is frienly go emigration, and consequently a constant reader-is thanked for his communisatiois Thefadt he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASTLET'S ROYAL AMPHrrHEATRUL iroprtetoraed Meagler Mr. W. Batty. Peslitvely the last aix nights of the spectacleof Peter the G~reat. ln consequence of Mr. Battyn Intention of openin ior an equea- tris eeas an, hvn g engaed numeros n talented at sts fo the ocsomn-E T-MORROW, and d uring the week, will be presented the TO new historical spectacle, ?? PRTER THE GREAT- First appearance of Mr. ...