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Advertisements & Notices

... cT0CALCUTTA vi; CAPE de VERDS,11 S4 F-Ad t° IGAPE of GOOD HOPE, MAURITIUS, ~ ASCENS iADRAS Tiie GENERAL SCREW STEAM C~fLo > oPANY'S LlNE of IRON STEAMERS, with her lal # Departure Departure Captains Tone. from from ls? H E.I.Docks. Plymouth. N Nathaniel Stowart ?? 1,800 Aug. 10 Aug. 15. i.5g . GoorgePatrickLambert 1,800 Sept. 10 Sept. 15. Itn ?? Vinle Hall . . 1,800 Oct. 10 Oct. 15. yctals ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A'-0 ?? op.Mulion, Ce gud :.e dras EAE~ ?? Majesty's Malls. r- --IILIe,,y u ItOP Nahaie Stwr .Ag 10 Aug. IS' mAA 18100 Georg arc Lttiet5 10 SePt. 1 1tt8fA SO John Vine Hall . ?? Oct. 10 Gct. 15Jj ISOTI uNov. It' Nov. 16 _ ~TDA~lh~ ~ - Dec. 10 De 1 180i JaIn. 10 Jan. 15 aeiildtcowater tightand tire.proofxpartmen, I. ja irr anoxde:fenedsurgoen. The cbn r ul ?? with bedding, Dmlt, drawers for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P ORTUGUESE ANNUITIES, 1843, for £211,575.-Tle SIXFEENtH HAXF.YEARiLY EqSTAL. MiKNT, *hiab became due On ce lot December, 1350, will be PAID *t- the rtuwuese Fi'nancial Aghney c MONDAY. thse 9th intt.,and ev.:ry ececd ng ?? andThursday, betwexn 11 and2 p'eloak. Tne Coupons c' be left for exanleation three days previous to the payment, to commenre on the Stb. o.. . X DE BBRITO, Financial Agent. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR T'H E SEt A-S I DE. F ~~NICOLL'S MORtNING COAT.Ma NIOIOLL'S GUINEA PALETOT; kr NICOLL'S GUINEA TRO WARS; tak NICOLVS HALF-GUINEA VESBS Either for the above purposo, for travelling, or a countrf ramble -oplte costume, with a net ?? prepared, all of use ull mnieA coore loths. The cap isn Not Chre for when the eomplete rol is formed from the same material. To be had im, the colonies or country ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11= (AUTION.-WheNea aeveral Ho8e ana Drapers Dj are selling an irritsloug,~ to be theasame es GLENNVS EALEBIGGAN SOCE~ wene ntroducedto thepublicat the Great. Exhtbio . and theprime medal. beung tbe most elastil and -adub stocking -made) CHARLES GL& dems It expedient, for t proegt ofep pub O himsel to saytbtno OeasO anyauthoritytomako such s bs hi Balbelgan Hosery can only be obtained at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... toCALCUTTA viA CAPE de VERDS, 1 Sx Fisgi to, CAPE of GOOD HOPE, MAURYTIUS, '0 id ]ADRAS.-The GENER.LL ?? STEAbi thi 3 Ss IpANY'S LINE of IRON STUMEcS, with her de ifllpl~sde li mxeilse on Departure Departure th Captains. Tons. trom from of mE.Dockls1Plymouth. Cl 1,8100 Aug 10 Aug.~ 10. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FnRTPILLIP Direct (wl , e 4qCO ps,,th), the remnarkably EiD burthen S20tons A. 0. A-~ ZNt~?;~gt'dNt gast Io0ia Import Dleek; Preaenht in Untielopotniyflt~ oe 0udt~nuber of cabin y80DFib5.'4O hte ?? 8 toj 0 AMPBELL and D,2 St.£to e.orhl. . o h r~egors ?? Sara), th 7ib The abv lptbnqwabitaprsl o eAi- trasan trade, and I elaatdfrpmnes a'dao eo a bertbs disengsaed at1 n 2ovaaa-pe i .S L3DA N1 an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROVAL'ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GARDEN. LE PikoPHlRTE. TllS EVENING (Saturdmyl, Aug.7, illbe ?? grand opera, LE PROPHETg. Fide, Mdme. Gvisi * iBertba. Mddle. castbn; Jean of Ixyden, Signor lario; Count Oberthal, Signor Tagiatloo; Sergeant, Signor Sowdi; Peasauts, Siguori Romnit and Raobs. Gions, Sthnor Stigelit; matbtieen, Signor Polontal; and Zaaenria, Herr Formes. The incidental Ballet and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and Empiricism, 147 W09' cuts,41cues. 2 vo., Is. each; byp oIt, ld,, l SINGLE AND MAR RIED To be or not to be, that It the question. AA By EK J. OULYERWLL, M.D. (1641), M.R.C.S. (1827), L (1624), 26 years Medical and Forensic Reeree in these mnt.m Programmne -Advent of Puberty and correspOd'n~WB,¢ ?? and Casualties of Sing!. LieMriB n ?? and Fruitful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A'OnVsvT ieC to SoroisTor, PcEjuDcso, and Estrxttorist. 117 Woodeuts, 41 Cases, 2 vols. 10. each; by post, Is. sd. t-IN SINGLE and MARRIED LIFE. To be, or not to be, that is the question. By B. J. CULVERWELL. TD. (IS41), MR.C.S. (lol71, L.A.C. (1814) ; 25 years Medical and Forensic Referee in these matters. Programsm.-Adseut of Puberty and Correspo nding Assusiatiesns -Duties and Casualties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flALLERY of BRONZES d'ART, comprising a complete collection of the Mathematical reductions, by ht Collas, from the chefs d'ueuvres of Antique anld Modern Ststuary in tire Louvre, Museum of Naples. British Museum, Galleries of Florence, and Rome, &c. to which a Council Medal was awarded in the Great Exhibition ; together with numerous articles of line art and utility, in candelabras, clcks, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. H PLAYHOUSE PRICE NIGHT. Grand Combination of Talent, including Mesdm9. de la Grange, Fiorentini, Garcia, Toccani Tasca, Ida Bertrand, and Charton; Sigs. *Gardoni, Cailzolarl, Do Bassini, F. Lableche, and Lablache; idles. Carolina Rosati, Guy Stephan, Louise Fleury, and tl, Dlarand.- Mi BALFE has the honour to announce that his BENEFIT will ti e place on Monday next, ...