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Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT GARDEN. RLEDUCIE) PRICES. Most positively the last Three Nights. Dlondav, August 3; Tuedoy, August 3t; Wednesday, Sept. 1. The Directors hose the hosuor to announce that the Subscrip- tion PNights havinlg concluded on Saturday last, they harc, an conephane wvith a very groat number of applications, deter- moiged on giving three extra nighto at a reduced scale of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRl. G, W M. REYNOLDSSE PUBLICATONS. The following Popular Works are Published every Saturday morn log at Mr. Reynolds's Establishment, No. 7, Wellington StreetNorth, Strand:- Weekly One Penny-Monthly Parts, Price Sixpence, fl E Y NO L D S ' S M I S C E L L A N I Rb Of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art. CONDUsCTED BY GeOnGE W M. REsNoLDn. Tistis ?? most ?? Pe- dodical ever issued ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10B to PASSENGERS per PRINCE of 50horl TS, for CALCUT'] ?? ship is now on her 1 \sl'a utll. PASSENGERS are requested to be there O to IB fl B. o, Tuesdaynext, the Slat inst., as she will sail oy ,tSpter.b F. GREEN and CO.. 64, (Joruhill. rstt ~tportsmouthMessrs. Garrattand Gibbon. iTEA to CALCUTTA vil 'CAPE de VERDS, iON, CAPE of GOOD HOPE, MAURITIUS. tecENS elA T GENERAL SCREW STEAM aed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O Y ,AL .TALIA.N OPERA,-1 EETaVA NIGHT. * k-T y VK Op THN SE&ASON. PTIELE' THE LAsr NIGHT OF US BUGUENO S IIIXVNIN ( hrsu~= MAlg. 2s, 'ltII~e erfranncd, f-ithe this mom. Meyotca Gfas Openr LEB IIUW PQKOl.X Falptti%,Adme. tisi; Margarita di Veoiak, .Mdk&.'iohpr 4r*& : e iu tatu ebaraoter) * Dama'd'Onqre, ialle. Cti; .Urbano, S8quin, tharcello, _lg3or 9ab4; ?? dt duB9 , 4t or jP@SIiniI; U1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T BLESSING OF EALTH may be r E ByLEveryI ro cherF l happy old age aILL OF HEALTH,8 secured by' the use ?? ?? ,eesherse of tried efficaicy, of estomachic and ?? eficenoperieesan These ll uchad immediate relief from the properties-an lier ~l sine in ethe tide or chest, or effects of lver .kheadache, Oppression effter meal Qerbne sam i eitv . idigssyion., &C. Persons pre- disose tupALeLY soWecHO ...

Published: Sunday 22 August 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2469 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... JOIN I MEDIATELY! ho desire to participate in the f~lloving advantages, must forward the Ish innmediately, so that we may announce actual Prizes, which we are anxiousto bave drawn for and distributed on the 9th o September (if possible), in order that be result may appear in our Columns on the 12th, three days before the ST. LEGEat MOCE. ,subscriptions sent to the Era Office on or before ...

Published: Sunday 22 August 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1593 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... _ T &-ff V. ,i , q ; 0 LEANLBSS.-Aw 210 Doeti | v- !^ ~ne ?? .or lse~~ Srthan -uw fsrtg.-1SiOXEtqN ?? dn LEBAD cannot be *sed, and Is * pw st~f fuiture ho = eN IlJn*tonstiecsoft *dctnmbaiw ?? rqzaoina rsti- c~ 45.i ixlz4t~ tes W; & W.EU ?? ct informl hewir Meds J e t e MJ ?? fill, 21.. per Ir an d W zethe xa t e FmA I; V O.SE lfr WAT13RIN-; ROSE 'in well adiapted the4^bo~~)ke;eec and ham its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rsf2 \5rL3 ROYAL, HAYMAtRKET.- Lesce, Mr. 13. WireST iR. i i. ' CarllkraY. tor two Weeks only. Diroctress, it ..-I 'l'}-iag .c let tit of tile tnie drama, Powerful Incidents, Adelphti elfects. Crowded Il>2> { Vg 23,zr 3aned duringtheweeli,thetrewvandhi,~lrlvi PritS. il three acts, by Messrs. Thomas and a 5 tint,] cadlld THlE WRITING ON TiE WALL. cliii'-' 'K - ~.wright, P. Bedford, O. Smith, ...

Published: Sunday 22 August 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4926 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... METCALFE and CO.'S NEW PATTEji ; TOOTH-BRUSH and SMYRNA SPONGES.-The te, , brush perfbrms the Lighly important otiace of searehingtlhr, 1 inte the divisions, and cleaningin the mest extesordinarymxe,_ hairs never come loose; Is. Peculiarly penetratinghrib.- _ wixth the durable unbleached Ruesia brnstles, which aill noi _ ?? common bsair. Improved clothes brush, that clealns bauq'flj mn one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gOR FORT PHILI4P Diet (callinj at=Dart- mos30uth to embark: pnseugrs the beautilhl new fastsaallinct de.ut ship JANET MITCHELL, 41 for 18 yean. 1,00 tons : . FiSIER commander, lying iD the St. Eath~ari Doe&; Wi sail I ?.~rnibourae and Geelong, Port Phiap, On the 8th September. Rer pooP sfitted wlttl all the nodern improvements for carryingl pase~ngers, and thhelgbtctween deC s nine feet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEDICATED. WITH PERMISSION, TO MRS. CAROLINE CHISHOLSI. M ACKENZIE'S AUSTRALIAN EMIGRANT'S GUIDE. Contents:-Advice on the choice of a ship, outfit, health, arrival, an account of the colony, and gold diggings, passengers' contract ticket, government's offer of land in Van Diemen's Land, and free passages. By ENo8.s MAcacENUn, 5, Wine-office-court. The country trade supplied by their London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY O HPRO- .IL BRMINt4AMLICENSED TIV[C DN ftof the T BIRMINGHAM DINNER 'IEdTION SOCIETY. -'le ANNUal tel on TUESDAY, SOCIETY will take place at Dee R y the 24th of Augu.t. Esq. MP., in te C ir. f. N. NEWDEGT ON Vice.residenti. Alderman T I ?? Irgn, ?? generally is respect- The company of the Mom of the COinitlOC. fully solicited. Seror OMAS SF0WELL, Secretary. Deputations ...

Published: Sunday 22 August 1852
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2166 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices