... THE DRAXA, NUSIC, &e. .ITAXEASUOR, CovENr G,&4tPLL .-PoloMO, in Korma, Is not often th eharater in ?? actenorelects-to make his first appearance, The part,- indeed, is the proverlial bug- bear of the lovera ind 'the graceful ?? of opera; but, either as a matter of choice or neceieity, Signor Xegrini made his debut on Tesday evening as the deceiving pro-consul of Gaul. - The ?? of this artist ...


... FASHIONABLE I-TELLIGENC. The Duke of Leinster, the Marquis of Down shire, the Earl of Clancarty, the Earl of Donougbn t Earl of Glengall, the Earl of Clonmel, Lord Cloubrocke, the Crofton, Lord Duneandle, Lord Cladnorrise, Lord D , Aebtown. the Hon Skeffinaton Daly, the HEo Robr rDb, Sir Thomas Burke, Bart, M P.; Thomas A Bellewv, E Daly8 A O'Flaherty, Esq, M Pt John Sadleir, Esq. Re % p James ...


... LITERA TURE. Hiseory of the British Conqwests an India. By HaORACE ST. JOHN. 2 voIs. Colburn. Journal of a Winter's Tour in India, with a Visit to the Court of Nepaut. By N the H1on. Captain FRANCIS EOUTTON, RN. 2 Vols. V Murray. I An agreeable and truthful historians Mr. St. John d deserves many more thanks than he is ever likely to t obtain from the British public, that overfed and still w ...


... LITER AT U RE, Northt Britishi Review. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy. Dublin University Magazine. Dtiblinli : James Mu'Glaslhan. Fraser's Magazine. Lonicon: J. W. Puitrker. Poreign Evangelical lletietc. Edinburgh Johnston & Hunter. o The North British has gainedl a very influential position anmong CI the periodicals of thle day, and it seems likely to keep its ground. The writers are gonorally well ...


... Taken at it's Foundalior on TmweR.ay, Alay. .5 ,S52. (F'I;Om Pnh SARDAtAAXLcS W-aS a 3 ing. Extremely faid eriplea're:P. Ilic alateW.- a de cntt c:g, . In % iIc, extent. aout oteurt. fla'uv -I elt uti uuacitte Italc. . lual h *evwith gtlu c t utchol, WVthiu letididlpailitil'-'o their tai And e'.vganttt fm'ti i. BF.isTi ?? , t Ir . in:itt'dtti. a VIIcli iV;i IS . vi itti ith :rotOs-etiali ...


... DANISH INDUSTRIAL BXHIBITION. SECOND NOTICE. COPENHAGEN, AUG. 13. In making a few observations on the details of the Exhibition, we cannot do better than follow the order of the Catalogue, which occupies seventy- five octavo pages, and registers upwards of 1,000 articles; but a hundred or two additional have since arrived. An article often includes scores Iof objects. A. WoRis INT WOOD, ...


... MR. DOD'S NEW PARLIAMENTARY COOMPAN10M; One of the eras of Mr. Dod's useful labours has th arrived, and, as usual, he has grappled with his to task triumphantly. Every session brings with it its H alterations, and every session Mr. Dodholds up his el little printed mirror, and calls upon the world to et come and look. But, after a change of Ministry, a and a change of Parliament, it may be ...


... LITEit AT UUR E: Tim PICTORIAL HISTOReY OF SCOTLAND; London: O corgo 1 Y.irtue. Oun reatders i-ay, remember that about two months since wev Bgave at short notice of tho first and second parts of this excel- alent leistory of owr native land. After a careful perusal of Parts 111. and WY., which arc now beforo us, we find nio treason- to alter the favourablc opinion twe thec gave of the A'6rk. ...


... I. JULLIEN'S long-promised and much-talhed-of opera O itroit Grande was, after several postponements, pro- deced last night. These postponements could easily be enderstood by all Who witnessed the performance, from the 5st elaboration of the minse en 8sne, and the huge bodies of performers to be wielded and drilled. It is a pity that such unbounded expense and such unwearied exertions should ...


... I ?TEATRIOALS, ETC. ?? RKELT.-Acording to annual custom at this s e year, the Adelph companm have migrated _ /theatre in the Haymarket, where on Monday > v produced, for the first time, a drama entitled Writig onthe Wall. We rn rataed that it is from the pen of the Messrs. Morton but to whoever the pen now belongs, we recognise it as the identical pen with which has beese written the Adelphi ...


... I JOURNAL of a WINTER'S TO URiufVDIA.s I This is a very free and easy diary ; the attraction lying more in the style than in the topics-few of the latter being novel. As giving first impressions on a lively and susceptible mind, indications of character are excited and displayed; and these give a sort of dramatic interest to books like this. It is, in fact, a personal interest, and, in this ...


... LITBRA TU1BI. School Economy. By JELINOEB SysmoNs, A.B. Johu Parker. This set of essays on School Economy is truly what the title-age promisesa practical book i but we are cautioned against concluding because Mr. Symons happens to be a school inspector, that his views are at all shared in either by the Committee of Council, or by his colleagues in the work of re- porting to that committee. ...