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Derby Mercury


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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... DAND NEWBOLD, PERE3IPTORIIY SOLD. pursuant to a TDecree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a T bse Wxsw' v. PinK, with the approbation of the GoaO Ross, one of the Masters of the said cour. at dbe T1GER yIN, at Derby, on FRIDAY, the 13th day of August, 1852, at Six o'clock in the Evening, lay Mr. JOHN MOODY, the person appointed by the id M~aster for that parpose, in Seven Lots, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. 1, ROTTEN ROW, DERBY. A A SMITH, GENERAL and FURNISRING IRONMONGER, CUTLER, BELL HANGER, GAS Si FITTER, 011 and COLOUR MERCHANT, &c., having succeeded to the Business lately conducted H 9j* ]d G. HOLMES, Cutlers, &c., begs to submit to the inspection of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and his sjeas generally, the whole of his good and well selected STOCK. . gaving a thorough practical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. SALE THIS DAY. WALlTON-UPON-TRENT. CELLAR OF CHOICE OLD WINES. ESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLD have the honor IAl to announce, that they are instructed by Lads DxsnaeowE to SELL by AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY, the 1I th August, 1852, the whole of the Select STOCK of WINES now lying in the Cellars at Walton Hall, near Burton-.O1-Trent. consisting of upwards of 80 DOZEN of Fine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uo, ion BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. 7t1 se, SPONDON, NEAR DERBY. the messrs. MOODY and NERBOLD will SELL by Lad AUCTION, on MONDAY, 16th August instant, on my the Premises of Mr. PrwELL, Saddler, Spondon, near 12 near Derby (who is about leaving the Country), :ch HE W1hole of his superior LIVE STOCK consiui ew T of one prime Milch Heifer, Barren Cow. three P- Rearing Calves. superior Dark ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. 1, ROTTEN ROW, DERBY. HSMITH. GENERAL and FURNISHING IRONMONGER, CUTLER, BELL HANGER, GAS - 9 F OIL and COLOUTR MERCHANT, &c., having succeeded to the Business lately conducted l . and G. HOLMES, Cutlers, &,c.. begs to submit to the inspection of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and his ,eds generally, the whole of his good and well selected STOCK. 143,ing a thorough practical knowledge of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SACRIFICE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. D O U G L A S A N D B A S T O W, LINEN DRAPERS AND SILK MERCERS, CORN MARKET, DERBY, lAVING dissolved Partnership. will SELL OFF, without Reserve, the WHOLE of their very CHOICE and H. VALUABLE STOCK, ?? of BRITISH and FOREIGN SHAWLS. MANTLES, SILKS. MUS- InNS, BAREGES. and a Large Assortment of FANCY and PLAIN DRESSES of every description; some ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. I, ROTTEN ROW', DERBY. H -%lTH. GENERAL and FURNISHING IRONMONGER, CUTLER, BELL HANGER, GAS I * FITTER. OIL and COLOUR MERCHANT, &c., having succeeded to the Business lately conducted n 3d G. HOLNZES. Cutlers, &c., begs to submit to the inspection of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and his ! ' neserally, the whole of his good and well selected STOCK. i 'gvi~n a thorough practical knowledge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. WATERLOO HOUSE, No. 9, MARKET HEAD, DERBY. R& KILBORN TSA ES this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public generally for the liberal tronage bestowed on him since the Dissolution of Partnership between R. and V. KILBORN, and begs to them that the remaining portion of SUMMIER STOCK will be sold at the same rate of sacrifice as on that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. FREEHOLD PROPERTY AT BORROWASH. 1O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By dessrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD, At the SARACEN S HEAD ISN, Borrowash, near Derby, on THURSDAY, the 9th September, 1SS2, at Six o'clock in the Evening, in the following or snob other Lots as may be agreed on at the time of Sale, and sub- ject to conditions to be then produced; Lot 1. ,I. that MESSUAGE or DWELLING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SACRIFICE, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. D O I G L A S A N D B A S T O W, LINEN DRAPERS AND SILK MERCERS, CORN MARKET, DERBY, hAVING dissolved Partnership, will SELL OFF, without Reserve, the WHOLE of their very CHOICE nod r VALUABLE STOCK, consisting of BRITISH and FOREIGN SHAWLS, MANTLES, SILKS, MUS- LINS, BAREGES. and a Large Assortment of FANCY and PLAIN DRESSES of every description; ...