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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... P 0 U _N D, GOLD P:ENCIL CASE. Apply at the Office of this A LPaper. 11th Auzust 1852. R OYAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. The DnriacToa bog respectfllly to announce tiat a ILF r-PFRICE PROMENA' iDE | wvill take place THIS EVENENG, THURSDAY, AorUST 12, IS52, From Six o'Clock till Duslk, when the splendid Band of the 7Th llussars wsill attend. 'An Ascent of a BALLOOfN, 20 FEE1T EEIGU, with Car and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDI}B-tURGii LAi)Il*S' INZrTITUfOS , 1 Y}n Prx LC3-. ' Tbe Exarninariin Oc trTb VUmnIs rVas at tnhis Institution t to-tk plL-eon M1-S7raS Tadr dLu , an-d W^ V-ei s-'L,- I:rec. A rnm- menrous indl bri iiiin' aiseoihiioe currnpose-i (hiefy io? trhe pa- It rfntszielt. y lrnr i i: Io _n-:-iit rest ittll ntile caii; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEORGE HIERIOT'S :IOSPITAL. filNTY-ONE BOYS vwII be admitted to the Benefits of tlis Institution at the. Autumn EleeSon, wvhich atkes 1,lace on the TEnRD MonAr oE OdscauzI Nem'r. They mlust rlh bt- lawful Sons of Burgesses and Yreemen of the City ot'f Edinbnrsbh, not under seven nor above nine years of aze on tlrel dcv of Election,. and whose parenS-ts are 21ot sit iciiCmDl¾ able i1t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C A L E D O N I A N HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. An EXTRA PROMENADE MEETING will be held in the SOcIYTy1s GARDEN, IsVERLgITHg, on Saturday. 7tii August. when a COMPETITION ini FLORISTS' FLO1W1-ERS. ecI., wiil takse place, and PREMIJUM1S vill be anvarded in terms of the published lrize List. Prlm Two till Five there will be a Promenade. when the i Flnwers. fec., xvill be exhibited. The Band of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEACHERS WANTED. T HE G O V E R N 0 R S of GEORGE WATSON'S T14OSPITAL are desirous of securing the services of TWO NON-RESIDENT TEACHERS, to act as Assistants to the Eesident Classical and English Masters. One of these must be qualified to teach the Greek and Latin Languages, in all their Branches, and the other mrit be qualified to teach the English Language in all its Branches, and also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. I Edinburgh, 5th August 1S52. 'HEE COURT of D1RECTORS of the ROYAL BANK of SC(OTAND give notice that a GENERAL COURT of PROPRIETORS will be hold at their OrrTcE in Edin- borgh on TUEsDAY., the 7th day of September next, at Two ,ttock afternoon, pursuant to the Charter. JAMIES WRIGHT, Secy. COMIEALRCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. A QUARTERLY GENERAL CO)URT of PROPRIE- TlfRS it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE Business of' the late Mr SMiTH, DEarsQT, having fallen Order the sole management of his Son, Dr S-MITH, h'r whom it has been coenducted since, and for some time pre- -vious to, the death of MIr S, is continued bY him in every lIe p artrne nt.- 12 Dundas Street, Edinburglh. E? DIN BURGH AND GLASGOW ILWAY. NOTTCE IS HrTRF (i GrIE-, That tlhe nest HALF-YEARLY GENEI-RAL MEETINt; of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MOORS. AJ TARSHLLL & AITEEN respectfully intimate to their umerous Friends and the Public that their present Extensive Stock o: LIGHT ScoTcE TWvEEDS for SHOOTING COATS, VESTS, AND TROUSERS, is tbmarkably well adapted for the present Season. LIGHT WATERPROOF REVERSIBLE OVERCOATS, LIGHT ALPACA COATS ANI VESTS. SoEE AGENTS FOR FOUGERE'S ELASTIC WELLINGTON. SURTOUT or OVERCOAT, so much ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MI E R. I C A N S L A V E R Y.' At the IRequest of the EDINBU:PRGII LADIES' EMAN- CIPATION SOCIETY. THE RaF-. PROFESSOR WILLIS of The FREE CIIHURCH COLLEGE, TORONTO, will de- liver an ADDRESS On) WEDNESDAY EVENIxO NEXT, the ISth instant, in the lRev. 1),a FaREc-,c's Church, College Street. on the present nosition *f the AnLi-SlaverV Cause-the hardships c-alsed bh the Fugitiive Slave Act, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADY, of weak Health, is desirous to board with s A Fam ily of respectability in Edinburgh. Terms from L.54 te L-60 per annum, payable quarterly. Address W, Office of this Paper. DINBURGH & BATEGATE RAILWAY. The HALF-YEARLY ORDINARY IMEETlING of the I EDINBURGH & BATEGATE RAILWAY COMPANY -will be held within Gina's ROYAL HOTEL, Princes Street. Fdiaburgh. upon MoNDAY. the 13th day of September ...